/ -I'
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ordained by the City Council of the City of Schertz,
Texas, as
SECTION 1. \ LIMITS: The following shall
declared to be the fire limits: .
. \
BEGINNING at\fntersection of East line of LindbergpAve
and North 1in~ of Main Street in Sche tz Texas;
THENCE in an eastern direction with line of Main
Street to SE co~er of tract of 1an conveyed to H.P.
Thu1emeyer by d ed recorded in Vol 175, page 113 of
Guadalupe County Deed Records;
THENCE in a Nortti~rn direction w h east line of lot
conveyed to H.P. hu1emeyer by ed recorded in Vol.
175, page 113 of t e deed recor s of Guadalupe County,
Texas, a distance s that an e tension of the North
line of that certai tract of land conveyed to Ma1ford
Koch by deed recorde in Vol 236, page 313 of the
deed records of Guada upe C unty, Texas drawn in an
eastern direction wi1 int rsect same;
THENCE with said exten io of said Ma1ford Koch N line
in a western direction point of intersection with
East line of Lindbergh enue; the NW corner of said
tract of land conveyed Malford Koch;
THENCE in a southern d r tion with East line of Lindbergh
Avenue to point of be inn ng;
BEGINNING at point
intersects the Sou
of beginning;
THENCE in a western directio with S line of Exchange
~ Avenue and exten~ion thereof 0 point of intersection
\~'O with West line of that certai tract of land designated
as Lot No. One conveyed to Ado ph Schertz by deed
recorded in VoY. 32, page 133 0 the deed records of
Guadalupe County, Texas;
THENCE in a southern direction th west line of said
Schertz tract/to point of inters ction with North line
of Main Stree't;
THENCE in an/eastern direction wi h N line of Main Street
to intersection of said line with W. line of Lindbergh
Avenue; /
THENCE N with west line of Lindber h Ave. to point of
BEGINNING at point of intersection of South line of FM
HighWaY/No. 78 and West line of 1st ~'treet for point
of beg;tnning;
THENC~South with West line of First ,treet to point of
inter ection with N. line of Wuest Street;
THEN West with North line of Wuest ireet and extension
the of to intersection with East edge of Cibolo Creek;
THE CE in a northern direction with ea t line of Cibolo
Cr ek to point of intersection with sOlh line of ROW of
F. Highway #18;
T NCE in an eastern direction with SOU\h line of ROW of
s id FM Highway #18 to place of beginning.
here We t line of Lindbergh Avenue
Exchange Avenue for point
A A NO. FOUR (4) ~
BE NNING at point of intersection of Sou line of
FM ghway No. 78 and East line of First Street in
Sche z, Texas;
THENC South with East line of First S~reet to point
of int rsection with North line of Lee Street;
THENCE ast with North line of Lee ~treet to SE corner
of that certain tract of land conveyed to Elgin Beck
by deed recorded in Vol. 227, page/65 of the Deed
Re <;lords f Guadalupe County, Texas';
THENCE i a northern direction with said East line
of that act of land conveyed to Beck aforesaid and
East line of R. Beck and Schneider tracts to pOint
of inters ction with south line of FM78;
THENCE wes with South line of FM 78 to point of begin-
ning. / .
BEGINNING at a point in N rth line of G Hand S A Rail-
~~company OW, being oint of intersection with
line of at cert n tract of land conveyed to J.L.
en by deed ecorde in Vol. 232, page 526 of Deed
Records of Guad lupe ounty, Texas; ~
THENCE in a nort er direction with the ~~line of
said Dendy tract to point of intersection with South
line of Main Stre
THENCE in an east
Street to point
THENCE South wi h Wes line of 1st Street
intersection w th Nort line of G H & S A
THENCE in a w tern dir ction with North
S A ROW line 0 point of beginning.
direction with south line of Main
ntersection with west line of 1st
to point of
ROW line;
line of G H &
or not in
No wall, structure,
building, or
thereof, shall ereafter be built, enlarged,
or altered,
a plan of
osed work, together with
have been submitted
a statement
to be
to the
'j",) "",10 r
, who shall, if
ce with the provisions
rmit in triplicate for
contained, issue a
work. Permits
t on file with the City
St uctures hereafter erected without
confor ity with this ordinance,
o building shall be moved from without the fire
limit , nor from one location to another withi the fire limits
unti a permit shall have been issued therefor
No permit shall
be i sued unless such construction is in accor nee with this
ordi ance.
. .
Th' ."ignat,d Buiiding In'pe,tor 'haii 1n'P"t,~, oft'n
as pra tical, construction in progress to see that all pro-
this ordinance are being complied with. i
building or
wooden, ironclad (whether on wood or
stucco, or veneer type construction, or any
building whose
lIs contain wood supports, shall be permitted
in Section 4. No building shall be built,
except as
enlarged, or
The thickness
h,r,att'r, ,x"pt ~"'ordan" with thi,
aIls shall be not less than as given
Brick walls shall
han 12 inches thic~ except.
that small one-story buildi
floor areas of 750 square
feet or less may have walls 0
inches thick.
Reinforced concrete
of the thick-
ness of brick walls, but
than 8 inches.
Hollow building
as filler walls provided
concrete or brick pillars
t apart; walls to be not
such walls be supported
or columns spaced not
less than 12 inches
Small one- tory buildings of less
area may have walls of 8 inch hollow
than 500 square
building tile.
shall be 4 inches th ker than brick walls
for like
All exterior walls,
walls, and
division fire walls shall have parapets extend
at least eighteen
the roof, and said parapets shall least twelve
where eight inch walls are ermitted as
parapets may be eight inches thick.
are permissible in the fire limits:
Temporary one-story frame buildings for the use of
fences not over 8 feet high wit
cover. \
SECTION 5. 'ROOFS: All buildings or structures hereafter
constructed in the fire limits shall have incombustible
roof coverings\.
No roofin~ on an existing roof shall be renewed or re-
paired to a gre ter extent than 10% of the roof surface,
except in confQr ity with this ordinance, and in no instance
shall more e permit be issued each existing building
in anyone year. /
SECTION 6..REPAIRS A Any existing building with-
in the fire limits w may be damaged by fire,
decay, or otherwise, ount greater than 50% of its
present value, exclusi e the foundation, shall not be
repaired or rebuilt, bu shall be removed.
ng, or additions to existing buildings
repairs, and shall not be permitted
3 of this ordinance.
except when
to repair any
W enever an application for permit
build ng already located within the
fire limits any son or firm, and the City Council
and icant disagree on he extent of repairs to be made,
and signated Building Inspector,
City Councilor Commis on shall appoint a competent
shall appraise the
person, and th applicant shall appoint a
the plan of the
work, and the state-
and labor to be u ed in the repairing or
r building of said building, and mak a signed written report
f their findings to the City If such
report reflects clearly that said rebuilding or repaj~ing
~Uld be a violation of this ordinance, then such apPlication
fo~permit shall be denied by the City Councilor Commission,
and if\SUCh report reflects clearly that said rebuilding or
repairing would be a violation of this ordinance, then such
said permit
for permit shall be denied by the City Councilor
rebuilding or
if such report reflects that the person seeking
complied with said ordinance, and the requested
pairing is not in violation ,of said ordinance,
then said City
C uncil or Commission shall/issue a permit for
or repairing. /
ORDINANCE. ~ny section, paragraph,
subdivision, clause, ase or provis on of this ordinance
shall be adjudged invali constitutional, the same
SECTION 10. FEE. Upon application for each permit as hereto-
than the part so decided
shall is ordinance as a whole,
or any part or provision the
to be invalid or unconstitutio
firm or corporation, vio-
lating this Ordinance
of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction shall
dred ($100.00) dollars
not more than one hun-
Each and ever
or fraction of a
day during shall be considered
a separate nd punishab~~ as such.
Two (2) the applican shall pay to,
.~ t1
a fee of $ ..J~ for
ssage, and
required in section Two (2) of
ordinance shall become effective, upon
public tion as provided by law.
~ .. ~.
.. < . ~.
Pas sed an
this,. <;. th
day of OCT06Ef2