LAB 07-03-1978
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July3, 1978
The regular meeting of the Advisory Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present were: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Mary
Neleigh, Edith Cloud, Evelyn Rogers, Harriett Lipps, Margaret Riley, Roy
Richard, Jr., and Eva Perry. Councilman Earl Sawyer was also in attendance.
Members absent were: Kay Sherman, Doug Mikus and Kermit Harborth.
The minutes of June 5, 1978 were read and approved.
Marguerite Martinez gave the following Treasurer's report:
Previous balance (5-31-78)
Randolph Bank of Commerce
Raffle and Dance
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newhouse
NCO Wives Club (Desk, chair, books)
Ci bolo Bank
Jostens (Library supplies)
Jostens (Book plates)
Paul Anderson Co. (Study tables)
Pronto Printing (Note Stationery)
Jostens (Library Supplies)
Paul Anderson Co. (Desk and chair)
Ace Novelty (Game supplies)
Audio-Visual Aids (Projector table)
. 292C,oO
$ 887.14
Balance on Hand 6-30-78
There were two Memorial Donations made. Donors were Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
Rusch and Mrs. Charlotte Dowman. The Board was advised when a donation is
made, a thank you card is sent to the donor and a notification is sent to
the family of the person in whose name the donation is made. Donors may
make suggestions about books to be purchased with the donation.
Committee Reports and Action:
Librarian: Eva Perry reported that 360 Adult books, 284 paperbacks, and
436 Juvenile and Young Adult books were circulated during June
for a total of 1,080 books. Fines collected totaled $0.40,
Duplicate borrowers cards totaled $0.50, the Library processed
9 Interlibrary loans. There are 20 adult volunteers and 15
teenage volunteers for a total of 35. A total of 375 borrowers
cards were issued in June; 153 Adult resident, 186 Child resident,
21 Nonresident Adult, 12 Nonresident children. Three cards were
voided, leaving a total of 372 cards for the month of June.
Eighteen children attended the first Saturday morning Story hour.
It was decided that children in custody of parents for the summer
could be issued borrowers cards. Councilman Sawyer announced that
we were to use the City postage meter for ILL postage.
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A suggestion was made to issue more publicity concerning Story Hour. The
question was raised as to Whether the book drop could be locked during
the hours the Library was open to prevent patrons from using the book
drop instead of the Library. The matter -will be looked into. Eva Perry
stated she would begin emptying the book drop on Monday mornings.
Clean-up.~ The list for Clean-up duty is posted in Workroom. Each volunteer
is to find a replacement if they are unable to work on their sched-
uled day. Volunteer workers -will be asked to dust the shelves each
Cataloguing-Harriett Lipps reported cataloguing has been slowed down until new
shelves are built. Maria Barnhardt -will help -with cataloguing on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings. $700.00 received from District X
-will be spent on 140 Juvenile and Young Adult books. $100.00
-will be spent for Cataloguing tools. It -will take a couple of months
to receive the order.
Finance - Camp Gary -will start on the new shelves. We will get the same
discount on lumber unless prices have gone up. Doug -will take the
lumber to Camp Gary next week. We -will stain and varnish the shelves
Remodeling- Los Amigos donated the wooden chairs for the Childrens room. A
buzzer needs to be installed in the Childrens roo~. Carpet has
been cleaned and is waiting to be picked up. It -will be put on
the back wall of the workroom for insulation. A blackout screen
has been ordered. Cost will be between $20.00 and 25.00. We -will
wait for delivery of the secretary's desk to buy plastic runner.
Indoor/outdoor carpet is needed on front walk. We also need to
check on the -width of aisles to meet the fire regulations.
Policy -
Volunteer workers who do not live in Schertz should be eligible
for borrowers cards for their personal use only, not families. It
was approved. There were no other nominees to the Texas Conference
on Library Services except for Ron Rakowsky.
Publicity- Childrens hour should be more highly publicized. More volunteers
are needed for Story hour. Guadalupe County citizens should be
informed of library services. It was decided to submit publicity
to the Seguin newspaper.
Unfinished Business - There was one slot left for the Speakers Bureau. We took
the slot and Lucille Stewart Kirsch -will speak at the Library at
7:30 p.m., July 24, 1978. Her subject -will be genealogy. Refresh-
ments -will be served follo-wing the program. It was armounced that
radio station KKYX will publicize events for the public.
Margeurite Martinez picked up the prizes for the 4th of July Festival.
Mr. Hill -will be at the City Hall at 8:00 a.m. to help set up the
booths at the Park. There -will be $20.00 change in each booth.
Acme Lumber is loaning the aprons. The last shift does not need to
take down the booths. Prices for the booths ate: Cane - 3 rings
for 25~ and Darts - 3 for 50~.
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New Business - Ruth Tienor announced there would be a Hill Country Multi-County
Meeting at St. Helena's Episcopal Church, Boerne, Texas. The date
is July 31, 1978. Time 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The meeting will
cover Childrens services.
A circulation procedures workshop will be held by District X on
August 9, 1978. Ruth Tienor and Eva Perry will attend.
The Manpower agency wishes to place a worker in the Library for
six weeks. Manpower will pay the salary. Following a discussion
of the offer, Mary Neleigh made a motion to decline the offer for
the present. Edith seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ruth Tienor gave the new Board members a briefing on the creation
of the Library at this time.
Edith Cloud made a motion to adjourn. Mary Neleigh seconded the motion. There
being no objection, the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by,
Eva Perry, Secretary