ORDINANCE NO. 91 ~ -. .:,. . . q; COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF SCHERTZ U'.,tt; [c ~, l On this, July 22, 1963, the City- Council oi: the City of Schertz, Texas, regularly convened at a reg- ular meeting i.1!I the City Hall of the City of Schertz, Texas, with the following mellberll present, namely: Roy W. Richard Raymond G. Koym Ge o. P. '-Bol.ton--__ Rabert B.S-tsdman-u, Malfard Koch Ralph R. IlreIs ,,,u,/I't, ' <(:(t;~, ". Mayarv Alde:rman .... ~. Alderman r0~.-,:,~.~",_{( ./ Alderman & <t. f{";~, AldeI'lll!l.n ..... [I Alderman v and Gea. W. Pickrell City Secretary at which time the fallowing proceedinls, aIIang athers, were had, to-wit: Mayor Roy W. Richard introduced a propased w ordinance levying taxes far the year 1963 in and for the City 0'1' SChertz, Texas, hereinafter set farth. The ardinance was read in full and a full discussian and can- llideratian thereof then e~~ued\ Aldel'lllaD ~.'p~;B~ 'moved that said ardin- ance be passed and adopted. The matian was secanded by Alderman \~y,~;\,~~~", matian carried by the fallawing vate: AYES: Mayor Roy W. Richard, and Aldermen Ge-o';-p'". ~DO'lton, Ralph R. Ilrels, Raymand G. Koym, Robert. ,-B. Stedman and Malford Kach NOES: Nane Thereupon, the Mayor announced the ardinance finally passed and adopted, and said ordinance as passed and adapted by the City COUl'lcil and approved by the Mayor '.. . .~. "'\" -1- 'i~,~:I" ,.,."" : > .\.f~ , ' ,,,.. ' ~ ~'r, ,'t ''if' of the City of Schertz, TexalS, is as follows: " _,' ~':.lW""~' . . " ~ ". ' , AN ORDINANCE NO. Ji- LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1963 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, TexalS, has nat passed and adapted an ardinance levying annual taxes for the year 1963, and it now considers it necessary and desirable, at this time, to pass such ardin- ance levyil\g ad valarem taxelS on all taxable praperty in the City 0'1' Schertz, for the year 1963; and "lHEREAS, this City Cauncil, after due consideration, finds and determines that to' pay the operating expenses oi: the City- which will accrue for the ensuing year, herein referred to as the tax levy for General Fund purposes, that a tax af and at the rate of thirty-four cents ($0..34) on each one hundred dallars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all tax- able property in the City should be levied for the year 196~; and that to pay the interesttand principal requirements in the year 1963 on the autstanding CITY OF SCHERTZ FIRE ENGINE 4% WARRANTS, SERIES A - 1959, dated October 1, 1959, that a tax of and at the rate 0'1' siB: cents ($0.06) on each one hun- dred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City shauld be levied for the year 1963; and that to' pay the interest on and to create the necessary sinking fund on the $301,000 CITY OF SCHERTZ SE',\1ER SYSTEM BONDS, SERIES 1962, dated June 1, 1962, heretofore authorized by an ordinance passed and adapted an this day, that a tax of and at the rate oi: sixty cents ($0.60) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable praperty in the City should be levied for the year 1963, thereby making a total ad valorem tax lev,ied for the yearl963 of and at the rate of ane dollar (~.OO) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation af all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas; NtM, THEREFORE, -2'- ., .. . . , , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEX:AS: I That, for General Fund purposes of the City of Schertz, Texas, there shall be, and th~re is hereby ,levied, a tax af and at the rate oi: thirty;"four cents ($Q;3h) on each ODe hundred dallars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1963. II That, to pay the interest and principal require- ments due in the year 1963 on the outstanding CITY OF SCHERTZ FIRE ENGINE 4% WARRANTS, SERIES A - 1959, dated October 1, 1959, there shall be, and there is hereby levied on each ODe hundred dallars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1963, 'a tax af and at the rate of six cents ($0.06). III That, to pay the interest on and to provide the necessary sinking: fund on the issue of $301,000 CITY OF SCHERTZ SE")ER SYSTEM BONDS, SERIES 1962, dated June 1, 1962, there shall be, and there is hereby levied aD each one hun- dred dallars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, far the year 1963, a tax of and at the rate of sixty cents ($0.60). IV That the total tax hereby levied on each ane hun- dred dallars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1963, shall be af and at the rate of one dollar ($~.OO), of which, a tax of and at the rate of thirty-four cents ($0.,34), as afare. said, shall be and is hereby levied for:6elleral Fund purpases oi: said City, and of which, a tax oi: and at the rate of sixty- six cents ($0.66), as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby -3- ..... ., . . . , ' levied for interest and sinking fund purposes, and said taxes hereby levied shall be applied to the purposes named. PASSED, ADOPTED AND AP?ROVED this July 22, 1963. Ma~fii~dx a S ATTEST: ~#. e~1~rie, City ecretary- J.ty -S ertz Texas (Seal of City-) STATE OF TEXAS ~ I ~ ~ ~ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE CITY OF SCHERTZ I, GEB. W. PICKRELL, City Secretary of the City oi: Sehertz, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fore- going is a true and carrect capy oi: an ordinance and the Jrinutes pertaining to its adoption, which ordiBance was duly and legally passed and adopted by the City Council oi: the City of Schertz, and approved by the Mayor of the i City of Schertz, Texas, at a regular JIleeting held on il'IIilT,22r'1993, at the regular meetiJIg place in the City Hall in the City of Schertz, Texas, and that same appears oi: record in Baok 2 af the Minutes of said City Council; and that I aJIl the lawful possessCll' and custadian oi: such baoks and recards oi: the City of Schertz, Texas. I. i ' WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this, July ~, 19~. I " _it {fa ~~tfi- City Secretary - ty Q <:ichertz Texas (Seal oi: City) -4- ,