10-25-1983 . .. f"-. -- PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday~ October 25, 1983 at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Muni- cipal Complex, 14,00 Live Oak Road. t1embers present \'1ere as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cam Beauchemin, Vice Chairman MEt~B ERSABSENT None CITY STAFF 'Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator.., - . 'OTHER PRESENT Jim Davidson, Planning and Zoni~g applicant Cl are Gil bert Ken Greenwald, Councilmember Thomas Yarling,Planning and Zoning applicant Will Sommers Harry Jewett Al an \4ei dman Arthur Weidman Carol ine Magott Davi d Ri singer Tom Van DeWalle #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting October 11, 1983 Merwin ~/illman noted Item #5 para. 2 second sentence should read"The Commission was establishfng set back more restrictive than Ml and GB." Beauchemin made motion to accept minutes. as amended .' the mo,tion and vote was unanimousi.o favor -- ~ "l {} e pg. 2 PLANNING ANDZONrN~MrNUTES October 25, 1983 ' #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECO~1ENDATrON: Appltcants for Planntng and Zontng Commtss ton' Earl Hartzog' advised the Commisston there were four appl tcants for' the Planntng and Zontng Commtssiont Frederick Douglas - 100 Forest Way Lurline Davis - 537 Maple Dr. Thomas Yarling - 824 Maple Dr. James Davidson - 821 Marilyn Dr. The Commission was advised Mrs. Davis called just before the meeting and would not be a~le to attend because of a family emergency. Mr. Yarling and Mr. Davidson were present and answered questions. It was ~reed to table this item until the next meeting in order to talk to the other applicants. - Merwin Willman advised the Commission according to ordinance we had. to select Mr. Douglas since he was from the Lone Oak Subdivision. The other applicants were from areas of the City already represented on the Commission. The Commission reviewed the ordinance and Chairman Linebarger advised the word "must" was not used and they could reconmend an applicant to the Council #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary/Final Plat Tri-County Business/Industrial Park Unit I " . ",,,,* Earl Hartzog told the Commission the City Engineer had approved the Plat and Construction Plan. The City master plan required a 12" water line along IH-35 frontage of Lot 2, Block 1 and the developer agreed and had submitted the correction to the Construction Plan. " - The Commission had approved a Preliminary on this site in the summer of 1982. The complete area indicated in the Preliminary was not being Platted at the present time, just Unit 1, 89 acres.- After a short discussion on fire hydrants and number of acres , Cam Beauchemin made a motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for this project, Lee Boswell second and vote was unanimous ,in favo:". '., j",,~., --, e #5 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary/Final Plat Sycamore Creek Subdivision Unit 1 {20D Apartment site) , IJ e pg. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES October 25, 1983 Harry Jewett, Engtneer for the Sycamore Creek 'Apartments, presented the preHminary and Pinal Plat for this project. He had the drainage and site plan a~d answer questions on these items. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that the City Engineer had approved the drainage plan and the City could use the drainage ditch to eliminate some of the drainage proBlem in the village. Thedetatls on the water line and fire hydrants on the site'need to be worked out with the City Engineer. The details on identification of the Safety Lane need to be worked out with the City Attorney. The Safety Lane is a new item required on Platting to protect the City in case of accidents on private property. Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for this project. The Final Plat approval to be contingent upon the City Engineers approval. Lee Boswell seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. - #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Zoning Change request - Park 35 (Barshop Enterprise) Chairman Linebarger advised the members to update their Zoning Ordinance with the change which established the Planned Unit Development. Earl Hartzog told the Commission of the changes made by Council to recommend Ordi nance. , David Risinger presented Barshop Enterprise Zoning change request to the Conmission; He and Mr. Van DeWalle answered questions. The request would also ask fora helicopter pad and a different height restriction of the frontage along IH-35. Chairman Linebarger was provided a copy of the formal rezoning request. ' Will Sommers ask if citizen could have an input on this item. Chairman .~ Linebarger said normally not since this was not a public hearing. Mr. Sommers said yesterday was the first time he had heard anything about this project. He recommend the Commission table this item for 30 days in order for the home owner in Deerhaven to obtain more information about the project. Chairman Linebarger advised Mr. Sommers and the other peopl e from Deer- haven that Barshop had meet with the homeowners on 17, October. Earl Hartzog advised that all property owner within 200 feet were notified of the meeting. It was also mentioned the homeowner's meeting was in the paper twice. Chairman Linebarger told Mr. Sommers the Commission had e G e pg. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES OctoBer 25, 1983 - seen thispresentatton aBout a month ago and 'a delay could riot he . justtfted~ Cam Beauchemin made a motion to schedule a Joint PuBlic Heartng for'Novemoer 15, ~ay Stanhope seconded the motion 'and vote was unanimou's tn favor. #7 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Home Occupation for child care at 1202 Chestnut (by Teresa Flake) Earl H~rtzog advised Comrilisstonof applications for Home Occupation submitted By Ms. flake. Ms. Flake ~as sent a letter on October 20, to appear before the Planntng and Zoning Commission to answer any question. The CommissionasR if this was residence or just a place of business. Did both ladtesltve on'the property. Since Ms. Flake ~as not present to answer these questions, Ray Stanhope made a-motionto taBle this Hem. Lee,~well seconded and vote was unanimous in favor ~ #8 GENERAL DISCUSSION e The Comri1isston'was advised that Council had approvedCam Beauchemin as Vice Chairman. Public Hearing schedul ed for November 15, on Barshop property and discussiondnchange of meeting schedule and Hems for the Agenda. Earl Hartzog'oriefed theCommission'on'performance fiond and security bonds as possible optton~ The Commission agreed they would go along with the City Attorney and staff. Flood phin iManagement ,meeting will De scheduled some ttme in November. Water resourcewoul d Hke to visit the Clty before a meeting. Shoul d invite developers, engineers'and other'cittes. Should have a date by the next meeting. ' Earl Hartzog advised Commission on Mr. Riedel .s plan to Buil dqny' " apartment Building next to his mODile home park. The majority of the 1 and outstde City 1 tmits and in the F1 ood Pl a in. He can biJlld if the encroachment of the flood pl a in is adjusted' and the 1 iving area'ts out oftfie FloodPlain. Will the Commtssionrequtre a ded.,.. icated'street to this site? -t,1erwin ~ltllman questioned the zoning and Chairman Unebarger advised the staff to have Mr. Riedel SUDmtt a Pl at in accordance with the Su5dtvisi-on Ordtnanee. ., ~ . '.~' e - . o pg, 5 PLANNING AND ZONING MfNUTES Oct65er 25l 1983 ' ., t1erwi"n Wtllman suggested Ute Commission'make a determination' of set", BacKs for GIr and 111 zoning, Chatrman Ltneoar!'ler ask. for tht's ttem to be put ontne ,Agenda for the next meeting. 1J9 ADJOURNHENT Cna trman Linefiarger adjourned the meettng at 8: 20 pr1. ':-:;''' '..-,,~ ;':'