LAB 09-14-1987 I .. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met for its monthly meeting on I~nday, September 14, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Earl Hartzog, Vice Chairman Julie Parr, Treasurer Ruth Tienor Tony Paulson l1argaret Riley :l'1ary l1cAllister Ex-officio - Gail Douglas, Libr. Adolph Aguilar, City Council Rep. Visitors present: Y.o.chelle Tereletsky, Humane Society Hember The minutes from August were presented. l1ary moved that the minutes be accepted, and Hargaret seconded. TRE..~SUR.ER 's REPORT . Julie presented the treasurer's report. Margaret moved to accept it, and Tony seconded. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Stats: Resident cards issued: Non-resident cards: User's fees: Reciprocal cards: 75 50 2 1 Copier fees $ 88.80 Fines, typewriter,etc.$214.10 Circulation 4889 Attendance 2845 Reported by Gail: The Collection stands at: Adult, 9330; Young Adult, 1307; and Juver nile, 3503. Filmstrips, 135. The Wall Street Journal will not be renewed at this time. The storage unit was full. The outhouse and bank decorations were moved to city storage. Now there is some space available. The storage rates are increasing to $43.95 from $39.00. A full time clerk has been approved by the city. BUILDING COffi1ITTEE Margaret called RSVP to inquire about a retired architect who might be able to help us with the building specs. No one is available to help us. Earl will talk to June to determine whatever is needed. Estimates for re-painting the library sign will be available at the next meeting. Mice have been seen in the building. The air conditioning continues to blow circuits. Due to vacations, there has been a break-down of communications between the repairmen, l1ike and Gail. Gail will check with Mike about ths air conditioning. #' . , , LITERACY PROGRAM REPORT The Literacy Program grant for the upcoming year has been disapproved. Margaret has requested a report as to why it was disapproved. Discussion concerning how funds can be found to continue Hargaret's position and to continue the literacy program followed. Seeking funds from AACOG may be an option. OLD BUSIl'IESS Several months ago Liz Nueller from the Humane Society had contacted several library members about hosting an arts and crafts show. The Hays Art Guild has been contacted and has scheduled a show for October 3 and 4. Yuchelle Tereletsky explained that the vendors display and sen their items and that the sponsor1ng organizations receive 10% of the sales. It would be our responsj.bility as hosting organizations to provide a place for the show and to publicize the show. The concensus of the library board was to co-sponsor the event. At the present, the show is scheduled to be held in the Schertz Community Center on October 3 from 9 to 7 and on October 4 from 9 to 3. Discussion conerning the large deposit and the fee required at the community center followed. Hichelle will contact l1rs. Harborth about the possibility of having the show in her new mall-office building. If it is held in the community center, the library board members will help with the clean-up. The library board will help with the publicity. Tony and Ruth were appointed to the auditing committee. There being no further business, Ruth moved to adjourn and Tony seconded. }tinutes recorded by ~~ry u v September 14,1987 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR" AUGUST 1987 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE $ 3776.30 INCOME Users Fees <1 Individual) $ 10.00 Fine Money/Copier Fees 176.00 Change from cashing CD .16 $ 186.16 $+ 186. 16 DISBURSEMENTS Peruse Books $ 31.92 World Book 249.00 Wuest - Reading Club & 4th of July Supplies 57.00 Avalon Books 53.50 County Budget Allotment to CD 1666.66 $ 2058.08 $- 2058.08 PRESENT BALANCE <8-31-87) $ 1904.38 CD Purchased <8-17-87) In Cash Account $ 22340.50 + 1666.66 $ 24007.16 $ 24007.00 $ .16 CD Cashed <$22234.00 plus $106.50 Interest) County Budget Allotments <2 @ $833.33 each) ,"