LAB 07-11-1983 ~ . \ LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, July,ll, 1983, at 7:00 pm. Members present were: Evelyn Rogers, Chairma.n Pattie Lovelady, Vice-Chairman Doris Courtney, Secretary Tony Paulson Harriett Lipps Russ Hendricks Fred Ross Ex-Officio - Adolph Aguilar Gail Douglas Evelyn Rogers brought the meeting to order. Fred Ross moved the minutes of June 6 be approved with a correction as to the wording of a revision in policy -~ 1I v v ~, ") . Pattie seconded. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT (see attached) Fred moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Pattie seconded. Motion carri ed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT JJJ 6,706; 1,154 young No report on statistics. Books on the shelf are: adult and 2,321 juvenile. Ga.il reported that the reading group is doing very well. A photographer from the Herald called Gail inquiring about the happenings of the new li brary . Retama Polo Center will have someone talk to the children this month. Gail ta,lked to a Li brary Furniture Salesman, ?cobert Sheppherd of Houston, 2nd he provided her with a tentative list of furniture and nrices. The list will be distributed to the Finance Committee. I~ was decided that we need literature and prices before asking for donations. City Council said funds will be available for furniture. Representative Kuempel donated the steel for the new library. Would also like to be invited to the dedication. Gail apologized for the article in the Herald. concerning the library's beginning saying it was nOl; meant to leave anyone OUl;. "' BUILDING This Wednesday the building is due in. Some tree limbs will have to be removed. Evelyn called Barbara Taylor about the plaque for the Lions Club. Plumbing was passed by the city. POLl CY Policy recommended the attached change for Article I, Section 1. Regular Meetings. PUBLICITY Pattie reported that $110 was made on the July 4th booth. Decisions as to what the Library will do for the 4th of July should be brought up early in May. Ruth is working up a revenue sharing plan. Dedication of new library was discussed. September 11, 1983, Sunday afternoon was decided as the dedica.tion date. Policy needs replacement for Dona. It was decided to table until the Executive Board could get together. Pattie recommended more nominees. Aggie will mention furniture costs to City Council. Barbara will report on plaque. Harriett moved we adjourn. Fred seconded. IvIotion carried. _n .____ ~. 7ll tH;;;;(;;ij D'u'''' I c:: v' (' ('!J7R' rpr\, f:'V S r'" R];mA oy tJ l.l t....J 1.1. '-" U ..... __..!.L~_U.. , ..:.......J'v.......L.I\. 2 July 11, 1983 TREASURERS REPORT FOR JUNE 1983 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE IN C avIE Donations to Building Fund Users Fees Change from cashing CD's ",-'.-) .. .,~ DISBURSEMENTS County Budget Money to CD #2 Donations to CD #2 Users Fees to CD #2 PRESENT BALANCE CD #1 Cashed ($968.00 plus $6.50 Int) CD #2 Cashed ($44684.00 plus $300.42 Int) County Budget Money Donations to Building Fund Users Fees CD #1 Purchased . - --,J::.D #2 Purchased' In General Account $200.00 55.00 .92 $255.92 $- 4245 .17 $+255.92 $3500.00 200.00 80.00 $3780.00 $-3780.00 $ 721.09 $ 974.50 +44984.42 + 3500.00 + 200.00 + 80.00 $49738.92 974.00 $48764.92 -48764.00 $ .92 ~. to POlley recommends the following amendment to ~;he L1 brary Advisory Board of the Schertz Public Libr!1rY By-Lawse ARTICLE I. Section 1. ReJro.lar MeetiJl~s. ADD::~<::'~;,:,.~i' " _ Members of the board 'ld.ll inform the Chairman or anoth:er'1neiftber ....- - of the Executive Committee if they are going to be ~bs~n! rrom- a meeting. Any board member absent for three (3) consecu~iv. regular meetings without advance notification and/or ,sufficient reason shall be considered resigned and shall be notified in writing of said resignation. .f