LAB 09-08-1986
The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 1986
at 7:30 p.m..
Members in attendance:
Fred Ross, Chairman
Ruth Tienor, Vice-Chairman
Julie Parr, Treasurer
Mary McAllister, Secretary
Earl Hartzog
EX-Officio - Gail Douglas, Libr.
Adolph Aguilar, City
Council Representative
Earl presented the minutes from the August meeting. Ruth moved to accept and
Julie seconded.
Connie and Earl audited the Treasurer's books.
The Guadalupe Progressive Taxpayer's Association sent a check in the amount of
$494.66 to the library. It has just been received and the check will show up in
the next Treasurer's report. Julie moved to accept the report and Earl seconded.
Resident cards issued
Non-resident cards
Reciprocal cards
- 91
- 41
- 6
Copier Fees - $104.80
Typewriter Fees - 2.50
Fines, Etc. - $1~2.95
Circulation 4143
Reported by Gail:
The Collection stands at: Adult, 8741; Young Adult, 1303; and Juvenile, 3370.
The library signs are up on FM 3009 and FM 78.
The patron registration list is being checked and updated. A new listing
system is being set up.
The book, Discover Total Resources, has been received.
Discussion on the spending of the donation from the Guadalupe Progressive Taxpayer's
Ass'n. was held. Mary moved that the money be spen~ on circulating items. Ruth
seconded. Motion carried.
Earl questioned the rental fee for the m~eting room. He stated that he hoped that
the monies collected would be designated for chair replacement, stain removal, etc.
Gail stated that City Hall will no longer handle the Meeting Room schedule or the
rental fees. From now on she will coordinate the schedule. At this time the room
is used mostly by City Departments and civic organizations.
Earl also questioned whether the Treasurer's books should be audited by ~rofessional
auditors. Gail stated that the City Auditor does check the petty cash and the
library funds are included in the city's audit.
Concerns were expressed over the lack of new Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. If no
funds are granted, it may be necessary to charge a user's fee to those people residing
outside the Schertz city limits. Gail will prepareia report of library users in
the area.
The Village Oaks Hospital has a public relations person that is available to discuss
~l services at group meetings.
Gail is making a "Suggestion' Slip" on which patron can recommend new books for pur-
Earl moved that the meeting adjourn. Ruth seconded.