LAB 11-06-1978
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November 6, 1978
The regular meeting of the Advisory Board was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Members present
were: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Edith Cloud, Harriett Lipps,
Margaret Riley, Kay Sherman, Kermit Harborth, Evelyn Rogers and Eva Perry. Members absent
were Roy Richard, and Doug Mikus.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Margeurite Martinez presented the following Treasurer's report:
Previous Balance (9-30-78
Heffernan School Supply (10-6-78)
Jostens Supplies (10-5-78)
Balance on Hand (10-31-78)
The Librarian's report was presented as follows:
October statistics were Adult fiction-156; Adult Non-fiction-98; Juvenile Non-fiction-30;
Juvenile Fiction-87; Young Adult-71; 111-9; Paperbacks-445 for a total circulation of 896.
We issued 66 new borrowers cards for a total to date of 880. Fifty-seven children
attended story hour during October. Fines collected totaled $26.60 and postage spent
totaled $9.72. (111-$1.98; Other-$7.74)
Harriett reported we need another inventory. Another 200 books have
been catalogued.
The new schedule is ready and a list of cleaning routine has been posted
in the workroom.
No report. Ruth announced we need a new list of national foundations.
Off white and dark brown paints were chosen for the exterior. Aluminum
shutters with bake~Q.11Jj.N3~ i1q,~~. ~l.QQ,:"";L2.00. Ceiling estimate
must wait until Gerald~~~om~~on. The Magazine rack is
almost ready. A discussion was held on whether we could remodel the
Reference book shelf in order to utilize both sides. We need to check
on insulation.
The brochure is in rough draft. Any suggestions can be referred to Kay.
The Business club and City are working on a brochure also. They will
be asking for a short release from the Library to include in their
In an effort to co-operate with the School District, it was decided all
full-time personnel in the District should be issued non-resident privi-
leges. Films are to be circulated, but the patron will be responsible
for screening the films. A patron's complaint form is now ready. Any
suggestions for revisions should be given to Marge. Clubs want Library
privileges for all members regardless of eligibility. We will check
into the possibility of issuing Club cards.
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Ruth will talk to :Mr. Hill and recommend Club cards. Audio-visual
equipment can be loaned but a deposit should be required with the
Library reserving the right to waive the deposit.
Unfinished Business-The McNaughton books have been received but spine labels need to
be typed for them.
Ruth reported that the low attendance at the Dan Cook lecture was
due to conflicting events in the area. She checked with District 10
to see how other libraries handled their Speakers Bureau events and
stated that the others usually planned their lectures in conjunction
with various organizations in the area. It was suggested that we
check into the possibility of notifying organizations ahead of time
and enlisting their co-operation. Roddy Stinson will appear here
February 13~ 1979.
Ruth inquired as to the possibility of mailing the book order to
District 10 before the end of the week.
The Texana workshop will be held on November 9th. Marguerite~ Kay
and Eva will attend. We will receive $450.00 to spend on workshop
materials ,.A~J.,.1P-?~--- '
The plaque has been hung on the wall. The donor has asked that no
recognition be given him.
A meeting was held with the CETA co-ordinator. The in-school program
for students ages 16-21 will pay minimum wage for 10 hours per week.
Dr. Patterson will furnish names. :Mr. Floyd has one young man to
Edith picked up 20 boxes of books from Pleasonton.
New Business - Mary Neleigh has submitted her resignation. The nominating committee
proposed that Dona Grainger be appointed to complete Mary's term of
service. Harriett made a motion her appointment be accepted~ Edith
seconded~ the motion was carried.
It was decided to wait until after the Roddy Stinson speech to book
another speaker. It was suggested we consider a drug-related lecture.
District 10 has a publicity and public relations program. We are
allowed $30.00 each quarter. It was decided we need posters to ad-
vertise new books.
Ruth reported that Dona feels we should have a plan before approaching
the Foundations for grants. Our major need is for a Librarian and we
need to determine salary requirements.
The Executive Board decided to collect donations from the Board members
to purchase journalism books in memory of Chuck Siniff.
Carroll Johnson will possibly donate a copying machine~ adding machine,
manual typewriter~ and an address-o-graph machine. It was suggested
that we check with Mr. Hill about security for the Library due to the
recent school vandalism.
There being no further business~ Edith motioned the meeting be adjourned~ Kay seconded
and the motion was carried.
Submitted by~
Eva per~