LAB 05-07-1979 , ~ June 4, 1979 The Schertz Public Library Board met May 7, 1979 for its regular monthly meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting held in April was read and approved. The treasurer's report as stated was approved as read: General Account Previous balance on March 30, 1979 $1,164.45 Income 1,020.17 Expenditures - 637.03 Present balance - April 30, 1979 $1,547.59 Investments Interest on C.D. in April 14.51 Present balance of C.D. 2,538.00 Total deposits as of April 30, 1979 $4,085.59 The librarians report indicated that circulation for April totaled 1,101 with 27 attending story hour. There was $24.70 collected in fines during the month. Committee Reports 1. Book Committee reported a total of 9,008 books cataloged in our library. We have received a new shipment of books from our Baker & Taylor order and will be receiving more periodically. 2. Budget & Finance Committee met twice and a letter pared to send to charitable organizations for assistance. attended council workshop and the City Council will fund a beginning in ~~~. 3. Building & Property reported on the possibility of getting pro- tectors for the entrance way to the library. is being pre- Ruth and Doug librarian 4. Publicity & Public Relations has been getting news articles in the papers about the library and reported on the books ordered thru the Chuck Siniff Memorial Fund. 5. The Executive Committee met and authorized the spending of approximately ~5.00 for a new book base. Old Business 1. Douglas Mikus reported that after the book sale the surplus books ... have been sold for $100.00 to Earl Grover. 2. Kay Sherman & Ruth Tienor attended the District X children library workshop and reported they had a very informative program. New Business 1. There was a discussion on plans for a First Anniversary Program to be held June 7. Refreshments will be served and the community is in- vited. 2. A thank you card was read from Mrs. Chuck Siniff concerning the books ordered in memory of her husband. 3. A report was given concerning the Library's entry of two booths in the July 4th Jubilee. 4. There was discussion of holding a volunteer workshop on May 30th. 5. Dr. Harborth has donated a years subscription to Todays Animal Health to the library. 6. A letter of resignation from board member Kay Sherman was read. Douglas Mikus made a motion that we accept Kay's resignation with regret and thank her for the service she has given to the library and the community. Edith Cloud seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. adjourn. There being no further business Harriet Lipps made a motion to Kermit Harborth seconded. Motion carried unan. ously.