07-27-1982 .. , e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 27, 1982, at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cam Beauchemi n Merwin ~Ji11man MEMBERS ABSENT John Li nebarger Cl ay McMa ha n CITY STAFF Tom Brooks, Assistant City Manager OTHERS PRESENT J. Wm. Grooms ~ #1 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Greenwald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting July 13, 1982 Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the minutes. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the minutes were approved, with ~erwin Willman abstaining his vote. #3 PRELIMINARY/FINAL APPROVAL OF PLAT FOR WINN'S STORE, INC. - Subdividing 4.855 acres of land Mr. J. Wm. Grooms, Vice-President of Winn's Inc., was present to repre- sent his company. Tom Brooks advised the Commission that the City Eng- ineer has reviewed the plat and recommends preliminary approval be granted. Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the plat as a preliminary approval, Cam Beauchemin seconed the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. e e e e P&Z MINUTES, DATED: 7-27-82, page 2 , #4 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW - Complete Review of Appendix B of the Zoning Ordinance and Compile Revisions Previously Considered The Commission had no recommended changes to Appendix B. Tom Brooks provided the Members with a listing of proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and asked the members to review it, compare it with their notes, and submit their comments about the proposed revisions at the next meeting. #5 STAFF BRIEFING Tom Brooks advised the Members about a recent US Supreme Court ruling that establishes a precedent and makes zoning commissions more liable for lawsuits as a result of decisions they make. He provided the Commission with copies of two articles that further explain the rami- fications of the recent court ruling. #6 GENERAL DISCUSSION There was none. #7 ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM.