LAB 07-06-1981 ,... ,Y SCIIER'l'Z PUBLIC LIERARY JULY 6" 1981 Margaret Riley brought the regular monthly board meeting to order. Absent were Doris, Doug and councilman Earl Sa\vyer. The minutes were approved. TREASURERS REPORT Please see attached sheet. LIBRARIANS REPORT There were a 109 resident, 17 non-resident and 2 users fee cerds issued. Circulation was 3006 with $45..02 in fines, and 60 attending story hour. There are now IIr467 catalouged books.. The summer re~ding program has 125 enrolled. The children and directors are making a 8 m.m. documentary film.. A order for 95 adult books has been placed to be pe.id for from the Dobie grant. Linn is to be on vacf't ion for 2 weeks 'and will be returning July 28th. Julie will be in charge during Linns absence. BtmGET & FINIANCE Donna reported on the June 8th meeting with City Council with our budget.. A conclusion wes made that this pprticular meeting accomplished nothing. We will not be recieving any United Fund money this year. BUILDING & PROPERTY The I..B.M.. typewriter has been fixed and a water pipe in the ladies restroom has been wrapped. It was noted that about the only cleaning being done is the vaeuming and that we should inform City Hall about this problem.. Henry showed various floor plans he designed for the new Libr~ry. Ruth made a motion to build a metal building seconded by Henry. Motion carried 4 to 3 with one member not voting., Ruth mAde a ~otion thpt we bu:lld a metel building app.. 5800 sq. ft., Henry seconded. During discussion a better iderl CBme up.. The above motion wps defeated. Richard made 9 motion that we use the plans & size that Mr., Gooch reccomended. Donna seconded and motion carried.. Donna made a reccomendation that the building committee be expanded to include Evelyn & Richard to gAther information and bid specfications for the new building.. Reccomendation approved.. , POLICY Donna made a motion to include a new parAgrAph in Article I Sect 7 ORDER OF BUSINESS. "The 9.genda. may be altered b~T A vote of the majority of members present at any meeting."~ Ruth seconded motion. Motion carried. NEW BUSTN'ESS It wps agreed that the Exec.> Board would write an updeted version of ,the resolutions and be presented to the Board and City Council for approval. Mr. Henderson res igned from the Board.> Donna made e, motion that Evelyn check on security locks 8: prices for the Library, seconded by Jackie. Motion carried.. ,?b'fS- Income from the 4th of J'uly booths was $305..25. Expenses \'/P,S $eg _00 . with e total prof! t of $214.."'62" 30 Margaret suggested Evelyn write a "Th~nk You" to the Schertz Business Club for the opportunity of the fund rai~ing booths rt the 4th of ~uly picnic.. Ruth W2S to write a Thank You to the pap8BS. Ruth mpde e motion to adj'ourn seconded by J'ulie. Motion carried. Respectfuly ~ubnitt~, f~J/]~ 6 July 1981 " .. TREASURERS REPORT FOR JUNE 1981 GENERAL ACCOUNT PhEVIOUS BALANCE IN COlliE County Revenue Sharing Users fees $2500.00 30.00 .68 $2530.68 purchase) $2500.00 70.00 98.00 $266e.00 Change from cashing of 90 day CD's EXPENDITURES {added to 45 day CD County Revenue Sharing Users fees Additional PRESENT BALANCE 45 day CD's (in effect) Book Sale Proceeds Dobie Grant 90 day CD's Cashed : 1/ 1 II 2 ($798.00 plus $22.83 Interest) ($16072.00 plus $459.85 In~erest) Total Added from General Account 45 day CD's Purchased II 1 1/ 2 Transferred to General Account $ 691.94 $ 2530.68 $ 2668.00 $ 554.62 $ 1151.00 :$ 2284.00 $ 820.83 $ 16531.85 $ 173 52.~68 $ +2668.00 $ 20020.68 $ -820.00 $ 19200.6e $-19200..Q.Q .68 SCtrERT'Z PUBtIC LIBRARY JTI1JNE I" 198 I Margaret Riley brought the regula.r Absent were_ Richard, Elaine", Doug :Minutes were read and approved. TREASURER"S REPORT GENERAL ACCOUNT Previous Balance Income Schert.z-C ibo10 Lioness Fine Money Memorial Donation C.D. Interest Change Users Fee monthly Board meeting to order. and Doris. $581.32 Club $150.00 24.00 20.00 1..23 10.00 $205.-23 $205.23 Expenditures Books (Lioness Money) 30 day C.D. #1 cashed 45 day C.D. #1 purchased Transferred to Gen. Acc~.. " fjpI15I..47 30 da~l C.,D. #2 1151.,00 45 day C.D. #2 - .A7 TrBITsferred to 90 day C.,D. .# I (in effect) $ 90 day C.D. # :3 (in effec~) cashed purchnsed Gen. Acct., 798.,00 16'072.,00 94.,61 f~69I..94 f~2284.. 76 2284.,00 .76 LIBRARIANS REPORT There were 60 resident, 9 non-resident and 1 users fee cards issued in May, with $51..30 in fines, 84 children for stor~r hour and a circulation of 1681 articles. Cntslouged were II,520 books., For National Pet week Dot Harborth made a presentation on the cEtre of Pets for the first grades at Schertz ElementFtry.. A Cub Scout den toured the Library, working toward their Wolf Ba.dge. Linn also showed films to the Senior Citizens at Clyde Ford Villa.ge. There s,re 80 children enrolled in :fvronster Madness summer reading progrAm starting June 10th at the Library., The Texas Bluebonnet Award Reading ProgrPlli published 25 books reccomended for their childrens reading progrl"m. Each child reading these books will get a che.nce to vote on the "Best Book" in JenUEtr~T of '82. Some of the money donated by the Lioness'es wps spent on Monster books for the low reading level. BUDGET &: FINANCE Rings, prizes & coupons and fun sheets were donated for the 4th of July booths bv McDonalds.. Marg~ret, Riche.rd end Linn atterlded a Grant Proposal workshop. A proposFll vms presented for a $1000.00 to the United Fund on Ms.y 13th. Results will be dec ideO. June 6th.. On May 19th a proposal vms sent to the U.,C. council for thier Citizens use of our Library besed on a. per capita income to be ps.id to the Schertz Librflry by Universal City.. BUILDING & PROPERTY A cord 'WBS repla.ced on the ROYEl Electric Typewriter._ Henry informed the bonrd thet the larger ft metAl building the lower the sq. ft. cost was. No floor plans were presented et this time by Doug or Henry. NEW BUSINESS A work sheet wes passed to the board members for the 4th of July booths. Eve ry one was urged to sign up. Ruth ma.de a motion to adjourn, seconded by Julie. Motion ce.rried. ~~fu~