ORDINANCE NO. 71 ~l '"" 7/ A~~NDMENT 1'0 ORDINANrE NO. 71 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS DESIGNATING A MlliBER OF /7 !A THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS~ AND AMElIDING AN ORDINANCE OF THIS CITY DATED MARCH 1. 1962 APPOINTING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS: Whereas. heretofore by ordinance of the City of Schertz. Texas, dated March 1, 1962 Paul Curly was appointed a member of the board of equalization of the City of Schertz. Texas' and whereas the said Paul Curly is unable to serve as a member of such board. such ordinance is hereby amended by the designation of G. A. Koppin as a member of such board of equalization of said City of Schertz. Texas in lieu of and in the stead of the said Paul Curly~ and that such board shall be convened on the 9th day of April, 1962. in the City Hall at Schertz~ Texas. at 9:00 A. M. provided that such ordinance as herein amended shall and does, as hareby amended~ remain in fuJ.l force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 5th day of April~ 1962. J --~~ ATTEST: Jj 1/. i ,;: I :.\. Secretary ,) / ------------' 7/, AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING THE BOARD OF E:lUALIZATICN FOR THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1962;PROVIDING FOR THEIR DUTIES AND C<M'mSATICN, AND TIME OF MEETING. WHEREAS, the time has now arrived for the work af the Board af Equalizatian af' begin and no such Board has yet been appointed far the year 1962~ therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: .' That, Paul Curly, George Roland and Charl~ Sartain, are hereby appointed the Board of Equalization of the City af Schertz, Texas, for the year 1962'; who are to perform the duties af such Board of Equalization for the City of Schertz, Texas, as pre- scribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas; such Board shall receive all the assessment lists or books of the assessor of the City of Schertz, for examination, correction, equalization, appraisement, and approval for the City of Schertz, Texas; the members thereof shall receive for their compensation the SllIIl of $-~., {} I) per day for each day they are actively engaged in such works; and such shall be convened on the~day af _~1:g, 1962; in the City Hall at Schertz, Texas at 2P.M. At each meeting of said baard the ..< r- city secretary ShallA as secretary therefor. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE i 11 day af' FfJ!1.fl.AA 1962. Mayor ATTEST; A, #, f~?;jAVJ[ City Secretary /