LAB 03-06-1978
MARCH 6, 1978 ~
The regular monthly meeting of the Library Ad'ITis0ry Board was brought to
order at 7:15 P.M.
Members present: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Harriet
Lipps, Kay Sherman, Jana Gordon, Edith Cloud, Doug Mikus, Mary Ne1eigh, and
Evelvn Rogers. Absent: Barbara Hughes, Jean De10n'y. Also present: Earl
Sawver, ex-officio board member.
The minutes of February 6, 1978 were read and approved.
Mare-ue ri te Martinez gave the following Treasurer t s report:
Previous Balance
Purchased Book Cart
Catalog Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Present Balance
Cleaning supplies will be transferred to City Funds and the library be
Committee Reports & Actions:
Cataloging-Harriet Lipps reported 65() books cataloged. Edith Cloud picked up
In hoxes of donated books-5 from the Pleasanton and 5 from the Jnurdanton
Finance-nou~ Mikus reported:
--- :'The Library-VF\'I/ Dance will be June 3, 1978 from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M.
Advance sale tickets will be $2.00 per person and $2.50 per person
at the door. Cost of the band--Bitter Creek-- will be $80.00.
-'The Officer's Wives Club of Randolph AFB donated $376.50 for the
purchase of the card catalog.
-The Xi Omicron Del ta 30rori ty will purchase the dictionary stand
and the new book display rack.
-the finance committee recommended establishinp the Schertz Public
Lihrary Memorial Fund.
Marge Rakowsky made the motion that the memorial fund be used for the purchase
of books only. Secnnded by Harriet Lipps. Motion carried.
Remodeling-Mary Neleigh reported:
-Home Bound Artists of Universal City will let us borrow their
pictures for display on a rotating basis.
-that Mr. Rusch, Fire Marshall, says we need two public exit doors:
the door of the children's room and the main front door.
-cafe doors were purchased from Acme Lumber Supply to divide the
main room from the work/restroom area. .
-that all the windows have heen caulked by Bob Tienor and are ready
for exterior paint.
-that the book cart will be stripped and refinished by Maxwell's
Bank of Antiques as a library donation.
-Camp Gary is ready for lumber and will begin work on the adult
shelves when they receive it.
Clean-uP-Marguerite Martinez reported cleaning of the building complete. It
was agreed this committee not be abolished until such time as its duties are
taken up by regular assignment.
2:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M~ - 6:00 P.M~
10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Motion carried.
Unfinished Business: Texas ~urplus Property Agency notified us of our eligibility
to participate in their sales program.
New Business:
-The District 10 Advisory Council meeting on March 1, 197~ was
attended by Mr. Walter Hill, City Manager, and Ruth Tienor, Marge
Rakowsky and Marguerite Martinez.They voted unanimously to accept
the Schertz Public Library into the system.
-the Texas Conference on Library and Information Services will be
held in Austin, November 16-18, 1978. 200 delegates will be
attending this meeting. Deadline for nominations is April 14th.
Policy committee will determine the names to be sent.
-dates to remember:
March 21st = Budget Workshop at Community Center.
March 8th at Kened~ and April 24th at Bandera=
Oral History & Puppet workshops.
-library raffle tickets were printed and passed out to board members.
-the UniVErsal City Methodist Church is having an ongoing book
drive for us among its members.
-the Retired Senior Volunteer Pro~ram asked that the library
consider becoming one of the stations in the area for the Retired
;;enior Volunteers. It was agreed that we participate after we
determine procedures and work schedules.
Citizens to he Heard:
-Councilman 3awyer recommended that we notify the local Police
Department to keep an eye on the library when they're on patrol
and that we leave 1i~hts on to aid t~em.
Kav )herman made the motion, seconded by Mary Neleigh,to adjourn at 9:50 P.M.
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