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March 8, 1978
The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session Wednesday,
March 8, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex City Council Cham-
bers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following membe~s present: "
Adolph Aguilar - Chairman
John Linebarge~ - Vice Chairman
Betty Wi se .
Charles Sharp
Jack Stomackin
Richard L. Howe - Major Pro-Tem
Mervin G. Willman
Walter F. Schneider
Earl W. Sawyer
Earl Johnson
June Krause
Walter W. Hill, Jr.
Joe Garza
Bob Jacobson
#1 lC-5 Joint Public Zoning Hearing
The Public Zoning Hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission
and the City Council was called to order by Chairman Adolph
Aguilar. The purpose of the Public Zoning Hearing was to con-
sider a request by Mr. Coy Simmons to rezone a tract of land
from R-l Single Family Dwelling District to O. P. Office and
Professional District. Citizens wishing to voice their opinions
were asked to state their names. The following citizens were
recognized: Mr. Dan Scott, Mr. Clarence Banks, Mr. Hensley,
Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Martin, Mr. Stewart,
Mr. Harvey Land, Mr. Wills, 'Mr. Smith, Mr. Sperskosky, Mr. Men-
chew, and Mr. Miller. All persons here in identified are
property owners and live within a 300 foot radius of Mr. Sim-
mons' property. Mr. F. A. Peede and Dr. L. S. Krause were not
present but did send letters voicing their opinion. Mr. Coy
Simmons was given the first opportunity to explain why he
wanted the proposed parcel rezoned. After Mr. Simmons' pre-
sentation, the citizens were given the opportunity to express
their feelings. All of the citizens who voiced their opinion
were opposed to the Mr. Simmons' rezoning request. With this
portion of the public hearing finish the Joint Public Zoning
Hearing was concluded.
#2 ZC-6 Joint Meeting
ZC-6 is a, rezoning request by Mr. George Barnard to rezone
Lot 21 block 45 Aviation Heights Subdivision, from R-2 Single
Faroi 1y Owe 11 ing Di s tri ct. to R-3 Two and Four Fami ly Owe 11 i ng
District. After discussion by both the P & Z Commission and
City Council, it was the concensus of both bodies that the re-
zoni~g request meets the requirements of our Zoning Ordinance
and that a Public Zoning Hearing be scheduled as required by
our Zoning Ordinance. ' This concluded the joint meeting.
#3 READING OF MINUTES - The minutes of February 22, 1978 were
then read and there being no corrections or additions were
approved. Mr. Sharp made a motion to approve the minutes.
Mrs. Wise seconded. Vote was unanimous.
14 ZC-5 Rezoning Request by Mr. Coy Simmons R-l to O. P.
Mr. John Linebarger made a motion to the City Council recom-
mending Mr. Coy Simmons request to rezone a 2.092 acre tract
of land from R-l to O. P. be denied. The motion was seconded
be Mr. Sharp. Vote was unanimous.
#5 Recommendation of Mr. Jo~nMarquette as a cOlimission member.
Mr. Sharp made a motion to recommend to the city council the
appointment of "Mr.' John Marquette as a Planning and Zoning
Commission member. Mr. Stanhope seconded the motion. Vote
, was unanimous.
'The meeting was adjourned at 9:05.
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