LAB 02-06-1978 . ~.. ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY FEBRUARY 6, 1978 The Library Advisory Board of the Schertz Public Library convened in Regular Session Monday, February 6, 1978 in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex Building with the following members present: Ruth Tienor, Harriet Lipps, Marguerite Martinez, Kay Sherman, Jane Gordon, Mary Neleigh, Edith Cloud and Barbara Hughes. Absent were: Doug Mikus, Evelyn Rogers, Jean Delon~>,' and Marge Rakowsky. Others present were: ' Earl Sawyer, City Councilman/Ex-officio Member of the Board and Ralph Lipps Jr. \ Chairman Ruth Tienor opened the Regular monthly meeting at 7:10 P.M. The minutes of the January 16, 1978 meeting were read and approved. Marguerite Martinez gave the following Treasurer's report: Previous Balance $1,548.00 1/17" ~tp Purchase Typewriter 36.00 Cataloging Supplies 80.95 Present Balance $1,330.55 Each committee gave reports and informed the Board of action being taken at present time. . Kay Sherman reports from Finance Committee that an estimated $1,850 would cover cost of carpeting, furnishings, desks, everything necessary to set up the library for opening. Mr. Von Scheele, owner of Oak Hill Motor Inn is in the process of replacing all carpet~, and is willing to sell carpet to US.for. $ 2.00 a sq. yd. The carpet is years old since they replace every ~years. At this cost, the Board could carpet the whole library for $600. The cost of carpet $300 and $300 to install. Kay Sherman also reports that the VFW has offered to put on a dance for the Library. They want the Board to help set it up and pay for the band. We may sell raffle tickets at the dance and they will have the drawing at the dance. This should attract more to the dance. .. Harriet Lipps reports only 48 books have been cataloged in the two Tuesday night sessions they have had. This is not near enough. As soon as the books are moved over to the library building, the cataloging should move at a much more repid pace. Mr. Lipps has offered to use his pickup truck to move the books over to the Library Building, Saturday, February 11 at 10:00 A.M. We will need a lot of volunteers to help out that day. Mary Neleigh reports we should have no trouble getting crosswalks painted by Library since the City will be painting bike lanes, etc. very soon. So the City has a work order to do the crosswalks for us. The water fountain is still on question. Whether we will have to buy one or not we don't know. This being a building open to the public, we feel it is the City's responsibility to furnish a water fountain. " -4 Mary has talked to. a couple of electricians to get their opinions of the cost and problems we may have with exit lights. . Mr. Cooper will make and donate a ~ign for our library. Kay Sherman reports on bookshelfs that Mr. Montgomery of Acme Lumber Company gave us the best price. The cost being $391.92 for lumber. JLset. of plans has been sent to Mr. Perkins at the San Marcos Boys Clubin San Marcos near Austin. She is hopeful they may come through and make the shelves for the main part of the library. Dr. Harbroth of the Schertz Business Club has offered to make all four foot size shelves for the Children's room. Marguerite Martinez reported our library cleanup seems to be moving along rapidly. We did all of ceiling and walls in Children's room today. Four more cleaning days and we should be finished. Ruth Tienor went over Library Policy with Committee. Mary Neleigh made a motion, seconded by Edith Cloud, to approve Library Pol icy. Motion carried. Ruth Tienor went over By-Laws, all seemed very legal. Jane Gordon made a motion, seconded by Harriet Lipps, to approve By-Laws. Motion carried. Mary Neleigh authorized expenditure for shelves, stain, varnish, lumber, nails and/or whatever else would be necessary for finished materials. Kay, using her best judgment, is authorized to use whatever amount is necessary for the completion of shelving, seconded by Barbara Hughes. Motion ca rri ed. The Cibolo Valley Jaycees Beer & Book Drive has been moved from the Wuest Parking Lot to the Library site. Texas law states you cannot have beer on the premises where beer is sold. The date still being the same, February 18, 1978. Mr. Cloud will pick up books for us in the Pleasanton area. The question was brought up to Mr. Sawyer, would it be possible to have our phone in by 1st of March? If and when we do, we will have girls on phone watch in the A.M. Monday through Friday. We would like 1 phone, 1 extension if possible. The Schertz and Cibolo banks have offered to put out a brochure to be mailed out with monthly bank statements. The name of the brochure being IIAll You Wanted to Know About the Schertz Publ ic Li brary"; a question and answer thing. It was just mentioned briefly so if we are interested we had better get on it. Mr. Sawyer asked that we come to greet Mr. Hill, our new City Manager, on February 14, at 7:00 P.M. at the Community Center. ~ ~ ~.-- . Pro~o Printing Company will take care of stamp and raffle tickets for us. Our landscaping will be done by Rennie's at no cost to us. They would like us to help them set in the plants, etc. Edith Cloud made a motion, seconded by Mary Neleigh, to let Rennie's do landscaping and we help them whenever necessary. Motion carried. Suggestion was made by Ruth Tienor that part of our work schedule be watering of plants. Motion passed by acclamation. The Federally Employed Women meet the 7th of February. They have been given a list of these three items: Book Rack, Reconditioned Typewriter and Revolving Bookcase. They may purchase one of these three items for us. The Officers Wives Club will meet the 10th of the month, so we should hear from them also. Mary Neleigh made a motion, seconded by Barbara Hughes, to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. Marguerite Martinez Secretary