LAB 12-05-1983 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:00 pm. - Members present were: Evelyn Rogers, Chairman Pattie Lovelady, Vice-Chairman Julie Parr, Treasurer Fred Ross Ruth Tienor Margaret Riley Tony Paulson Barbara Taylor Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas ~ -The minutes of November 7 were corrected and approved. (Fred Ross moved, Margaret seconded.) TREASURER'S REPORT (see attached) $101,040.45 has been spent for the building. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Julie reported stats for November: Circulation - 1,791 Resident Cards - 48 Non-Resident.... 8 User's Fees - 3 Story Hour - 18 Fines - $98.49 Gail reported all stats same - no new tables. Margaret and Gail made library badges for volunteers, board and extras. BUILDING Discussion was held about the $96 extra fee for the second delivery of furniture to the library. Julie will check with city about deducting it from the bill. PUBLICITY The Chronicle did a good job and was thanked on the dedication pu blici ty. FINANCE Ruth reported on Humane Society meeting. Las Vegas nite will western .theme. Schertz Business Club will donate proceeds of Wine/food. Gambling will be from 8-1l. Auction from 11-12. only; Girl Scouts to baby sit nearby. have beer/ Adults HOSPITALITY A good job for the dedication. POLICY Recommended the Nominating Committee be appointed in October to report back in November on the members to run for the following year and officers to be nominated in December. The policy for the Meeting Room came from City Hall. They changed deposit fees to $30 for cleaning, $30 damage. Our Section 3C will be amended to. read as they have written 0 NOMINATING COMMITTEE . Russ, Pattie, Tony, Barbara, Ruth and Julie terms were up. Three will not run again. That drops the number to 9 as the number that was recommended last month to change the board total. New members to be Julie, Tony and Ruth. Discussion was held about discussing with Council at workshop that _ City express a.ppreciation to retiring board members. Margaret will go to Council. Ruth moved we adjourn. Julie seconded. {~ 2 December 5, 1983 TREASURERS REPORT FOR Nom1BER 1983 GEIiERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE IrlCOr1E Donations VFU-Cibolo Valley Post #8315 Ladies Auxilary Post II 8315 From CD Users Fees Book Donation Fine Money Change from cashing CD DISBURSEMENTS Paul Anderson-Meeting Room Furniture The Broom Closet-Vacuum Cleaner R.P. Printing-Invitations etc. Garden Ridge Pottery-Floral Arrange- ment etc. Users Fees to CD PRESElfr BALANCE CD Cashed ($ 4722.00 plus S 34.61 Interest) Users Fees to CD CD Purchased To General Account $ 300.00 150.00 3076.00 25.00 25.00 6.98 .61 $3583.59 $2488.45 315.00 67.00 61.15 ?o.oo $3001.60 S 1100.18 $+ 3583.59 J- 3001.60 $ 1682.17 $ 4756.61 .$+ ?O.OO $ 4826.61 j- 1750.00 $ 3076.61 \ 1\1 .. . ... ". ""\. t s4y.1HAPIUS~.r ~}QJ WERE aITTlNG> BACK ON "THE: 900ZE~ \