08-23-1983 "f ..... - e e .. PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Special Session on Tuesday, August 23, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. in the Confer- ence Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cam Beauchemin f CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHERS PRESENT Neil Fisher' Alan Lindskog Tommy Haney Dennis Taylor #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Joint Public Hearing August 16, 1983 Ray Stanhope made motion to accept minutes, Lee Boswell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. Special Meeting August 16, 1983 Merwin Willman made motion to accept minutes with carr2ctlons to item #4, third line the vJOrd "not" should be deleted and the word "should" in item 4, sixth line should be changed to "must". Ken Greenwald seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Horseshoe Oaks Unit One Fi na 1 Pl at. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission the City Engineer had re- viewed the construction plan for this project and had noted some minor modifications that need to be made. After a short discussion on easement and street names and changes required on construction plans, Lee Boswell made a motion to approve Final Plat contingent upon City Engineer's final approval. Cam Beauchemin seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. > 1 \ ./~ e e e ... Chairman Linebarger advised Neil Fisher the plat will not be signed until improvements are inspected by the City Engineer or a performance bond is posted. . #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: North Cliffe East Community Garden Homes- Section One Preliminary Plat. Alan Lindskoy presented the preliminary plat for the 37' by 90' Garden Home site. The depth of lots 20-50 in Block 19 should be identified as 90' deep and street name "MINOSA" would need to be changed. Merwin Willman asked about the avialability of water to the site and it was agreed by the Commission this would be a factor in obtaining final approval of the plat in the future. Ray Stanhope made motion to accept preliminary plat, Lee Boswell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. Alan Lindskoy advised the Commission of the plans to present the Preliminary Plat on the Model Home Park at the next meeting. Commission members were provided a copy of the Plat to identify any changes or modifications that may be required before the next meeting. After a short discussion it was agreed the item should be on the agenda of the next meeting in order for the Commission to vote. #5 CONSIDER AND TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION: The Village Unit lA, Vacating and Replatting of Block 5, Lot 5 Final Plat. Tommy Haney presented the Final Plat for vacating and replatting for the 16 apartments. Earl Hartzog advised Commission that the City Engineer had construction plan and had given tentative approval over the telephone today. After a short discussion Ray Stanhope made a motion to accept Final Plat contingent upon City Engineer's approval. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Greenfield III, Vacating and Replating to Add, Delete and relocate 5 foot Maintenance Easements, Preliminary and Final Plat. The Commission was provided a Preliminary Plat for vacating and replating of Greenfield III Maintenance Easements. The reason for moving the maintenance easements was to avoid the west sun. The Commission was advised the City Engineer had already reviewed the Plat and had given a tentative approval over the telephone today and no changes would be required to construction plan$. After a short discussion Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve Final Plat. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. 2 'if .... ... e #7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Dennis Taylor request to fence side yard and a portion of the front yard with a 61 privacy fence. Location - 434 River Road. Lot 21. Block 4, Rio Vista Subdivision. Mr. Taylor presented to the Commission his plan to fence a portion of his property. He had statements from some property owners in area, stating they had no objection to the planned fence. He also had a statement from one owner that objected to his plan. claiming it would block the flow of air to his property. Mr. Taylor presented pictures and a drawing of his property showing the area to be fenced and the need for more fenced area. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that the City Inspection Depart- ment had looked at the area and indicated the planned area to be fenced would not obstruct view creating a vehicle safety hazard. The Commission determined the area planned to be fenced is not permitted in accordance with City zoning ordinances. Article XVI restricts the height of front yard fences at 48 inches and side. yards' are to be open and unobstructed. It was determined a Board of ~djustment would be required (Article XXIV-Section 4) in order for Mr. Taylor to fence the side and front yard with a 6' privacy fence. 'i' e Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that a recommendation to City Council was needed from the Commission. Cam Beauchemin made a motion to recommend to Council to approve the requested fence. Lee Boswell seconded and the vote was as follows: For: Clay McMahan, Cam Beauchemin. Lee Boswell and John Linebarger Against: Ray Stanhope. Merwin Willman and Ken Greenwald #8 CONSIDER.AND TAKE-APPROPRIATE-ACTION.:- Subdivision 'Ordinance Revi eWe . -. The Commission reviewed Section 13 and 14 and made some minor changes to the proposed ordinance. The date of filing and the 30 day period of automatic approval needs to be checked by the City Staff for the next meeting. #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION: e Alan Linsdkoy explained to the Commission the water situation in Northcliffe and answered questions the Commission had.about reported water shortages. Northcliffe has approximately 670 units platted and presently about 540 have been built. The problem with water shortage in the past was because of the problems the City had last summer with their system. Northcliffe has requested a reading from the State Board of Insurance on requirements for fire. protection in the county and were making plans to increase the water storage system. Earl Hartzog provided the commission a copy of a plat just received in_reference to a Nursing Home in Northcliffe. There appears to be 3 ~ -~ e e e some questions over the dedicated right-of-way to this property and the required pavem~nt of this right-of-way. The plan was to obtain more information and maybe the Commission could act on it at the next meeting. #10 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Linebarger adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM. ~ '>' 4