05-11-1982 .. e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Schertz convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 11,'1982 in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Kenneth Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clayton McMahan, Secretary Merwi n Wi 11 man Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell MEMBER ABSENT Cam Beauchemin CITY STAFF Tom Brooks, Assistant City t-1anager #1 CALL TO ORDER . , " Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order, at 7:00 PM. e #2 READING OF MINUTES: Regular Session, April 27, 1982 Lee Boswell made a motion to accept the minutes of April 27, 1982, Ray Stanhope seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: To designate one side of Dowman Street as "NO PARKING" at all times Each Commission Member had visited Dowman Street and realized the need for the proposed action. Ray Stanhope made the motion to submit a recommendation to the City Council that one side of Dowman Street be designeated as "NO PARKING" at all times, and that the Chief of Police should determine which side. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #4 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: Review at least Article XIX through Article XXI of the Zoning Ordinance for possible , revision Article XIX through Article XXV were reviewed with certain corrections recommended. Those recommendations are reflected in the review copy of the Zoning Ordinance and will be compiled upon completion of the review. e . e e e #5 STAFF BRIEFING Tom Brooks advised that the truck stop has renewed interest along IH 35 and that another business has i~dicated interest in that area also. #6 GENERAL DISCUSSION At a prior meeting, the Commission had asked Tom Brooks to determine an appropriate fee for filing rezoning requests. He advised the Com- mission that the City Staff recommends a standard fee of $35.00 be established, regardless of the size of the acreage involved. The Commission unanimously accepted that recommendation. #7 ADJOURNt1ENT Chairman Linebarger adjouned the meeting at 8:00 PM. "