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The Planning and Zoni~g Commission of the
Regular Session on Tuesday, April 13, 1982,
the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road.
fo 11 ows :
City of Schertz convened in
in the Conference Room of
Members present were as
John Linebarger, Chairman
Kenneth Greenwald, Vice-Chairman
Clayton McMahan, Secretary
Merwin Willman
Ray Stanhope
Lee Boswell
Tom Brooks, Assistant City Manager
Ed Ford, City Engineer
William Courtney, Councilman
Cl a ire Gil bert
Hoover Edwards
Charles Bain
Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
#2 READING OF MINUTES: March 23, 1982
Regular Session
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Lee
Boswell seconded the motion and the vote as unanimous in favor.
#3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: On a request submitted by Mr. Hoover
Edwards to rezone approximately three
(3) acres of land from R-l to GB
Mr. Edwards was present at the meeting to provide information about the
proposed use of the land he is requesting to rezone from R-l to GB. Mr.
Edwards presently owns a plumbing company on Main Street but he does not
have sufficient land available at that location for pipe storage. If the
land is rezoned to GB, he proposes to store various types of pipe on it,
such as iron and PVC, which he will sellout of the main business location.
He also advised that he would enclose the storage area with a chain length
fence and would probably have a building on site to serve as a small office.
P&Z Minutes, dated: 4-13-82, pg. 2
Chairman Linebarger reminded the commission members about the items to
consider on requests for rezoning. After general discussion among P&Z
members, Ken Greenwald made a motion that the request for rezoning be
scheduled for a Public Zoni~g Hearing. Ray Stanhope seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous in favor.
#4 PRELIMINARY OR FINAL APPROVAL: Of a Master Plan for the Tri-County Business/
Industrial Park
Representatives of Bain Engineers were available to discuss the proposed
Master Plan for the Tri-County Business/Industrial Park. There are pre-
sently no firm committments for construction within the park but the Bain
Engineers advised there are several interested parties, primarily for ware-,
house and storage type facilities. It was also advised that one particular
tract is being considered for a motel/restaurant business. Ed Ford, the
Schertz City Engineer, said he sees no real problems with the proposed
master plan but that he wants to discuss water and sewer usage and drainage
problems with the Bain Engineers before final approval of the Master Plan
should be granted. After several favorable comments by commission members
about the proposed developemnt, Ken Greenwald made a motion to grant pre-
liminaryapproval on the proposed master plan. Lee Boswell seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
4It Tom Brooks advised he had no specific items to discuss.
Merwin Willman expressed his concern about increased drainage problems
that may occur as a result of development of the northern portion of the
City. Commission members agreed that the drainage problems may worsen
and the City Engineer advised that he will continue to monitor development
toward the best possible solutions.
Ed Ford, the City Engineer, provided a briefing about the water lines in
the City and that, at present, there is sufficient water supply available.-
However, within three - five years, according to the amount of develop-
ment, he advised that larger lines would need to be installed and that
probably an additional water well drilled. Chairman Linebarger advised
that the P&Z Commission has already recommended that the city explore the
possibility of obtaining another water well for the future, even if it
involves a bond issue. '
Chairman Linebarger acknowledged the resignation of Bill Courtney from the
P&Z Commission because Mr. Courtney was recently elected to the City Council.
Mr. Courtney recommended that the P&Z Commission consider Mr. Camille
Beauchemin, 4208 Shady Oak Lane as his replacement on the Commission.
P&Z Minutes, dated: 4-13-82, pg. 3
Tom Brooks advised that he has received an application from Mr. Beauchemin
to serve on the Commission and he made the application available for the
members review. Lee Boswell made a motion to submit the name of Mr.
Beauchemin to the City Council to be appointed as a member of the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Ray Stan~6pe seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor.
Mr. Claire Gilbert provided her comments about the possibility of a hospital
being located in the City.
There was no further discussion and Chairman Linebarger adjourned the
meeting at 8:15 PM.