02-08-1983 4. e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, February 8, 1983, at 7:00 P.M, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING CO~ISSION John Linebarger, Chairman . Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Cl ay McMahan Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cam Beauchemin MEMBERS ABSENT None CITY STAFF Earl Hartzo~, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHERS PRESENT None e #1 CALL TO ORDER John Linebarger, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7~OQ P .11. #2 READING OF ~INUTES: Regular Meeting January 25, 1983 Lee Boswell made the~motion to accept the minutes. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in faVor. #3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW: e The comprehensive plan was reviewed by the commission, it was noted drainage improvements (Page 57) were not included under capital projects (Page 116). It was agreed the city needs a study of the. drainage system as the first priority to determine needs and estimated cost. .A couple of the. proposed streets extended from dead-end cul~de~sacs, but it was agreed the general idea was present and location would be determined as the area develops. There was a discussion on the bridge on ~1 78 over Cibolo Creek, but..were not sure if any part of city participation would be required" Ken ~reenwald made a motion to adopt the plan as is with on.,..going,review for input to council as the changes may be necessary. Ray Stanhope seconded and vote was unanimous in favor; ~r. Gilmore and city staff should be commended for. the outstanding work for preparation of the plan. PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES, DATED: 2-8-83, pg. 2 .. 4. e #4 GENERAL DISCUSSION The commission was advised it appears Mr. Harry Ruebsahm's planned country living subdivision (FM 3009) would probably not happen, because the Animal Control Ordinance and the city not helping to pay for construction of the road. Mr. Willman provided a recommended change to the Animal Control Ordinance for better control of this type of development. It was determined some changes were necessary to the Animal Control. Ordinance and asked city staff to provide input for future meet tngs . Earl Hartzog advised the Commission about Don Decker" s plans to develop a general Business area near 1518 and Pecan. Appears one of his planned businesses will be a welding and machine shop~ which is not autho~ized in general business areas. After a sflort discussion,.it.was agreed we will have to nave more i'nformati"on,notingttlat welding is being done acroS's Hie street at Chico's Paint and Body Shop. e ConniJTSS Ton wasadv ised aooutthe ingress and egress easements to Kramer fiomestte... Tfie Kramer nomes He has a fl oa t i ng ease- ment and Kr.amer must agreeto.allprojects and a partial release Bas Been. si'gned to. the Coastal Equiti es site. Edgar ~on.Scfieele wtll put tnthe new road and Coastal Equities will taRe ca.re of:the water line for "Mrs. Kramer. Ed ford should f'iaye tl'ie fi'na 1 on' thi's tn tfle very near future. 'MY'. wn lman gave.eac.h1l1emoer some informa ti on he had copi ed from' the pl anni'ng magazi'neon zoni:ng. 'Mr. Willman was asked tQcircolate toe planntngmagazine amoung.the other members. There was also.s-ome discussion on the possibilities of each member receh'i'ng tfletr own copy of the magazi ne. i5 ADJ~URNMENT ~eettng WaS adjourned at 8:.00 P.M. e