ORDINANCE NO. 67 -------- ',1 . . '" "7 o STATE OF TEXAS com!'rY OF GUADALUPE CITY OF SCHERT'l I I I On th1s. the 1st daY of' Februa'rv . 1962. the City Council of: the City of' S4hertz. 'i'eUe. regularly oonvened at a regular raaetlng in the City Hall of' the Cj.tyof Schertz. Texas. nth tlle follOwing ~eI'lS present. nam.$lYI Roy W. Richard lU,gtnBeok &eo. P. Bolton A. O. RlI.ver18h W. E. Ebert ','aMI.III' ,.. a.M. In; Mato1' Alderman AJ,.derman AJ,.demlltl Alde:r:'ll1an Alderman and o. W. Plakrell City 3ecreta.r,v at lIIh1ch time the following proeeecJ.1ngS. among other:o. were had. to..witl Mayor lloy w. Richard introduced a proposed ordinance here1na.f'ter set forth. 't'll$ ordinance was read in f'Ul1 and a full discussion arid coIl.s1deratlon thereof then ensued. Alderman PiA.Ai' I R II,J~) 'Il1Oved that aa1d oI'd1n8nCe De passed and adopted. 'The motion was seconded by A1deman pi J t'",,) iJ.f <J..; by the 1'ollow.1ng tel . The ll1Ot1on e:a.rried AYESI MayO!' Roy W. Richard. and Aldermen Elsin Beck. Gee. p. Bolton, A.O. Haverlah. W. E. :Ebert -A- 'rlll1iiU" A. j',>1uU NOES I None 'thereupon. the M8Yor announced the ord1nance f1nallY passed and adopted. and said ordinance as passed and adopted by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of' the City at SChertz. 'lexas. is &s follows I ..1.. ORDINANCE NO.u_ AN ORDINANCE RELA'lXNO '.t'O THE ASSESS'MEN'f OF A1.iL TAXABLE 1"R().. pER'fi IN S CI'l'Y OF SClIER'l'Z, 'l'EXAS# fOR '.I!UE CALENDAR YEAR 1~2; ~G 'tHE AJ'~ Oll' G. W. PICKRELL AS TAX ASSESSOR-COr..t.ECTOR OF '1'HB CITY OJ' SCHEMZ; MAI'lNG CER'fAIN nNDINGS AND ~'!IQNS RELAnNG'fO 'I'D C1'1'Y 'fAX ASSBSSOR-COt.r..BC'1'OR IN 'mE ASSESSIIJ:lfT OF PROPBR'fi POR TAXES BY 'fllE CI'1'I; PROVIDING fOR THE GIVING 0' NO'J.'ICE TO OWNERS OJ' 'l'~ PROI'tCR'f!' IN THE CI'l'Y TO RENDER '1'J:UllIR PROPEl'lfi fOR 'l'AXA'l'10N; AND REPlSA1.~ ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS 01' ORDINANCES IN 0010PI.IC'l' . WHEREAS. the City Cound1 of the City of Schertz here- tofore on NOVEllllDeI' 16. 1961. passed and adopted an ordinance assigning to the recorder of the Corporat1on Court of the City of Schertz ($!lOng other duties) a11 ot the duties and sranting to h1m all of the powers of the Tax A.8&essor--Col1ector ot the City of Schertz. Texas; and didprov:1.4e tor the giving ot bOnd tor the faithful pertoI'lll!l.nce of h1s dutii!ts; and WHEREAS, C.W. Pickrell. be1n8 the reoorder of the Corporation Court of said C:l.ty, and having the duties and powera of Tax A.8se85or--Oollector of said Ciq conferred upon 111m pursuant to the atoreaaid ordinanCe. $14 havinS made good and sutf1.o1ent bond in the amount of $5,000 tor the 1'a1th1'UJ. performance 01' his duties &8 required by the a1'O~t1oned ordinance. did tj.mely enter upon h1s dut.ies, and, at all t1mes material and subseqllAmt thereto, baa ~ exeN1s1ng the power and duties ot 'Tax A.8aesao1"o'Co11"tor of the City 01' SChertz pursuant to the laws of this state, includ1ng particularly those provided by Chapter 5. tit1.e 28 of the Revised Civil Statutes. 1925. as amended. other than the oo1180t1on of certain taxes by the County Tax Asae$Sor. said te.xes being due aaid City from tax levies previOUSly made by aaid C:l.ty J and -2.. \ 1 j I I J tt r WHEREAS. the City CovllcL\. of the City of Schertz, Texas. did. among othe.' th:Lng::;;, determine by and in an o~'Clina.w.;e passed and a<klpteCl on J)ecellibl):r' 28.1 1961, that each person.. pa.;;-tnerohip and co:t'pOration owning property w.ith1n the city limits of the City of Schertz shall, 'between the i'1::'st day of January and the t11"l';1t day of April of each year hand to the City Ta;c AEscpcql','Co11eotor :l. 1"411 and. complete sworn 1mr~ntory of t,'le pl''Opert~ POOS(,ll:!sed or Qont:t:'OllOd by h1m" he;", or ~ha~, ~11th:in the sca:td llmit~ o,rL tho fit".Jt day or January of' tho c;'crrent year; al1.d IillEHEAG. th1.s City Council t1nds that tne ai'oresa.1.d 'fax A$aeasor'-Collector has been ende:avortng to set pe.x'SOll.<; own:l.ng i;a.ltable property in the City or Schertz to render suoh property in conformity \'I1th the above refer-red to or. dina...ce. howeV\1Il'. it is the op1n1on of this City Counall thAt further pubUc notice al'lOuld be glnn for the purposa of better infom1ng UJ.. such persons owning tax.abllil propel'ty 1."1 the C1ty of tMtr right and duty to renoor thei..' property tor taution; accordingly. it 113 the desire of this City Council to &uthorize the giving of thia notice hereinat'ter provided tor; NOW. TIiEREtORE~ :BE IT ORD.tUNED BY 'I'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT:{ OP SCHEfaZ. TEXAS: .J. '!'hat the finding::; and deteI'lll1nationn made and l'ec:l..ted in the p;ree.'1lble hereof shall be. and each of them 1:;; he;r;'eby made a part of tlus o:;.'d1r.a.nc~, and as to eac.'l duch i'1ndiriS and dett>X'!!'~ !'"!$ti0l'l 8" m.a11~ in the preamble hereof it shall be and 13 hereby eonfi::-med. ..3" U '!'hat o.w. Pie.u.ll being a suitablo person to hold. occupy and exercise the office and all POWII%'S and dut1es of Tax Assessor-Collector 'for the City of Schertz. Texas. h1$ appointment to said otrice and mak1.n& bond theI'$tor are hereby in all reapeeta confirmed and approved. IU That G. W. Pickrell. '.rax. ABa.ailor-CoUector of' said City shall be. and he is hereby authorized to execute a notice in the substantial rom here:1naf'ter set forth. lthich he shall c&uae to bil published in the SEGUIN EN'1'ER1'RISE once a week tor four (4) aonaecut.1ve week.s. the date of: the first publ1aation to be ma.de prolllPt1y af"teI' the filn$;ctJnent ot this ord.1.nance. such notice to be and X'ead subatantiaUy as follows: TO ALL l'.IRSOlIS OWNING ON JAHVARr 1. 1962, 'J'An~u; PROp.~ Wl'fKtN fHB em OF ~~., UXAS, AND '.t'O ALL PERSONS OilNDlG AN :t1rfEfmST 'mEllEIH, AND TO 'J"O!1'1't J\OE!f1'S, REPRESENTA'fIVB$ Am> A'l"roRNErS, AWD TO ALL ~ Pl!'.ftSOHS: '.rAD NOTICE, 'that the unders1sned. G. W. P1ckrell. has been duly appointed '.ra.x As~$Or--CoUector of the City 01' Schertz. Texas. and that puX'Su" ant to the laws of'the state ot Texas and 01'd1n.. $loes ot the City of Schertz, ''1'exu made and pro" v1ded. each pers.on olllning on JMtta:l71,1962 tax.. able property 1dth1n the City ot Schertz. 'fexas. 1& requ:!.red to render such propert)' tor taxation w1th the unders1$ned 'fax ,Uae/Ssor-- Collector of said City. at h1s oflia. in the CI'l'Y HALL in the City of Scherts.rr.xas. 'l'he risht ..4.. and duty of the owner of such taxl\l)le property to render the ~ tor taxation tor tbe Cu.:r:'%'8nt year with the unders1gned i'a.x A8Seal:lQr--CoUeetor ot said City extends to and ends at the close , of bus1nltas MARCH 3J.. 1962. fHIS NOTICE GIVEN pursuant to an ol't\:1nanOe passed and adopted by the C1 ty Council ot the C1ty ot SChertz. Texas, on i'eb1"tl&rY' 1. 1962. 11. fly ~f 'lai Dsessor--'6a .1" of the C1ty ot SChertz>> If . x a B :tV That the aa1d Tax.,uS8ssor--Colleetor sball also proDl'ltly po$t an executed oopy ot the a.fQresaid nouce at the CUy Hall of the Cj.ty of Sc.hertz>> ~J and 11' he llbOUlcl deteX"l\d.ne ,it pract1eable to do so. 1s alao author-- J.lClDd to post other exeouted copies ot sa1d rlP1;1ce at such other pubUe places within sa1d C1tyas he JlllII:1 determine. He 18 further authorized to publish such notJ.ce in such other publiCl&t1on OX' publications hav1n& a OUcuJ,atlon in the City of Schertz and ita env:Lrons as he m.q' dete1'lll1ne pracUCUl.ble so to do. V That aU ordinances or parts of ord.1nancea of the City of' Schertz. Texas. he:t'etofore passed and adopted in confUct he:rew1th shall be. and the 11_ are hereby repealed to the extent of such oontlict. PASSED AND Al'PROVED this 1st <1a.Y of PebWlU'f, 1962. ~~d i ..R~~ J - ~ of Schertz 'l'exas (S4Nt.1 of City) -5- S'rA'l'E OF TEXAS CQUN'l'Y OF QUAD<,LUPE CI'l'Y OF .:;CHER'l';!. I I. G. W. PICK.Pli'r~r, iJity ,3ecI'eta.!'Y of the City of Schertz. 00 HElW3Y CllH'XIFt tll.B,t the above and foregoing is a true and correct cc,p;;- of tt."1 Ordinance, and ot: the Minutes pel~ta1ning to it!> J.doptiol~. lithic!:! Oxmna."'lce was duly passed anc. a.doptedl:lY the City Council of the City 0: Schertz, Texas. a.11.d approved by the Mayor of said. city 01' Schertz, Texas, \11th a Q,lJ,OJ;'LUU ..1: I..he Members of the City at the regul&:t' lllSe:t:l..lg pla.ce in the City Hall in the City regular meet:l.r.g 11c1d. en February 1 .1962. at a Council being present and participating, end that same appears of record in Ecole}. of 'i;he ~tl..'1utos of said City Council. and that :r. am the l<1:....1'u1 posse;.>so~' and custodian of such books and r~ccrds ot 1;he City of Schert:e. Te:r.as. WITNESS MY Hiil~"') Al~D SEAL OF SAID CITY thols. the 1st daY oi' February , 1962, i , ; , . /1, #~PALllp~ C1 ty Beare tll'Y - .y 0 chertz Texa.3 i (Seal of City) ..6-