LAB 12-04-1978 .' .. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING December 4, 1978 The regular meeting of the Advisory Board was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present were: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Edith Cloud, Evelyn Rogers, Margaret Riley, Kay Sherman, Roy Richard, Jr., Dona Grainger, and Eva Perry. Members absent were Doug Mikus, Kermit Harborth and Harriett Lipps. The minutes of November 6, 1978 were read and approved as corrected. Marguerite Martinez presented the following Treasurer's report: Previous Balance (October 31, 1978) Income: Dan Cook - November 29, 1978 $2,224.51 108.00 $2,332.51 Total Expenditures: McNaughton Book Service - November 8, 1978 Balance on Hand (November 30, 1978) 764.40 $1,568.11 The November Librzrian's report was as follows: Adult circulation-253; Juvenile circulation-30; Young Adult-69; Juvenile fiction circulation-70; paperbacks-350; Interlibrary Loans-13; Films-7 for a total circulation of 792. Story hour attendence totaled 23. This figure was lower than usual due to the fact that the library was only open two Saturdays during November. Fines collected totaled $37.24. Postage for the month carne to $10.48 and film circuit postage carne to $3.50 for a total of $13.98. Forty-one registration cards were issued during the month bringing the total to date to 921. Two duplicate cards were issued. CATALOGUING: ClEAN-UP: FINANCE: REMODELING: PUBLICITY: COMMITTEE REPORTS AND ACTIONS The library has a total of 6,740 books after weeding. We have inquired about the Tartan Script plan for Public Libraries. We pay $40.00 for $50.00 worth of coupons. We buy used returned books (not our books). McNaughton will send us a catalogue. We purchased $72.00 worth of Pathfinder books in December from Dan Dunscomb. Edith will exchange weeks with Ruth. Doug has checked into alarms for the Library and suggests it would be better to use theft insurance. Ruth checked with the City and found there is no theft insurance. District 10 covers our losses and we can ask the City to replace stolen equipment. Doug will check into noise alrarns for us. The connnittee had no report. Ruth announced Bob will remodel the reference shelf if the Board agrees. Sign out front needs to be repaired and painted. Bob will also do this for us. We will re- ceive a stereo system this year and we need to acquire record bins. Robert Smith of Silvey's Music said they made their own and will show us how. He will also donate demo records if we will specify what type. There was an article in the Weekly Herald and Wingspread on our McNaughton books. There is nothing of yet on the brochure. The City has given us no date as to when they need our information for their brochure. .. POLICY: -2- Mr. Hill felt it would be okay to issue cards to each club that donated to the Library. We would not issue a Library card but would keep the registration card on file. Letters need to be written to each Club outlining policy. The policy committee has formulated a form for borrowing Audio- Visual equipment. The deposits for the equipment will be as follows: Projector-$25.00; Film strip and Slide Projector- $15.00; Tape recorder-$lO.OO. We will make two copies of the form, one for the patron and one for us. Equipment may be borrowed for a limit of 48 hours. We will hold the deposit check for 48 hours and return it when the equipment is returned. Roy moved that this policy be approved, Kay seconded the motion and the motion was carried. It was suggested that we allow children to check out four books and adults 8 books with the exception of the McNaughton books which will have a limit of two. Kay moved we accept this change, Roy seconded and the motion was carried. The Campbell soup company has no program for Libraries. The Betty Crocker Company has a coupon plan and Policy will contact them. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee proposed the following changes to the By-Laws: ARTICLE III. OFFICERS Section 5. Officers. delete The duties of the Secretary shall be performed by the Treasurer until such time that a Librarian is appointed. Section 6. The Duties of the Officers. The duties and responsibilites of the chairman shall be to: a) Preside over the meetings of the Library Advisory Board in accor- dance with proper parliamentary procedure. b) Vote in case of a tie. c) Sign all acts or orders necessary to carry out the will of the Board. d) Act as the representative of the Board to outside persons or other organized bodies whenever necessary. e) Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees. f) Appoint all standing and special committees. g) Sign checks for payment of library debts as set forth in the Resolution No. 78-R-l of the City of Schertz and sign purchase orders for the library. h) Notify the City Secretary to post the agenda of Board meetings 72 hours in advance. The duties and responsibilities of the vice chairman shall be to: a) Preside in the absence of the chairman. b) Assume the duties and responsibilities of the chairman in case of the absence or incapacity of the chairman. c) Assist the chairman as assigned. The duties and responsibilities of the treasurer shall be to: a) Keep an accurate record of the source of all moneys. b) Keep an accurate record of payment of all bills. c) Be responsible for taking invoices, purchase orders, and records of long distance telephone calls to the bookkeeper at City Hall, verifying the monthly financial reports from the City, and picking up from City Hall and keeping on file our copies of invoices and purchase orders. d) Give a monthly report to the Board. e) Serve as an ex-officio member of the Budget and Finance Committee. . ... -3- f) Keep a record of petty cash from fines and deposits and when necessary deposit excess money in account. . g) Keep records of income and disbursements of the Memorial Fund and notify the secretary when a memorial gift has been received. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to: a) Keep minutes of the meetings of the Library Advisory Board. Submit one copy of the minutes to the City Secretary for distri- bution to the City Manager and the members of City Council, submit one copy to the Chairman, and file the copy which has been approved by the Board, signed, and dated by the Secretary. b) Send notes of appreciation for donations, special services, etc. For donations to the Memorial Fund, send a note to the family of the person honored and to the donor. Keep the Book of Donations up-to-date. c) Serve as corresponding secretary of the Board. Edith moved that these changes to the By-Laws be accepted as read, Margaret seconded the motion and the motion was carried. It was noted that most Libraries separate the duties of the Secretary and Librarian however the Resolution must be changed before the duties can be separated. ARTICLE IV. COMMITTEES Section 2. Standing Connnittees. There shall be the following standing connnittees of the Library Advisory Board, appointed by the Chairman for one year coinciding with the annual meeting. Book Connnittee. This committee shall be responsible for the approval of book selection, ordering, processing, and repairing and for inventory of the Library's collection. Budget and Finance Committee. This committee shall be responsible for yearly preparation of the Library's budget, for financial planning for future needs, for application of grants from foundations, for procurement of funds from individuals, civic organi- zations, and businesses as well as from city and county governing bodies, and shall work with the building and properties committee on plans for site acquisition and a new building. Building and Properties Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds including cleaning, repairs, inventory of property and furnishings, and care of the grounds. It shall plan the remodeling and select the furnishings, subject to the approval of the Board. It shall work with the Budget and Finance Committee in planning for anew building. Personnel Connnittee. This committee shall be responsible for the hiring and dismissal of personnel. It shall define positions, set qualifications and salaries for positions, inter- view applicants, and hire or dismiss with the approval of thEl Library Advisory Board. The head volunteer in charge of enlisting volunteers and co-ordination ~f their work shall report to this committee. Policy and Evaluation Committee. This committee shall be responsible for periodic review of the policy of the Schertz Public Library and shall recommend to the Board actions necessary to resolve policy matters. Publicity. Th:iJs committee shall be responsible for media coverage of library activities, for planning and executing com- munity relations programs, and for assisting the executive committee :. ." -4- or the librarian in planning events which will enhance the position of the Library in the community. This committee shall serve as Historian of the Library. Hospitality. This committee shall plan for events at the Library or sponsored by the Library. It shall greet speakers and guests, provide refreshments when necessary, and assist, if needed, with the program. After discussing the above proposal, the paragraph pertaining to the Personnel Committee was tabled. Margaret motioned that the remaining paragraphs be approved as read, Edith seconded the motion and the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Ron Rakowsky, delegate to the Texas Conference on Library and Information Services reported to the Board on the conference. Walter Hill is the alternate. The White House Conference on Library Services will be held in Washington, D.C. October 20-November 2, 1979. There will be 19 Texas delegates. After receiving their report, the President sends it to Congress and suggest legislation. The American Library Association meets in Dallas in June and it was suggested we ask the City to supply funds to send representatives. Ron suggested that we develop a 5 or 10 year plan. He stated that libraries will become media centers in the future and that creation of a National Library is one goal. The Texas Library Association meets in San Antonio in April and any reconrrnendations should be given to Ron. It was suggested that we hold a public meeting next spring on Library services. We could host a District 10 meeting. Ron has spoken to Mike Sexton, Beatrice Berler, Dr. Amy Freeman Lee and will speak to the Bexar County Library. The Executive Board met with CETA. None of our applicants qualified. We collected $63.00 to purchase books in memory of Chuek Siniff. Ruth has contacted the following publishers to acquire 4 books. Wiley and Sons-Names and Numbers! Lorenz Press Inc,-The Associated Press Style Book: Havertown Books-Vocational Studies in Journalism and City Editor. Carroll Johnson donated the following equipment: 2 manual typewriters, 1 scale, 1 copy machine, a typing table, an adding machine and an address-a-graph machine which is being stored at the City Hall. We can use the equipment or sell it for cash. The Board members can take the typewriters home to use. Thompsons Business Machines wanted $55.00 each to clean the typewriters. Ruth reported that Roddy Stinson is still available for our Speakers Bureau date. The time is flexible. We are to choose between lILife and Times of a Newspaper Columnistll and liThe Writer as Humoristll. The Board chose "Life and Times of a Newspaper Columnistll. Roddy suggests we use his columns on the posters instead of a picture of him. We should send letters to the area organizations regarding the Stinson lecture. The letters should go out in December. It was decided to start the program at 7:30 p.m. We have received permission to lock the childrens room door unless large groups are in the library. A request should be submitted to the City Council next year concerning the hiring of a librarian. possibly a student or a part time employee. We should concentrate on raising money for books. The book order went in on time. We spent $400.00 of the book money and $105.00 was spent on our Texana order. Due to the NewYear1s Holiday; the January Board meeting will be January 8, 1979. ~ . J >.;. -5- The City Christmas party will be held on December 29. 1978 at the Community Center. Those attending should bring salad, vegetable, or dessert. Drinks and entrees will be furnished. Ruth must furnish a count to June Krause so let her know if you will be attending. Barbara Hughes will be married in March. The Policy Committee met with the school librarians on November 27. 1978. We told them what we had to offer. They will advise us of books we lack and what type of books students need and give us advance notice of projects and reports. They will help us adver- tise the summer reading program and film circuit. We will co- ordinate magazine subscriptions between the schools and the lib- rary in order to insure the widest range of magazines without duplication. Roy will draw up a form letter to send overdues. Mr. Hill will sign it as City Manager. Policy should set a limit on overdue fines. Eva reported the Nominating Committee met on November 28, 1978 and recommends that the following people be appointed to two year terms on the Board: Evelyn Rogers, Edith Cloud, Roy Richard Jr., Kermit Harborth, Margaret Riley, and Dona Grainger. Kay made a motion the Nominating Committeets recommendation be accepted, Marguerite seconded it and the motion was carried. . The man who was going to make the bicycle rack has gone to work so someone else will have to make it, Seguin is considering a bookmobile for our end of the county. It was also reported that a couple from Marion want to open a Library in Marion. There being no further business. Roy moved the meeting be adlourned. Marge seconded and the motion was carried. Submitted by) Eva Perry Secretary