NO. 1
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WHEREAS, The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Schertz is desir-
ous of adopting and accepting the provisions of Title 28 pf the Re-
vised Civil Statutes of Texas, relating to cities, towns and villages
WHEREAS, the Town of Schertz contains more than 600 inhabitants
and contains one or more manufacturing establishments within the cor-
porate limits, now therefore;
Section 1. The provisions of Title 28 of the Revised Civil Sta-
tutes of Texas, 1925, insofar as its provisions are applicable to the
Town of Schertz, are hereby adopted and accepted. .
Section 2. The Town of Schertz shall hereafter be known as the
City of Schertz, Texas.
Section 3. The Town Secretary of the Town of Schertz, be direct-
ed to enter this ori<tiance upon the journal of mi.nutes of the Board of
Aldermen, and a copy of same signed by the Mayor and Attested by the
Secretary under the corporation seal, shall be filed and recorded in
the office of the County Clerk of O~.d.'~ County, Texas.
Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon its passage and approval.
Passed and approved this the 18th
~9S8 .
da y 0 f DeCflllber
, A. D.
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ATTEST: c" "r: /.. ,
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This is tocett.ity ftijl.'t,:the foregoing ordinance was adopted by a two-
thirds (2/3)'vot:e:'!,f,'~11 the aldermen elected, at a regular meeting of
Board of Alderm~rr Gf\,the Town of Schertz , held at 8P.M., the 18th day of
December, A. D.'1958, the vote being as follows:
VOL '1i)lr:- thEh~ption of Ti tle 28 Against the Adoption of Title 28
vG.l P!,GEuU,:!
Walter A.Sahert.
~1n Beak
Oeo. P .Bolton
, '
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4iven under my hand and the Seal of the Town of Schertz, this the
'~ day of December, A. D. 1958.
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Town of Schertz, Texas
~~lt~'~~f:~i:,~t;~I'E I, FRA!:K SCH1.GDT, clerk of the County Court in and for 8&ld
jiiitn';, do h~l'llty ce't'~7 t>,,~t t' s f",,~~hg bitr"l",,'" ,r ',"r't;n; d'ted toe \ 1;, day 01
\~~~ _. ":)_$, ~,- 'j-'-; ~s crff:.::i,te '3, ~.:d ':tun-'i'!asfile::- fer "':-~c'cord in my alfice
_,g '..,.,~_ o' '~C': A-o,- E. and dMly recorder,
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WITNESS my hand anJ t"e seal of off'ice ill
,:e, c'al,a:d l elr last ,written &bev..
.. J"Xt''') J,,;:, f, ~~ · -'"
, Cle"~
CmJnty Court.- GitathJ,lupe County, Te",..
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I comrrr or GUADALUPE
! WBBRBAS, a petitioD sigDed by Geo. P. Bolton and 29 others
I baa beeD filed wltb ae, asking for aD election for the purpose of
deteraining wbetber or Dot tbe qualified voters reslding witbin
tbe proposed corporate liaits of tbe bereiDafter described uniDcor-
lOrated town of Scb~rtz, In Guadalupe CountJ. Texas. deslre to
incorporate .aae into a bodJ corporate for aunicipal purposes; aDd
It appearlng that said petltion ls accoapaaad b, a plat
.howing tbe proposed corporate liaits of tbe said Cit, of Scbertz,
witb a descriptioD of saae bJ aetes and bounds; and
It appearing tbat in the event said town i. incorporated
it .hall be kDown a. tbe "Cit, of Scbertz;" aDd
It appearing that tbe .igners of said petition are oyer tbe
age of tweDt,-one ,ears; tbat tbeJ bave resided witbin tbe bereiD-
after de.oribed and propo.ed corporate liaits of tbe said citJ of
Scbertz for .ore thaa slx .oatbs next preceding tbe preseatatioD of
.aid petition; and that tbe, are each qualified elector. under tbe
law. of the State of Texas; and
It appearing tbat said proposed corporate liaits of .aid cit,
of Scbertz, as bereiaafter described b,aetes aad bounds ooatains
.ore tban Bix buadred (600) inbabltaats;
MOl, THBRBlORB. I, Leonard Flealag. in aJ capacit, as Count,
Judge of Guadalupe CountJ, Texas, do brebJ order tbat aa electlon
iD .a1d towa of Scbertz, on tbe
tbe regular pollln, place,
of f tl'Ve t;t1,Ju- ,1958,
for tbe purpose of deterainiag wbetber or not the qualifled voters
at tbe Bcbertz-Cibolo Hlgb Scbool,
~ 7 daJ
be beld
reaidlng witbia tbe berei~after described and proposed corporate,
li.its of tbe towDof Scbertz deslre to incorporate aaae into a bod,
corporate for aunicipal purposea, "USiDg a Cit, CouDcil fora of govern-
..--~>"',,~.,,--.-..,-.- ~..
I ..;
The territory proposed to be inco~porated is situated wholl,
within Guadalppe County, Texas, and is described by aetes aad bound.
a. follows:
, Beginning at a point where the extens10n of the
Northwest 11ne of the Herbert Busch tract 1atersect.
the center 11ae of Cibolo Creek;
THlNCE N. 60. E. with the North boundary 11ne of said
Herbert Busch tract, across the Schertz-Selaa Road, aad
with the north boundary liae of the George Gesch sub-
div1sioa to the Northeast side of Poplar Street;
THlNCB Southeast and w1th the East boundar, 11ne of
poplar Street to the iatersectioa of the East boundary
line of Poplar Street with the North boundar, line of the
Un1ted Gas Pipeline Coapany property;
THlNCE N. 60. E. and with the North boundary line of the
Un1ted Gas Pipeline Coapany property a 40 foot strip.
lying north of AYiation Heights and loch Subd1Yis10n
north line to the Bast boundar, l1ne of the Live Oak Road;
THlNC! Southeast and with the East boundary line of sa1d
L1ve Oak Road to the Northwest corner of the Henry Beck
hoae lot;
THlNCE Northeast and with the North boundary l1ne of said
Henry Beck's boae lot to the Northeast corner of said
THlNCE Southeast and w1th the East inside boundary line
of said Benry Beck's hoae lot to the Northwest corner of
the Herbert Beck hoae lot;
THENCE Northeast and w1th the North boundary l1ne of said
Herbert Beck's hoae lot, saae being the north boundar, line
of the lots sold off the Henry Beck property, to the
Northeast corner of the Aar~n Bec~ rent house p~perty;
THENCE Southeast and with the Bast boundar, l1ne of the
said Aaron Beck's rent house property, across the Southern-
Pacific railroad right-of-way. across the Seguin Randolph
Field road to the South boundary line of said road. Said
road being Fara to Market road Nr. 78;
THlNCE West along the South boundary l1ne of said Segu1n-
Randolph Field road to the Northeast corner of the M1lton
Burrows property;
THENCE Southeast and w1th the East boundary line of said
M11ton Burrows propert, to the center line of Cibo1o creek;
THlNCE Southw~sterly and with the center l1ne and aeander-
1ngs of said C1bolo creek to a point where the center line
of said Cibolo creek intersects the southwest boundar,
11ne of the O. J. Riedel property;
THlNeE Northwest and w1th the southwest boundar, line of
sa1d O. J. R1edel property to the Southwest corner of tne
~wald Pfiel subd1v1sion Nr. 2, contiau1ng oa the s..e
liae and with the southwest bouadar, 1iDe of the sa1d Bwald
Pfiel subdivis10n Hr.' 2. to a point 200 feet southea.t of
its northwest corDe~. Said point being 1D the Southwe.tera
boundar, line of said subdivis10D.
, ....'"...-
. .. -~~.---
, '
. '.
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in a straigbt line fo tbe iDter-,
Northeast bouadary liae of M111
boundary liae of Lee Street;
THENCE South."~ aDd
section poiat of the
Street aad Southeast
. .
THBKCB S. 30. B., ,to the Southeast bouadary liae of the
Zuehl Road;
THENCE with the Southeast boundary liae of Zuehl Road
and the exteasioa of said road to the center 11ae of
said Clbolo Creek;
THlNCE in a Northwesterly directioD with the ceater line
aDd meanderlDgs of sald Clbolo Creek to the place of
" beginning, aad beiag a part of the G. Malpaz Survey.
E.ery person who has attaiaed the age of tweDty-oae
aDd who bas resided withiD the of the proposed Clty of Schertz,
.. above described, for the six .oaths next precediag aad is a
quallfied elector under the laws of the State of Texas, .hall be
eatitled to vote at the electioa.
All .oters de.iring to support the proposltion for the incorpora-
tloa of .ald towa shall ba.e written or prlnted on their ballots
Aad those opposed shall ha.e writtea or printed oa thelr ballots
"10 Corporation"
LJ./t,~ S.d.,,.7'L i8 hereby appoioted presidio, officer
for .ald election, aad he .hall select two Judges aad two clerk. to
a..i.t hl. ia holdin, the electlon. 'ald election shall be held
and ,o.eraed by the geaeral laws of Texa., aad due retura tbereof
.ade by the .aid electioa officers to .e wlthla tea day. atter the
holdlag of .aid election, as provided by law.
The Sberiff of tbB Couaty .hall give aotice of said election by
,ostlag a aotice thereof at three public places ia the towa of Sebert.
for ten (10) day.
DATJ:D this
to the date of sald electlon.
day of
. '
c;ltH,ll 1. j . t,
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YHlREAS, a petition signed by Geo. P. Bolton and 29 others
has been filed with ae, asking for an election for the purpose of
deteraining whether or not the qualified voters residing within
the proposed corporate liaits of the hereinafter described unincor-
porated town of Sch~rtz, in Guadalupe County, Texas, desire to
incorporate sa.e into a body corporate for aunicipal purposes; and
It appearing that said petition is accoapaaed by a plat
showing the proposed corporate liaits of the said City of Schertz,
with a description of saae by aetes and bounds; and
It appearing that in the event said town is incorporated
it shall be known as the "City of Schertz;" and
It appearing that the signers of said petition are over the
age of twenty-one years; that they have resided within the herein-
after described and proposed corporate li.its of the said city of
Schertz for more than six months next preceding the presentation of
said petition; and that they are each qualified electors under the
la.s of the State of Texas; and
It appearing that said proposed corporate liaits of said city
of Schertz, as hereinafter described by aetes and bounds contains
aore than six hundred (600) inhabitants;
HOY, THlRBFORB, 1, Leonard Fleaing, in ay capacity as County
Judge of Guadalupe County, Texas, do breby order that an election
be held at the 8chertz-Cibolo High School, the regular polling place,
t~ f
in said town of Schertz, on the ;J 7 day of e 1'7 e .,.",;, r ,1958,
for the purpose of deteraining whether or not the qualified voters
residing within the hereinafter described and proposed corporate
li.its of the town of Schertz desire to incorporate sa.e into a body
corporate for aunicipal purposes, using a City Council fora of go.ern-
The territory proposed to be incorporated is situated wholly
within Guadalppe County, Texas, and is described by aetes and bounds
a. follows:
Beginning at a point where the extension of the
Northwest line of the Herbert Busch tract intersects
the center line of Cibolo Creek;
THENCE N. 60. E. with the North boundary line of said
Herbert Busch tract, across the Schertz-Selma Road, and
with the north boundary line of the George Gesch sub-
division to the Northeast side of Poplar Street;
THENCE Southeast and with the East boundary line of
poplar Street to the intersection of the East boundary
line of Poplar Street with the North boundary line of the
United Gas Pipeline Company property;
THENCE N. 60. E. and with the North boundary line of the
United Gas Pipeline Company property a 40 foot strip,
lying north of Aviation Heights and Koch Subdivision
north line to the East boundary line of the Live Oak Road;
THENCE Southeast and with the East boundary line of said
Live Oak Road to the Northwest corner of tbe Henry Beck
hOJlle lot;
THENCE Northeast and with the North boundary line of said
Henry Beck's hoae lot to the Northeast corner of said
THENCE Southeast and with the East inside boundary line
of said Henry Beck's home lot to the Northwest corner of
the Herbert Beck home lot;
THENCE Northeast and with the North boundary line of said
Herbert Beck's home lot, same being the north boundary liae
of the lots sold off the Henry Beck property, to the
Northeast corner of the Aar~n Beck rent house p~perty;
THENCE Southeast and with the East boundary line of the
said Aaron Beck's rent house property, across the Southern-
Pacific railroad right-of-way, across the Seguin Randolph
Field road to the South boundary line of said road. Said
road being Farm to Market road Nr. 78;
THENCE West along the South boundary line of said Seguin-
Randolph Field road to the Northeast corner of the Milton
Burrows property;
THENCE Southeast and with the East boundary line of said
Milton Burrows property to the center line of Cibolo creek;
THENCE Southwesterly and with the center line and aeander-
ings of said Cibolo creek to a point where the center line
of said Cibolo creek intersects the southwest boundary
line of the O. J. Riedel property;
THENCE Northwest and with the southwest boundary line of
said O. J. Riedel property to the Southwest corner of the
Ewald Pfiel subdivision Nr. 2, continuing on the
line and with tbe southwest boundary line of the said Ewald
Pfiel subdivision Nr. 2, to a point 200 feet southeast of
its corner. Said point being in the Southw..tern
boundary line of .aid .ubdivi.ion.
. ' 1
THENCE Southwbdt and in a straight line to the inter-
section point of the Northeast boundary line of Mill
Street and Southeast boundary line of Lee Street;
THENCE S. 30. E., ,to the Southeast boundary line of the
Zuehl Road;
THENCE with the Southeast boundary line of Zuehl Road
and the extension of said road to the center line of
said Cibolo Creek;
THENCE in a Northwesterly direction with the center line
and meanderings of said Cibolo Creek to the place of
, beginning, and being a part of the G. Kalpaz Survey.
Every person who has attained the age of twenty-one years
and who has resided within the limits of the proposed City of Schertz,
,as above described, for the six months next preceding and is a
qualified elector under the laws of the State of Texas, shall be
entitled to vote at the election.
All voters desiring to support the proposition for the incorpora-
tiOD of said town shall have written or printed on their ballots
And those opposed shall have written or printed on their ballots
"NO Corporation",.... S d,~,.7'2
is hereby appointed presiding officer
for said election, and he shall select two Judges and two clerks to
assist him in holding the electiOn. said election shall be held
and governed by the general laws of Texas, and due return thereof
made by the said election officers to me within ten days after the
holding of said election, as provided by la..
The Sheriff of tbB County shall give notice of said election by
posting a notice thereof at three public places in the to.n of Schertz
for ten (10) day. prior
DATED this ( oJ-J.,
to the date of said electiOn.
day of Septembe , 1158.
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