LAB 11-01-1982 " /" ~ ~ ~.l J~ '- " r.-~II.~-UTES CF SCH;RTZ PUBLIC TPEARY ADVFCRY BeARD The LibTi:'r<" Advi~or:T BO?Td rset 2t 7:30 pm. ~.L (....;, L. their reCcll.':Cr ,',eetil1C en Honda:r, November)., "1982, Ab-ent ~;eY'e Tony Faul-en, Doric Courtne:" i:J'lC R1Y, Hendricl::::. The ;..iLLIte:" of Octooer 4 liere re:--d. Fred RC"f I:",cveCi ,:e ;:;,ccs'rt ths :-:il'lutes c..nd Julie Parr seconded. TR=_4Su~BRIS RE?C?~ ( CfC,p --"'-'-" .::..ttccloed) TI1Ere ~aE c letter from the ~rob2~i0r officer l:it~ hr:.lf of the S62 thf.:.t 11C.;~ rtclen fro~: tb.8 lib~~:,r3~. returned S12.~.OD ~ $19 check a~ rsrtitution fer T~e juve~ile had ~r2viously Renr:" floved that 1:e "'ccce:;:,t the Tre:::r-urer t s Rs')ort. .::-::ti , , s eCC11C.SC. Gail re-;orted that due to spend any Eoney on books. the' ccnyroveny ever t'- r -..'-1t::: CCUJ.1t:t +..-....,-.. \,.,:. ....- ~ l: .:= :co;_ i- r_l , sb.e c ~rl:'. 0 t Julie made a motion that the S500 fro~ Schertz Bu~ine-~ Club ~o to beoks. Richard r:-econdea. l-1indc chpneed. Julie retr;:cted end ~ichE;rd ;'i thdl'e;~. IIBEt~IjiliIS RE?CET st2ti2tics for October: 38 Rec-ident 6 I~on-R:sideTit 1 ue, srI 1:' fee "'tior -fi :IO~ ('7?1 o,jp, ----......~ (-, 2,C47 circul-ticn 29 ~tor-- ~._=jur There are 6,343 Adult, 1,189 yc~nz 2dult 2nd 2,248 juve~ile bookc. Julie end Gail accepted t~e P5CC check from ~he Bucinec~ Club. The}O~ L:.ll be r " ( . T' , m' ') --(!,...!.-"',non -'.enn.-:::'~0 .....--_ 1'~-;~1T"C'r',""'-"" _ ..L_~.:...... y ,I >...L....o.-'-'._ \....:.. _ 11.-' .....__L____ ,-,I.A~'./ I in S.,.n p...:.::.tc'.io collectiGn dSVElc~==eL~. )'"dol=:;~ A';Til :.r, E=:-Officio, rc)orted tl-;Et Hr. GilLore t21ked to Er. Harris about rsvc':L:C a :;'c,trJ21IS c::.rd. Gail ~~ill check it out ~:ith l'~r. GilmoTs. POLICY Julie read a li::-:t of Tecor:r:oendeo. chs,n[e" to ~Jolic::' c,::-H-l -b::--la--s. Frs-d Feved; Ruth secenaed we 2cce~t the entire li2t. Motion cErried. (See att:ched.) PUBLICITY l-~"r~.---Y'e-'-- ~e'l'\" --''"'e'' '~~ c-_..... ~ w~~~~~~ U "eld h2xe publicity ll: L-C:.-U.t -LI ) C '-~: r~i i 2-_ c~ "fI83. ,~_,....,,"l.rw.L rt .;..c~ .__...:.. _::..... '-'" u. . OLD Elm IlTESS . L-,O)J . Six (6) letters vere sent to ~i'-lctor8 fro=. b02.rd :::-;emberc,. One (1) visit . Fade to a cE.ndidate~ ~ ~ b2J ~/f rr/r-{3 I.flpPt-~cl/' Evelyn ae-ked :for 2 menbers to ,,-udit Julie' G books. Richc,rd Bledsoe and Dons Gr~in=er volunteered. 1. li22. 2. 3. lIarc;-c.ret c-:.lled. the st:-te Librc.ry 2nd six (6) Gore true-tee nanuals l;ill be ~ent d:.en :printed. 4. Fred turned in finished fi~res on rSlodelinc of ThuleDeyer Home for city council. IfE':T BUSIlTESS 1. R:8SIGEATICF ?.2.CL DORIS C0URTI~EY ~-;AS READ. Ee:':~17 =-~vecl :-8? CC8)t, ,-i th reluctc:mce. Ksrsc:.ret secOl"ldeo.. Eoticm c~_=-"1'i8d. 2. Fred :pre~ented architect's dr[~ing of the ne:: buil~inz ~ith copies to the Board DeEbers. Dona :=.oved ~e pay architect out of the building fund. Patti :: econded. Eotion cEr:ried.. Evel~m B.," iened RichL:rd to get the dr21iing fn:.med. 3. council "ork2,hops: November 10 - Fred Roes Dece=.ber 1 - Patti Lovelady Julie ~~ill 1)8 gc_~inG to COU11Cil Deetil-~g~'. 4. E\rel~T!l :_.erlt eaT'2;'e r-r::.le r-ibl~-llp "'f';orl~ -l-leet. 5. hB.rG~ret reDortsd on DC Libr2.r~ Crc~niz~tion neeting. They had G1X (6) ci tizen:c :::h01; U"8. Be,r1yra Gibt,in' (D-lO) cODdt,-ct~d tl18 ci [cur; io'n. Told them -t~ h?ve tvo - (2) :::::ore Lee~inGs to =se if e~eOu:;n Deo'Jle Fould :n : Jo::r-t tlleir efforts. 6. DeJleB. 'orc,u:;ht tte i2;,vi TC.tion to Ad-)_l t :-c'ucccticl". C::>eIl Eou::e. 'Ilill cLio c:heck out & pc.rii3r1);_cl:: r~ cl:. ItI8..I';::--.I'et l"_-,J:)\7Sd -:'~e :-..c1jc"t.":_rn. Fred ~-eCC-~lc~ec:... L.:Jl;lon c=-r:2-"ied. ~j . "';1 ; n .. . oL~; .~ .'{UTE ='I-fYCR -' :) 2 . November 1, 1982 TREASURERS REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1982 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Schertz Business Club Restitution from juvenile Fine Money Users Fee Change from cashing CDs $ 539.75 $500.00 19.00 23.95 10.00 .13 $553.08 $+ 553.08 DISBURSEMENTS Users Fee to CD# 2 PRESENT BALANCE $ 10.00 j,t- $ 10.00 1082.83 CD # 1 Cashed ($ 928.00 plus $ 5.08 Interest) $ 933.08 CD # 2 Cashed ($ 35075.00 plus $ 192.05 Interest) $+ 35267.05 Users Fee to CD # 2 $+ 10.00 $ 36210.13 CD # Purchased ~- 9"3"3.00 $ 35277.13 CD # 2 Purchased $- 35277.00 In General Account $ .13