LAB 11-07-1983 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, November 7, 1983, at 7:00 pm. Members present were: Evelyn Rogers, Chai rman Pattie Lovelady, Vice-Chairman Julie Parr, Treasurer Doris Courtney, Secretary Margaret Riley Ruth Tienor Tony Paulson Fred Ross Harriett Lipps Barbara Taylor Russ Hendricks Ex-Officio Gail Douglas Adolph Aguilar There was a change of the order of meeting whereas Mr. John Gravor, Curtis Cross, Commander and Quartermaster, respectively, presented the Library with a check for $3000 Mrs. Lillian Nelson of the Ladies Auxiliary presented a check of $150. All of these funds were to be applied towards a flag pole. The minutes of October 3, 1983, were read and approved. (Fred Ross moved, Margaret seconded.) . TREASURER'S REPORT (see attached) Tony asked what debt we had to work off for the new bUilding. Approximately $25,000. Tony moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Ruth seconded. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Julie reported for October: Circulation - 1,989 Resident Cards - 52 Non-Resident - 5 User's Fees - 6 Story Hour - 28 Fines - $72.45 Adult - 6,888; young adult - 1,157; juvenile - 2,491 Margaret and Gail attended a workshop in New Braunfels. There will be an open house at Clemens on Nov 16. Margaret and Gail attended a Hill Country meeting in Boerne. Ruth, Margaret and Gail will attend a Texas Library Association Meeting on Saturday. BUILDING Fred reported that the Library was finished. Margaret reported that still a little landscaping needed to be done. p c-_~___------'----.-.- -- ---- " L' PUBLICITY Barbara sent a "Thank You" to Herald Newspaper for all the volunteers who helped move books. POLICY' It was the consensus of the board to reduce the members to nine. H OSPI TALI TY The dedication of the library was discussed. . Humane Society - Las Vegas Nite - Feb 18, 1984, at the Community Center from 8-12:00 pmo Pattie moved we adjourno Julie seconded. ;.:.....~~. .. . 2 pi fJ . . November 7, 1983 TREASURERS REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1983 GENERAL ACQOUNT , PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Fine Money Memorial Donations Users Fees (4 Ind.-2 Family) Change from cashing CD DISBURSmENTS Stove & Retrigerator P~ent PRESEN'l' BALANCE (11-7-83) S 8.90 25.00 70.00 .05 S 103.95 I 1272.60 CD Cashed (8 4689.00 plus 1 33.0' Interest) CD Purchased . , In General Account .---;. ~. '/'1 '. . ,~.~~7'_'.:\~:~~ ~;~;~~~~,63 ~-ot:~.. ~ ~ - ....~...;- .' ~: '. ._.~ .".~~.>c ~ ~ . ....._. _'\.?~ ' ~:._~ -.."~~.:.~,.-,~:.>.~<~i,,.~~~ . ;',t". .c ~ :", '~-'" : .. ". #(. : :...:-- i: <~ , . l;,;,,:~,,!,d~r~ii.; ":'-:' . . . 1+ 103.95 J-- 1272.60 $ 1100.18 $ 4722.05 ~ 4722.00 .05