The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Schertz convened in regular session
Tuesday March 13, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Compiex Council Chambers, 1400
Live Oak Road. The following members were present:
Adolph Aguilar, .Chairman
John Linebarger, Vice Chairman
Jack Stomackin, Secretary
Raymond Stanhope
Charles Sharp
Kenneth Greenwald
Walter W. Hill, Jr., City Manager
Joe C. Garza, Administrative Assistant
Ron Garrison, Building Official
Mr. Coy Simmons, Mrs. Wanda Koch,
Mr. Craig Holmig
called to order by Chairman Aguilar at 7:00.
#1 CALL TO ORDER-The meeting was
'#2 READING'ilF MINUTES --The:minutes:::j}-f Febrcuary'-27, 1979 were'rea(h-~Motionto accept
the mi nutesas read was made by John li nebarger seconded by Ray StanHope , all
were in favor, motion carried unanimously.
#3 REVIEW OF. REVISED DAD FOREST MASTER PLAN-- Mr. Coy Simmons and Mr. Craig Holmig
were present to discuss the revised master plan, and stated that they had revised
the master planaccording to the recommendations that the Commission made at their
previous meeting. Commission members then discussed in detail all the proposed
revisions. John Linebarger made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Commission
approve the revised Oak Forest Master,PJan as presented with the new exit and
entrance to Creast Oak with onecmodtfication, that being-thec50'(fiftyfoot)
easemenLbe shown continuing Crest~ Oak past the end of the subdivision.- Seconded
by JatkStomackin~ A revised Map showing the easement will be provided to the
City Staff.
#4 VARIANCE REQUEST ON LOT-SIZE fOR-oAK FOREST UNIT #3 - JohnLinebargermadeauffiot ion
that Planning and.1oning Commission apprQve a variance to th'e subdivision ordinance
lot size configuration. This variance would allow a 5000 square foot lot to be
developed instead of a requried 7500 square foot lot. This area is identified on
the attached map. '. In addition all houses on the same side of the street on the
1 gst b 1 ocLof Circle-Qakwi.ll::-'Conform"to a.uni fornf side yard set ,backbej ng ei ther_
- zero lot .1 i ne~conceptor cl-G%of the~lotwi dthas, a, side .yard.setback{mi n.imum 51).
If a zero lot -line -concept ,is useda,~cfootmaintainanceeasementwtll fie provided
on the ajacenLof the property'~side that the house abutts. . Motion was seconded
by Jack Stoma-€kin.All .were~n favor.-Motion carried.
#5 VARIANCEREQUEST-DN uL(}'-',SlZE FOR~OAKFDRESTUNl+u#4 ---A motion to-approve a
variance to the subdivision lot depth requif.ement of 100 feet was made by Mr.
Kenneth,:Greenwal d ~a 11 members were--i n favor..:=c:Thi s- vari ance,woul d allow Mr.
Sirrinons-~to deve]op,.the -2 .i)72acre'c-trac-t~fl andcclocated between.-cF-M 3009 andc.c'
Lazy Oak Lane.
#6 CURB CUT REQUEST - Mr. Clovis Bennett of 1073 Richmond Or. requested a curb cut
to gain access_to a,proposecLcarport.J.nu his yard. This curb cut will be 18 feet
wideandJocated~ODlReanbke~.ar. --Motion to approve, wasc,JOO{\e:byCharles' Sharp. ",~
Seconded by Kenneth Greenwald.
#7 REVIEW PROPOSED ZONING MAP - Commission recommends to the staff that a
a joint meeting be scheduled with City Council to discuss the proposed
Zoning District Map. Staff will schedule a joint meeting for the latter
part of April.
#8 . ZONING ORDINANCE - It was decided that due to the late hour review of the
ordinance be postponed til the next meeting. All members concurred.
#9 GENERAL DISCUSSION - There were three applications for Planning and Zoning
Commissioners. After review, Charles Sharp made a motion that MerwinG.
Willman, 310 Mitchell Ave. be recommended to serve on the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Motion seconded by Raymond Stanhope. Motion carried.
It is recommended to the City Council that Mr. Willman serves as new
member to fill the vacancy left by John Marquette.
#10 ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Aguilar then declared the meeting closed as there
was no further business. Meeting adjourned at 9:30.