The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday,
July 24, 1979, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Live
Oak Road. The following members were present:
Members Present:
City Staff Present:
Adolph Aguilar, Chairman
John Linebarger, Vice-Chairman
Jacqueline Lawler, Secretary
Kenneth Greenwald
Merwin Willman
Ron Garrison, Building Inspector
Malcolm Scott, Administrative Assistant
Others Present:
Mrs. Isabel Pellerin
Chairman Aguilar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
#2. READING OF MINUTES - July 18, 1979
Mr. Linebarger requested that Item #6 (General Discussion), paragraph 7, be
amended to read as follows:
Mr. Linebarger moved that the proposed General Business District zones along
FM 3009 from East Live Oak Road to the beginning of the proposed General
Business District'zone along the access road of IH-35 be removed from the
Proposed District Zoning Map, and, further, that the Commission inform the
City Council and City Staff that the Planning and Zoning Commission recognizes
the need for business areas of substance along FM 3009, but that the Commission
will defer any action regarding business-uzoning until such time as those areas
along FM 3009 thcit'lie within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the Cityare
annexed, so that fair and equal contrOl may be exercised along the length of
FM 3009. Mr. Willman seconded the motion. The Commission approved the motion
Mr. Greenwald moved to accept the minutes as amended. Mr. Willman seconded the
motion. The Commission approved the motion unanimously.
#3. B.O.A. CASE #11
Mr. Linebarger moved to transmit the following communication to the Board of
It is the considered opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission that Board
of Adjustment Case #11 warrants no recommendation at this time because the
setback,var;'ance request of Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Morrison may involve infringe-
ment upon the rights of the ne-i ghbori ng property owner. The neighboring
property ownerwiJl -beunava i 1 abl efor consultation until approximately
August 10,1979. Therefore, the Planning and Zoning Commission transmits
Case #11 to the Board of Adjustment with no recommendation.
~ Mr. Willman seconded the motion. The Commission approved the motion unanimously.
, .
Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes, July 24, 1979
page 2
The Commission reviewed the proposed subdivision ordinance, pages 1-15,
and made additions, corrections, and deletions. The Commission requested
that the City Staff incorporate the additions, corrections, and deletions
into the draft text. Chairman Aguilar requested that Commission members
review and study the proposed subdivision ordinance, pages 16-30, before
the next regular session of the Commission on August 14, 1979.
Mr. Linebarger moved to direct the City Staff to write a letter to Mr. Walter
W. Hill, Jr., so to express the Commission's gratitude and appreciation of
of his support and encouragement of the Commission's activities and projects.
Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. The Commission approved the motion
Mr. Linebarger moved to direct the City Staff to write a letter to the City
Council, so to express the Commission's concern that the City should locate-
and drill a new water well, and that the City should do so with all possible
haste. Further, Mr. Linebarger moved to express the Commission's opinion
that the location and drilling of a new water well should be accomplished
within the framework of a specific time table, and that all possible sources
of funding for such a project should be considered, including the possibility
of a bond issue election. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. The Commission
approved the motion unanimously.
Chairman Aguilar adjourned the meeting-at,c9:10 p.m.