01-25-1983 . , .. e e e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Pla.nning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 25, 1983 at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary Merwin Willman . Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell MEMBERS ABSENT John Linebarger Cam Beauchemi n CITY STAFF Ed Ford, City Engineer Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHERS PRESENT Steve Hogan Mi ke Wil son Ken Reed Anthony Koeh Bill i e Thomas Harry Ruebsahm G. Michael Kyrish #1 CALL TO ORDER Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Regular Meeing January 11, 1983 Ray Stanhope made motion to accept minutes as amended. Lee Boswell second the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER. AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Final Plat for Coastal Equities Representatives from Coastal Equities briefed on the Final Plat; identified some minor changes which need to be made based on Mr. Ford's recommendation. The water line and private drive to the Krammer Homesite must be taken care of before approval. Coastal Equities advised.Edgar VonScheele and Company were taking care of the private drive and copies were provided to Mr. Ford. Coastal Equities plan to take care of the water line. They have met with Don Decker and he plans to split the cost of street in front of the property. Water and sewer for Decker will also be a cost share with this project Ray Stanhope motioned to approve contingent upon Ed Ford' s approval, Lee Boswell second the motion and vote as unanimous in fa~or. e e e -'.... PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES, DATED: 1-25-83, Pg. 2 #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Preliminary Plat, Northcliffe Section 5 Ed Ford brief on plat, advised plat aoes meet minimum standards with exception of Lot 30, Block 10 (minimum 7,500 sq. ft). Ed Ford recommended approval of preliminary plat contingent upon correction of lot 30. Earl Hartzog advised Commission he had found a copy of the Master Plan (dated 9-17-78) on file showing a proposed ball park (2.5 acres) on part of this site. Ed Ford advised the Commission and Mike Kyrish, that approval from the Homeowner Association would be necessary to delete the ball park. There was discussion on number of blocks in Northcliffe. It was noted each new subdivision did not repeat a block number. Earl Hartzog said he would check with the School and County to determine the best way to number the blocks. Lee Boswell made:a motion to approve contingent upon corrections of Lot 30 and letter from Homeowners Association in reference to change of Master Plan. Clay McMahan second the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. #5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Harry Ruebsahm Planned Subdivision Mr. Ruebsahm presented a rough draft of his Planned Subdivision. He wanted the Commissions' idea on private drive to more than one residential unit and variance on curb and gutters. Since part of the plan was to put cattle on this property, Mr. Willman felt the Animal Control Ordinance would need to be checked. After a very long discussion, the Commission agreed Mr. Ruebsahm should have an engineer draw plans and submit them in accordance with city ordinances. #6 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW The Comprehensive Plan was distributed to the Commission members and were asked to review and provide input. Earl Hartzog briefly explained the contents and advfsed Commission the City Council requested priority review and input. Will be on the Agenda for the next meeting. #7 GENERAL DISCUSSION Earl Hartzog advised the Commission on the progress of Archie Heimer Project. Mr. Heimer's engineer has contacted Ed Ford and we may have Preliminary Plat by next meeting. The flood control on Dietz Creek will be a major issue. Mr. Willman asked the Commission if the zoning on Farm to Market Road 3009 should be changed back to R-l (Single Family Dwelling) since it appears the Horseshoe Oak Project is not going to be developed. It was agreed to leave zoned as R-5 (Garden Homes) and General Business District at the present time. Lee Boswell asked if the City had any brochures pertaining to Community Data Profile. Earl Hartzog said he would check. #8 ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.