10-11-1983 , , e e tt i c PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 11, 1983 at 7: 00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Clay McMahan, Secretary Merwi n Wi llman Ray Stanhope Cam Beauchemin (Acting Vice Chairman) MEMBERS ABSENT John Linebarger, Chairman Lee Boswell '" CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHER PRESENT ~n Greenwald, Councilmember Frederick Douglas #1 CALL TO ORDER Acttng VtceChatrman Beauchemi'n called toe meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Joint Public Hearing October 4, 1983 " Item 2, para. 3 the word "classtftcatton" should Be NclarTftcatton". Ray Stanhope made motion to accept minutes as amended, t1er~tn Willman second the motion and vote was unantmous in favor. . Special meeting October 4, 1983, Merwin Willman made motion to accept minutes, Ray Stanhope second the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: R. V. Park FM 1103 Preliminary Plat Mark Eichstadt explained proposed Park and answered several questions by Planning and Zonintmembers, Earl Hartzog advised.the sufficient information waS ~vailaBle to approve the Prel iminaxy Pl at. The tra il er spaces and roads will "not" fie re<:, quired on the Final Plat because" it all will be private property, City Council had agreed to provide water to the site. Ray Stanhope made motion to approve the Preliminary Plat, Clay McMahan second the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. p .. e e . '~ Page 2'< Planning and Zoning Minutes #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: SubdivisiQn Ordinance Review, The Commission reviewed Final Plat Submittal Procedures and Guarantee of Performance. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that C;'ty Engineer recommend the City not sign the Final Plat until the required site constructions were completed and inspected. The collection rate on security bond are costly and with inflation it is best to hold the Plat. The procedures for vacating Plats need to be changed because of new laws. The law requires a Public Hearing and number of other things. #5 GENERAL DISCUSSION: ,.... Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that the Naylor Project Construct- ion Plans were being checked by the City Engineer, and should be ready for the next meeting. Horseshoe Oaks was working on Phase 11 and the 200 apartments should be in at the next meeting. Merwin Willman said the Commission needed to take another look at the s,et backs establ ished for the PUD. The Commission was establ ishing set backs more restrictive than M 1. The Members agreed and said this item could be changed during another review of the zoning ordi- nance. Ray Stanhope ask about vacancies, on the Commission. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission the procedures for replacing a member need to come from Council, because procedures are not spelled out any place. Council will discuss this item at their next workshop and the Com- mission will be advised. #6 ADJOURNMENT: Acting Vice Chairman Beauchemin adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM. ,.. '" ,,,,-.,.~ pi