The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a Regular Session on
Tuesday February 14, 1984 at 7:00 PM in the r1unicipal Complex Conference
Room, 1400 Live Oak Road. t1embers present \'Jere as follows:
Cam Beauchemin, Vice Chairman
Tom Yarling, Secretary
Merwi n Hi llman
Lee Boswell
Bob Andrews
John Linebarger) Chairman
Ray Stanhope
Earl Hartzog) Planning Coordinator
Ken Greenwald, Council Member
Odo Riedel
Louis Cowart
Coy Simmons
Haven Ste\'/art
Billy Newton
Vice Chairman Beauchemin called the meeting to order at 7:00 P~.
#2 READING OF MINUTES: Special Meeting of January 17, 1984
There was some discussion on the time the meeting adjourned. It was
agreed the minutes should be amended to read 7:32 PM as time of adjourn-
ment. Lee Boswell made a motion to accept minutes as amended. The
motion was seconded by Bob Andrews and the vote was unanimous in favor.
#3 CONSIDER AND t1AKE RECor1ENDATION: Expand Mobile Home Park in Floodway.
The Commission was presented a request from ~r. Odo J. Riedel) for
permission to install two (2) large mobile homes and six (6) smaller
homes in the Floodway.
Mr. Riedel advised the Commission his request for the two (2) large mobile
homes under the grandfather clause. These would not be placed on the
same location, because he had built a street over the old location. The
. ~
six (6) smaller homes would be R.V. slots.
The Commission was provided a copy of map identifing the floodway. flood-
p la in and the projected site. tler"i n \Ii 11ma nand Earl Hartzog advi sed
the Commission that City of Schertz Regulation for Flood plain Manage-
ment Ordinance No. 77-M-9 prohibits the expansion of a mobile home park
in the floodway. There is a provision for replacement of mobile homes
on an existing pad completed before the effective date of the ordinance
(November 1. 1977)
There "as a lengthly discussion about non_enforcement of this ordinance
could jeopardize the eligibility for low-flood insurance for the citizens
of the City.
Merwi n Wi 11 ma n made a motion to rec_end d i sa pprov a 1 of for. Ri ede 1 ' s
request. Tom Yarling seconded the motion which carried with the following
!'embers Vli1lman) Yarl i n9 and Beauchemi n
t1embers Boswell and I\ndrewS
iI4 CONSIOER ArlO f\AKE RECOI\t1EtlDATlotl: Variance to side yard setback for car-
c~ port. 225 Maple Drive.
() vc.
Each member waS presente~ copy of Louis Cowart's request to place a car-
port that would extend~the required side yard setback. There waS a
letter from the next door neighbor stating he had no objection if the car-
port was three(3) feet from his property line.
Lee Bos we 11 made a motion to recommend a pprov a 1 of l\r . Cowart's re qu es t .
Bob AndrewS seconded the motion. which carried with the following vote:
Members Yarling. Boswell. Andrews and Beauchemin.
nember \oH 11man.
#5 CONSIOER AND tlAKE REcm\M[t1DATlON: Ioning Change Request Oak Forest
Unit V.
Coy Simmons presented his request to rezone the area identified on the
Master plan as Oak Forest Unit V from R-l to R-2.
After a short discussion on the d~and for the larger lots versus 7,500
square foot lots. Lee Boswell made a mati on to schedul e lIr. Simmons'
request for public hearing. Bob Andrews seconded and the vote was
unanimouS in favor.
#6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: specifiC Use Permit Alamo Riggins
Billy Newton presented his request to place a construction office and
storage building in ~e area zoned ~ighborh~d Service District (NS).
The area is the IH-35 frontage of r10bile Villa, between Cabana Drive and
I ro 1 a Dri ve .
After a short discussion) Bob Andrews made a motion to deny request. Lee
Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
Haven Stewart presented a request for rezoning the Kramer Farm to a PUD.
Plans are to match lot sizes along the border of Parkland and Val Verde
and request the balance for convenience homes on 5,000 to 5)500 square
foot lots.
There was discussion on Nell Deane Boulevard and Randolph Avenue being a
60 foot right-of-way with 43 foot pavement.
~erwin Willman made a motion to schedule the zoning change request for
public hea.ring. Lee Boswell seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.
#8 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Zoning Change Request Northcliffe
Representative was not present this item was tabled.
Earl Hartzog advised the Commission on the following items:
Savannah Square Zoning Change No. 50:
Council went along with PUD Zoning for the Larry Thomas Co.
Concessions were made by Larry Thomas on the size of homes) re-
strictions on the business and to project streets away from m 3009.
Live Oak Road to IH-35:
Council has instructed staff to proceed with the plan to extend Ltve
Oak Road to IH-35. The Ci'ty Engineer is looRing at the route,
Zoning Change No. 48 & 49:
Council went along with the Commisston recommendation on these two
zoning changes.
Zoning Change No. 45:
Council would like the Commission to take another look at this area
behind CCMA. Council felt the letter from ~1r. Von Scheele should
be given more consideration in the zoning of this property. It is
my understanding that Bob Schultz Realty is buying this property and
will be submitting plans in the very near future for homes, apart-
ments, and a shopping complex.
: ~
Council has asked the Commission to make a recommendation on the
annexation of land south of m 78. Also to look into another road
to that area.
Horseshoe Oaks:
P.eference inquiries about the safety of Woodland Oaks Drive exit.
The Highway Department is double checking the exit. A prel iminary
check indicates approximately 550 feet of distance) which is adequate
for 55 MPR speed. Horseshoe Oaks Unit 2A and 28 are still on hold,
because of a drainage problem. The Highway Department has not
given there approval for drainage to go directly,out plong Fr13009.
. . ,J1'.......r
ZOning, or, di na nee Change: \/oodl and in Houston; ~ - At. the time thi s
project was planned the area was wlthtn ETJ the Clty of Houston.
Houston has no zoning and had very little or on the planning)
control.and development of this project.' Tne homes, businesses,
building, signs and future development are controlled by deed
restricttons. The MUD, which was ,formed to provide utilities for
this project, is the major enforcer of development.
Counctl \'lOuld 1 ike the Commission to review and make recommended
changes to the Zoning Ordinance. r1ajor revisions on business districts,
signs, building set back and residential lot sizes are desired.
Vice Chairman Beauchemin adjourned the meeting at 9:38 pr1.