NO. 33 . - y' e ~.L)l .\ 33 . I'~' L Ti,>~.s CIT'{ CGL;~TC=L el' TIL~ CITY BY r~' (';"1".-1"[ Q C f.'i I ,~'::i r:1 ,.,' _ U _...."'...._...l..L...J, :~ .1) Th t th'?; e is hereby Cl":; ted t.he iJo;3iti,)J1 of ~"oli C'2nan ('l' t., 0-'" 0chertz 'r."x" s "'no <'ha II v ... .l ,:) 1 , , c.:<,;V , ...'i... ~ [ld v e for t;"le 9.11 t 'o,!?!rs, ric;l:.ts, Clnc: authority 2S n ;, 11:2 'etofore t~en \Iest2d in the City Lflrsh811 ::of the Ci t3T of 3c~~e rt z, Texas, 1)y- 3'C tute rL:d b:: orfi [snce. Such olice 'an shall rece:..ve ~O pCI. I"l I L f a s g 1 '".ry 01 '.I)":}' I per mon':h snd he in such s11Et 11 .se r~"ve office for ~ term cODoencing i~ and eXI iring on the #-/Sf"da;T I Ii? on th b :T ~ J;~ vd V'J' of {!~ ~ :-r , of June, 1960 19~ I ~. cuch l)olicer,-:9.n for the City of Schertz, - (; 06' f/C i ' I' " ./ / I .--- 18ss than :li) J/ / Y-y shall T e X,J S g J~\r e bOl1G. 1n '<l sum not , 1] :1 b 1 e tot he :/or of' t is city, and J.S successors in office, cor~clitic)ni2d th.:.t the::;')icl policeman givinE.;same ',.rD.l faithfull,,- .'erform all tiLe clutj.8S of ;,is office thst ,re, or th~t may be ir~':osed on himl.cco::'GJ,"H:; to l' ',J anu the ordinsnces of the City of Schertz, "') 1 ex ,.'. S , vrill com,,:-ly VIi th all t J~wful orders of the City Council of said City, qna '?ccount for qn.d i\'3.}" to the ',)ersons Gl1titled to receive the 31me, all Gonias coming into. is hJnds by virtue of "is (:)f fice. Hu!.-o ',,". Ackerman is h',- eby apointecl :)olicf:;r:an of the I I-~ City of Schertz, Tex?,s, for the terrl C01Tl[i':sncing the \0 day .JC,l?Jcir-'Y '?trl of June, 1960 and ex;, J_rlng the Is r da y of Ho.::r 8mb J6, ~, ;.'~ l"T.j ,:J.~"- e,F"'--) t'. . ., I vG.u .ii lS da'- of June, 1960. the -G(f#f?;J.~ l' or ,'\ r~lT ,~,'.3 T : ~~j{) Sr::-;CE::::T.1RY ---.......