09-07-1982 , e e e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council convened in a Joint Public Zoning Hearing on Tuesday, September 7, 1982, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cl ay McMahan Merwi n Wi 11 man MEMBER ABSENT Cam Beauchemin CITY COUNCI L Mayor Earl Sawyer Jacki e Lawl er Jeff Duffi el d Charles Sharpe Adolph Aguilar #1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl. Sawyer called the meeting to order and explained the purpose of the Public Hearing was to consider changes to the Zoning Ordinance as submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Sawyer then turned the meeting over to John Linebarger, Chair- man of the Planning and Zoning Commission. #2 PUBLIC HEARING: . Zoning Change No. 41 - To consider changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Linebarger reiterated the reasons for the Public Zoning Hearing. He advised that the recommended changes were the result of a complete review of the Zoning Ordinances by the Planning and Zoning Cammi ssion. He advi sed all persons present that co pi es of the pro- 'posed changes were available for anyone wishing to review them. The proposed changes were reviewed on an exception basis with questions being'asked about certain proposed changes. It was agreed by the Council and the Commission that the wording "Performance Standard Group A" and "Performance Standard Group B" be removed from the titles of M-l and M-2 Industrial Districts, Artilces XIV and XV. J e e e P&Z MINUTES, Dated y-/-tlZ, page z It was further agreed that the City needs more controls over non- . conformance use activities, particularly in identifying those activities. There was some discussion over the required filing fees for rezoning and agreed upon that the proposed fee will be adequate to cover expenses. There were no changes made by the Councilor Planning and Zoning Commission to the recommended changes submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Linebarger again reminded all persons present that they were encouraged to offer their comments about the proposed changes. There were no comments from the audience. #3 GENERAL DISCUSSION There was no additional discussion. #4 ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Sawyer complimented the Planning and Zoning Commission for the excellent work done by the Commission in submitting their proposal. "Mayor Sawyer adjourned the Publ ic Zoning Hearing at 7 :25 PM and advised t.hat the Council would reconvene in 5 minutes in the Council Chamber and that the Planning and Zoning Commission would reconvene in the Conference Room.