11-15-1983 (, e e . '.. ('1t7'J G , PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES I' The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council Convened in a Joint Public Zoning Hearing on Tuesday, November 15, 1983 at 7:00 PM in the r1unicipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road. r1embers present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell COUNCIL MEMBERS Earl lL Sawyer, r'ayor Charles B. Sharpe Hal Baldwin Ross Hoover Adolph Aguilar Ken Greenwald MEMBERS ABSENT Cam Beauchemin CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, Pl anning and Zoni ng Coordi nator June Krause, City Secretary Jimmy Gilmore, City Manager #1 CALL TO ORDER , ..,.. Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Change No. 47 After welcoming all the citizens to the meeting, Mayor Sawyer explain- ed that the purpose of the Public Hearing was to receive input from the public for rezoning request submitted by Barshop Enterprises on approximately 178 acres out of A-153 T. Herrera Survey, Guadalupe County, located at the southwest corner of IH 35 and ~1 3009 and ap- proxi:mately 18 acres out of A-299 John Saladin Survey, Guadalupe Co- unty, located at the southeast corner of IH 35 and Ft1 3009 for rezon- ing to be established as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). He then turned the Publi~ Hearing over to Planning and Zoning Chairman, John Linebarger. t1r. Linebarger said he would first like Mr. Risinger, representing Barshop Enterprises, to give a briefing anc;rexplain their plans. '. Mr. David Risinger, Architect, said he welcomed the opportunity to come before the Council and P & Z members to present their plans and pro- gram. He said they have worked extensively with the homeowners near the'pr:.9Ject and have taken their concerns into consideration. They began:tneir preliminary planning in May through 1\ugust. In September t~y"initiated informal meetings with~ty Staff "and had a preliminary meeting before Planning and Zoning. On October 17, they had a meeting with homeowners, where about 60 peopl~ attended. On October 24th they submitted their application to the City. After that they contacted ., ( e~ e "-.'''." e , " L: pg. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES I indrvtdual homeowners and on'November 8th fH~d ~ follow,:,up meettng. Thts eventng ts the culmtnatton Qf ~1'1 these meetings. He then gave a slide presentation~ snow-iog what was proposed and how it would lOOK, r1r., Risinger satd the initial presentation to homeowners was for a 25 foot green Duffer zone wtth a 25 foot set oack,. The-peopl et-s con- cern was that they dtd not want to De vtsually put upon. Therefore, the pl ans were cflanged to tncl ude' a 7 foot ceda,r fence oetween the homeowner.s property and the project. The fence to De offset aoout 3 feet to preserve trees orvegetatton~ They are wtlling to do thts as well as 1 tmittng butl dtng fiei'ght along the Buffer zone to 30 foot hetght with no wtndo~ openings. The followtngctttzensspoke on tfle rezontng, mostly not aga tnst Bar<:, shop Enterpr tsesbut wa nttog no fence and a 1 arger . Duffer zone 1 Ann Ladds ,,", 921 Pawn- Drtve ":' no fence and 1 arger greenbelt Bill SOil1l1lers '" 1016 Antl er Drive "", tncreased trafftc on Pt1 3009 BqOt1agot-:-lp3 Fawn,Drtve ~. &nly 1 story. Dui'ldtng E. J, Head";' 909 Fawn Drive '~ wants extended green Belt '" no f.f~ Ronal d Rose ":" 1000 Pawn Drive .;" commitment' ,to li1a inta in greenDe"f~ ,.# Kenneth Pl ace .~, 1001 Fawn Drive ~ wfIere was private meettng tiel d Harry Richoerg'~, 1Q05 Fawn", he was contacted to hold meettng at hts house~ Norma Head", 909 Pawn Drive,:, no fence~ at least 50. greenBelt Roman Proo.ese '" 3515 PM3009- concerned about drainage Richard L. Howe .:. 1008 fawn ":" feel s it ts toe best thtng for Schertz, Glenn Bennett -. 5218 CaBana '" wi'll his area get Sqme treatment a,s fawn Dana Sommers - 1016 Antler - pleased with Barshop but concerned with traffic. Pat White - 109 Richardson - not against project but concern of traffic. After listening to and answering questions of the citizens, David Risinger said their company got caught in a bind with the homeowners. They thought they were fulfilling their wishes; however, as it seems to be their wishes now, they will commit to a 75 foot building set- back line with a 30 to 50 foot buffer green area. He said they thought they were responding to the homeowners wishes before; but if this is what they nowwan~,theyare willing. Councilman Sharpe ased the:Chainnan if the rezoning is denied and left zoned R-l, what would the setback be. Mr. Linebarger said 25 foot. "'1" ,,, :.. . l e pg. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES ~, Mr. Linebarger finalized the public hearing by saying he felt that Barshop Enterprises have come through with fine proposals and all their efforts have been to respond to each of us. He said he thought we . have to look at what the alternatives would be. Mr. Linebarger turn- ed the meeting back over to the Mayor Sawyer. #3 GENERAL DISCUSSION There was none. #4 ADJOURNMENT OF PULIC HEARING: Mayor Sawyer adjourned the Public Hearing at 8:20 P~. The. Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a Special Session upon completion of Joint Publ ic Heari ng in the~uni ci pal Compl ex Conference Room. ,5-'_ Linebarger called the meeti-ng~to order at 8:30Pr.. '.~., '.",:< '. . #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session November 8, 1983 Ray Stanhope made motion to accept'minutes. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION ON ZONING CHANGE NO. 47 After a short discussion Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve zoning change No. 47 with self imposed 75' building setback, to i~clude 50' Greenbelt along single family residential areas and include berm. Ad- ditionally, recommend Dance Hall/Night Club be striken from schedule of uses submitted with application. Merwtn Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #4 CONSIDER ANQ.MAKE RECOMMENDATION: ~. ~ Applicants for Planning and Zoning COlmlission There were three applicants for the Commission present: James Davidson -':821 Marilyn Thomas Yarling - 824 Maple Robert Andrews -209 Greentree . .". (ill ~f. '. ~. ~ .. . ~ " G '"', - ,P~h 4 , PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTSS , Earl Hartzog'advTsed'the Comrilfsston that Mrs. Davis was still 'in the hospit~l. After a short dtscusstonRay Stanhope nominated Mr. Yarl- tng for the posltlon~ After a short discussion Merwin Willman second- ed the nomtnatton ~ the vote was unantmous in favor. #5 GENERAL DISCUSSION Earl 'Hartzog advised the Commisston of the Fl oodpl a i n r~anagement Work- shop on Novemoer21, 1983, 6PM to '.9Pt1. . , Merwin Willman mentioned zoning on 3009 and Elf>el from PD. After a short discussion aoout the zoning b~ing Rl, and if the developerJ'want... ed something different it wt1l gtve the Commission a control on the types of business. #6 ADJOURNMENT Linebarger adjourned the fI1ee~ing at 9t3l} p.r.,. ~~._.. . ."" e .~ ,