NO. 36
1. Gasoline Defined: Gasoline is a flammable liquid herein-
after defined by reason of its explosive character and flammability
when exposed to fire whatever its source of origin may be.
2. Title: This ordinance shall be known as "an ordinance
regulating and governing the sale and disposal of gasoline, and
the keeping of gasoline on premises in unapproved containers, as
a fire safety measure to prevent death and injuries and property
destruction by fire in the misuse of gasoline, lIin the City of
Schertz, Texas, and may be referred to as liThe Gasoline Safety
Ordinance. II
3. Application: This ordinance shall apply to all persons,
firms, agencies, corporations, or copartnerships selling or dis-
posing of gasoline in anY manner, and to all property owners of
buildings and premises of every kind, character and description
where people are housed or employed in any profession, and to the
occupants of such buildings and premises as tenants.
4. Purpose: The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate
and control the sale and disposal of gasoline to the extent that
all gasoline sold or disposed of by any person or persons, firm,
agency, corporation or copartnership, in quantities of five gallons
or under, shall be dispensed into an approved metal automatic
self closing type container, or shall be dispensed into an air
tight metal lid container as a substitute for the approved metal
automatic self closing type container, and to require each property
OWner or tenant who shall keep gasoline on, in or about his
premises in quantities of five gallons or under, to keep such
gasoline in an approved metal automatic self closing type con-
tainer, or in an air tight metal lid container as a substitute
for the approved metal automatic self closing type container"
as a fire prevention measure to protect life and property from
the hazards and danger of fire.
5. Scope: This ordinance shall apply to gasoline, a
flammable liquid as hereinafter defined.
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,Gasoline Safety dinance
6. Containers Defined: An approved metal automatic self
closing type container shall mean a closed container as herein
defined, so sealed by means of a lid or other device that
neither liquid nor vapor will escape from it at ordinary tem-
An air tight metal lid container shall mean a container
constructed of metal or the equivalent thereof, other than glass
or materials that are breakable, properly equipped and fitted
with a metal lid or the equivalent thereof, in such a manner and
to the extent that the container will be air tight and the con-
tents thereof will not spill if dropped or turned over, and the
contents will not ignite when exposed to open flame or ignition,
and that neither the liquid nor vapor will escape from it at
ordinary temperatures, and so designed for safety purposes against
the danger of fire.
7. Flammable Liquid: Flammable liquid as herein applied to
gasoline shall mean any liquid having a flash point below 200
degrees F., and having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds
per square inch (absolute) at 100 degrees F., and as more fully
defined in a publication nationally and internationally known
as IINBFU 30 - Standards Of The National Board of Fire Underwriters
For The Storage, Handling And Use Of Flammable Liquids As Recom-
mended By The National Fire Protection Association,JI the mailing
address being National Board of Fire Underwriters, 85 John Street,
New York 38, N.Y.
8. Flash Point shall mean the minimum temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit at which a flammable liquid will give off flammable
vapor as determined by appropriate test procedure and apparatus
as specified and more fUlly defined in "NBFU 30 - Standards Of
The National Board Of Fire Underwriters For The Storage, Handling
And Use Of Flammable Liquids As Recommended By The National Fire
Protection Association, II the mailing address being - National
Board of Fire Underwriters, 85 John Street, New York 38, N.Y.
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,Gasoline Safety dinance
Section l. Dispensing Containers: That from and after the
adoption of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or
persons, firm, agency, corporation or copartnershiP to sell to
dispose of gasoline in any manner in a container of five gallons
in capacity or under, unless such container is of the approved
metal automatic self closing type listed in the publications of
the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, or
Factory Mutual Engineering Division and Laboratories, Norwood,
Massachusetts, or other nationally known and recognized under-
writers or similar organization, so designed that the contents
can be poured without spilling, and will not spill if turned
over, and contents will not ignite when the container is exposed
to open flame or ignition, and so designed for safety purposes
against the danger of fire; provided, however, that it shall
be permissible to dispense gasoline into an air tight metal lid
container of five gallons in capacity or under, so designed that
the container will be air tight and will not leak, break or erupt
if dropped, and will not spill if dropped or turned over, and
the contents will not readily ignite when the container is exposed
to open flame or ignition, and so designed and cared for so that
small children, in particular, who are unaware of the danger and
flammability of gasoline will not have easy access to the contents
of the container, and will not be exposed to the danger of gasoline
or its vapor, and so designed for safety purposes against the
danger of fire.
Section 2. Dispensing Containers of Keepers or Possessors
of Gasoline: It shall be unlawful for any property owner of
owners, occupants or tenants of a property owner or owners of
any building, buildings, structure or structures of any kind
where people are housed as a home, apartment, boarding house, or
any other type of occupancy of any kind or character, whether
they be housed or employed, to keep gasoline in, upon or about
such premises in quantities of five gallons or under unless such
gasoline is kept in a container of the approved metal automatic
self closing type listed in the publications in Section 1, above
referred to; or in an air tight metal lid container as a sub-
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. Gasoline Safety ~dinance
stitute for the approved type container, and so designed for
safety purposes against the danger of fire.
Section 3. Labeling: It shall be unlawful for any person
or persons, firm, agency, corporation or copartnership to sell
or dispose of gasoline in any manner in a container, unless such
container is clearly marked with the word "Gasoline" printed on
each .container, and this may be done by printing on the container
or by attaching a suitable label on the container so it will
remain thereon firmly attached, and this same provision of labeling
shall apply to any owner or owners, occupants or tenants of
buildings of every kind and character, including dwellings and
other buildings where people are housed as living quarters or
where people work or are employed in any capacity, who keep
gasoline in, upon or about their premises.
Section 4. Penalty: Any person or persons, firm, agency,
corporation or copartnership violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance or failing to comply therewith, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction for violation thereof,
shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($lO.OO),
and not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each separate offense.
Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective after
its passage, approval and publication as required by law.
Passed this the 7
Approve d this the 7
day of October, A.D., 1960.
day of /I/ovENI13Ee A.D. 1960.
. ::2/'-0' IJ'
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Mayor City of
, Texas.