LAB 01-16-1978
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JANUARY 16, 1978
The first regular monthly meeting of the Library Board was brought to order
First form of business - election of officers; Chairman, vice-chairman and
Marge Radowsky made a motion, seconded by Kay Sherman, to elect officers.
Motion was carried.
It was agreed officers would have two year terms, as well as three other
board members. Therefore six of the twelve members would serve two-year
terms, the remaining six members would serve one-year terms.
Nomination for Chairman was Ruth lienor. With no other nominations, Marge
Radowskymade a motion, seconded by Edith Cloud, to accept Ruth Tiernor by
acclamation. Motion carried. Ruth Tienor was elected Chairman.
Nomination for Vice-Chairman was Marge Radowsky. With no other nominations,
Mary Neleigh made a motion, seconded by Marguerite Martinez, to accept Marge
Rakowsky by acclamation. Motion carried. Marge Radowsky was elected Vice-
Cha i rman . '
Nomination for Secretary-Treasurer was Marguerite Martinez. With no other
nominations Marge Radowsky made a motion, seconded by Mary Neleigh, to
accept Marguerite Martinez by acclamation. Motion carried. Marguerite
Martinez was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
The following board members will serve two year and one year terms:
Ruth Ti ernor
Ma rge Ra dows ky
Marguerite Martinez
Doug Mikus
Kay Sherman
Harriet Lipps
Jane Gordon
Mary Neleigh
Eve lyn Rodgers
Edith Cloud
Barbara Hughes
Jean Delony
Seven -committees~were set~up-wi-th-theJollowing members appointed:
1. Remodeling - Mary Neleigh, Kay Sherman, Evelyn Rodgers
2. Clean-up - Marguerite Martinez, Jane Gordon, Marge Rakowsky, Evelyn Rodgers
3. Cataloging - Harriet Lipps, Jean Delony, Jane Gordon, Edith Cloud
4. Library Policy - Marge Radowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Barbara Hughes
Edith Cloud
5. Finance - Doug Mikus, Jean Delony, Kay Sherman, Mary Neleigh
6. Volunteers - Evelyn Rodgers
7. Public Relations - Jim and Kay Sherman
The Cibolo Valley Jaycees book drive is scheduled for the 18th of February
at the Library Parking lot..
The Dobie Library Fund was discussed. We have submitted a letter to them
in hope$ of financial SUPP9rt in the future.
A complete review of clubs and organizations was gone over. It was agreed
letters should be submitted to them asking for their help, or in some cases
we go to see them personally.
District #10 Workshop--scheduledfor-February 1st wa-s brought up. We- had
to notify them in advance of how many would be attending. Seven of our
12 members planned to attend. Topics of discussion were the new Copyright
Law and the 1978-79 budget.
Ruth Tiernor asked for suggestions on the subject of just whom would be
eligible and ineligible to use our Library. All ideas were to be brought
up at our Library Policy Meeting scheduled for January 24, 1978.
The business meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Marguerite Martinez