LAB 09-11-1978
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September 11, 1978
The September meeting of the Schertz Public Library Advisory Board was called
to order at 7:10 p.m. Members attending the meeting were: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky,
Marguerite Martinez, Kay Sherman, Harriett Lipps, Margaret Riley, Mary Neleigh, Doug
Mikus, Evelyn Rogers, Kermit Harborth, Roy Richard, Jr., Edith Cloud and Eva Perry. .
Mr. Walter Hill also attended the meeting.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Marguerite Martinez submitted the following Treasury report:
Previous Balance (July 31, 1978)
Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce
Methodist Church (Susannah Wesley
Circle) (8-13-78)
Total Incorre $
Acme Lumber (8-2-78)
Paul Anderson (8-2-78)
S & W Distributers, Inc. (8-4-78)
Acme Lumber (8-4-78)
Josten's (8-13-78)
Present Balance (August 31, 1978)
Total Expenditures
$ 295.78
$ 828.44
Memorial Donation:
Donna Grainger -$11.52. Bringing our total to $56.52.
Eva Perry reported that the August Statistics broke down as follows: Adult
Non-fiction -131; Adult Fiction-192; Juvenile Non-fiction-54; Juvenile Fiction-249J
Young Adult-169; Paperbacks-488 for a total circulation of 1,283 volumes. Fines
collected totaled $20.79 including $1.00 to replace a lost book. Borrowers Cards
issued came to 162 bringing the total to date to 724. One hundred and six children
attended Story hour during August. We processed 11 Inter-library Loans and spent
$4.69 for ILL postage. Sixteen people attended the two workshops bringing the Staff
total to 16 Adults and 15 teenagers for a total staff of 31.
Committee Reports and Action
Cataloguing: Harriett reported that 6,500 books have been catalogued and are on
the shelf. Another 2,000 books are in the process of being catalogued.
Margaret Riley informed the Board the Baker & Taylor books have been
catalogued but that the Public Library Catalogue did not arrive.
Harriett was asked to furnish a list of resource material for the
Library to purchase.
The list for cleaning duty was read by Marguerite. The list is
posted in the workroom.
Doug reported he and Ruth attended the County Commissioner's Meeting
and requested $5,000.00. The Library was given $2,000.00 from the
Revenue Sharing funds which should be received sometime after Jan-
uary 1, 1979. Doug will attempt to send letters to Foundations to
seek grants. Donna Grainger will also help.
.. T'
Remodeling: The buzzer for the Children's room is still pending and the timer
for the lights has been ordered. Mary Neleigh told the Board the
record browser is too large for our Library but she has found a
plan for a browser we can have constructed. Mrs. Harborth has been
asked for advice on paint for the building. We will need a~prayer
and helpers. The white carpet is still at Aladdin Cleaners. An
estimate for lowering the workroom ceiling has not been made. Mr.
Hill informed us the budget has been made and approved; however,
the City can find the $150.00 tentatively estimated for the project.
Bob Jacobsen can find the ducting needed for the air conditioning and
heat. The Board was advised the new weatherstripping for the doors
would be here September 12th. Mary informed us mats were needed
outside the doors and that the water heater may be leaking.
Publicity: Kay Sherman had no report; however, Mr. Hill placed an item in the
newsletter pertaining to the need for volunteers for the Library and
Policy: Marge Rakowsky reported the Board needed to take action on several
amendments to the By-Laws. The first change is to set a schedule of
holidays as follows: January 1; President's Day-third Monday in
February; Good Friday through Easter Monday; Memorial Day; July 4th;
Labor Day; Columbus Day-second Monday in October; Veteran's Day-
November 11; Thanksgiving day through Sunday; Christmas-December 24-
December 26; December 31. Doug Mikus moved that the holiday schedule
be accepted as stated. Margaret seconded the motion and the motion
was carried.
?~ The next item before the Board is to change ARTICLE 1, Section 5 to
read: All meetings of the Board shall be held in the library building.
No action was taken by the Board on this change.
?~ Change ARTICLE III. Section 2 to Section 3.
?~ Add ARTICLE III. Section 2. A person may serve as a member of the
Library Advisory Board for a maximum of three consecutive terms. After
a break in service of one two-year term, the person may serve again
as a member of the Library Advisory Board. Following a discusion of
these two proposed changes, it was felt no changes were necessary and
the changes were dropped.
?~ Add ARTICLE III. Section 4. Nominating Cormnittee. The Library Advisory
Board Chairman shall appoint a nominating cormnittee at the October
meeting of the Board. It shall consist of the Librarian as non-voting
chairman and three Board members. The duties of the cormnittee are to
recommend for the Library Advisory Board's approval six persons to
be appointed to the Board for two-year terms. These nominations shall
be submitted to the Board at the December meeting. Additional nomi-
nations may be made at that time. The Board will then recommend six
persons to be appointed by the City Council of Schertz. At the January
meeting of the Library Advisory Board the nominating cormnittee shall
recommend from the members of the Board persons to serve as Chairman,
Vice Chairman, and Treasurer of the Library Advisory Board. Additional
nominations may be made at that time. Doug moved to accept the amend-
ment, Kay seconded and the motion was carried.
?~ Change ARTICLE III. Section 5 to Section 6; ARTICLE III. Section 6 to
Section 7; ARTICLE III. Section 7 to Section S. No action was taken
on this proposed amendment.
?~ Revise ARTICLE III. Section 7. VacancY in Office. A vacancy (whether
on account of resignation, removal or any other cause) in the office
of Chairman shall be filled by the Vice Chairman. A vacancy in the
" .
New Business
office of Vice Chairman or Treasurer shall be filled by the election
of another person thereto to serve until the next annual election
shall have been conducted. A vacancy on the Library Advisory Board
shall be filled by a person selected by the Executive Committee of
the Board based on recommendation of the Board. The person will
serve the remainder of the term of the member he is replacing. !~~~
City Council of Schertz shall approve the selection of Chairman,~
Vice Chairman, and shall appoint the new members of the Board.
Kermit made a motion the amendment be accepted, Kay seconded, and
the motion carried.
Ruth informed the Board that the Librarian's desk, the microfiche
viewBr, and the filmstrip projector had arrived. The 16mm projector
is on order. The McNaughton books are on order and should be received
during September. If we choose to buy them, we will get a 75%
discount and they are fully catalogued. We will have an inventory of
100 books with 10 new books each month. The 1T,!cNaughton books are
paid for by the NCO Wives Club~ O~'.LL"""W~ d .~.
The volunteer workshops were held as scheduled; however, due to the
storm, the evening workshop was very lightly attended.
We have booked two speakers through the Speaker's bureau. Dan Cook
will appear October 29, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. Since the Community Center
has been booked we will try to get the Sanmel Clemens auditorium.
George Voos will help publicize the meeting. Bob Tienor will take
posters to the Base and Harriett will put posters in the Base Library.
No refreshments will be served following the meeting. Roddy Stinson
will speak on February 13, 1979.
Four Hundred~~~thirty-seven books were picked up at the Book give-
a-way by Kay?t'1'ifiOOda and Marguerite. Ruth and Eva picked up several
boxes of books from the gift room during the District 10 workshop.
A Hospitality Committee has been appointed with Eveiyn Rogers as
Chairman. Other members are Marguerite,'" Mary~oy Richard, Jr.
Will serve as our welcoming committee.
The magazine rack is in Evelyn's garage. She has specifications for
a bike rack and volunteers if we can provide money for supplies. Mary
will get estimates for the materials.
Kay requested the bookcase currently being used for magazines. Doug
made the motion that Kay be given the bookcase. Mary seconded and
the motion carried. It was decided a policy should be formed on
disposition of library donations.
A decision was made to submit copies of the Board minutes to the City
Roy has been appointed as Lay Representative to District 10. Marge is
the alternate. The First meeting will be September 26, 1978. ~
Ruth will be attending the Town Hall meeting at St. Phillips ~
September 12, 1978. at 7:00 p.m. There will be six To'WTl Hall meetings
throughout the area.
A meeting between the School Board and City Council will be held
September 14, 1978 to promote co-operation between schools and city.
We also need to promote co-operation between the schools and the
Library. The Policy committee will work with Publicity to inform the
new citizens of library services.
.fI '.,
Citizens To Be Heard
Kermit announced he and his wife will pick up books in New Braunfels when the
need arises. Mary would like to donate magazine ~ubscriptions to begin in January.
Kermit asked if newspaper subscriptions were needed and it was del6ided that the
Wall Street Journal is needed. Doug said he would be able to provide a few copies
but that they would be a few days late.
There being no further business, Margaret made a motion to adjourn, Edith seconded
and the motion was carried.
Submitted by