ORDINANCE NO. 82 . . - . . 12- NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF SCHERTZ COUNTY OF <%uADALUPE I TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Sehertz ,Texas, will be held at the City Hall in said City on the z..t -:II day of Februarv , 19 63 ,at ;CJ .M., 7:~ o'clock for the purpose of adopting an ordinance authorizing the execution of contract whereby the City of Schertz would sell water to the City of Universal City ";;~ Q,)/j DATED, this the 'Vt;t;/ day of February . J 19-21... ~fif::4nA~ Mayor, ty 0 Schertz Texas ATTEST: 4.1LP~~)ACff City ecretary,City of Schertz Texas CONSENT TO MEETING WE, THE UNDERSIDNED, members of the City Council of the City of Schertli . Texas, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such service and such notice, and consent and agree that said City Council shall meet at the time and place therein stated, and for the purpose herein stated. ORDINANCE NO. fJ :6 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ~ vened in The City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, con- session at the City Hall within said City on cAUd the :)..1>t4day , 1963, with the followine; members Of~ present, to-wit: Dr. Roy W. Richard Mayor plll!l,.R-..- ~1:a Alderman Elgin Beck Alderman f1~ :-,'-g:~ ~ ~(J1 I t5A Alderman W. E. Ebert Alderman R. E. Cosby Geo. loT. Pickrell Alderman City Secretary and the following member(s) absent, to-wit: ~ ~ ~ , when the following, among other business, was transacted, to-wit: The Mayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Alderman tp~~ made a motion that the ordinance be adopted as read. Alderman ~i seconded the motion for adoption of said ordinance~ motion, carrying with it the adoption of the ordinance, prevailed by the following vote: AYES: Aldermen I~ls, Beck, B81ten, Ebert, Cosby, and Mayor Richard. NOES: None. The Mayor thereupon announced that the motion had duly and lawfully carried, and that the ordinance had been duly and lawfully adopted. The ordinance thus adopted follows: i . , AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WHEREBY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ WOULD SELL WATER TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR RESO- LUTIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: Section 1: That the form of contract whereby the City of Schertz would sell water to the City of Universal City (the same being attached hereto and forming a part hereof for all purposes) is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Secretary of this City are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said contract for and on behalf of the City of Schertz and as the act and deed of said City and this City Council. Section 2: All ordinances or resolutions in conflict with the provisions of said contract are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3: The fact that the successful completion of the financing of the cit;!ces of Schertz and Universal City are dependent upon satisfactory arrangements being made between the two cities whereby each will have adequate water supply and distribution system during the period of the construction of additional facilities creates an~ emergency requiring the suspension of any rule which would require the reading of this ordinance at more than one meeting of this City Council and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and it is so ordained. 1963. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~day of ::r:~.... , , f w~ MaYOr,~ of S er z, Texas ATTEST: Q lr, !;t. ;Jjde~ City Secretary , I: " Ii oorporation in the County of Bexar, Stat.8 of ~xa.s. hereinafter oalled "Universal City," and the City of SChertz~ s munioipal ecrporation in the County of Guadalupe, State of Texas, here1n- I atter called "Schertz," il W :t T N E SSE T H: I WHEREAS, each of the cities :b in the procesa of acquir- I I , I WorkB, Inc.. and each of the c1t1es is in the prooess of authoriz- I ing the issuance of revenue bonds the proeeedJI of which will be I , I' ,! I' Iling portlONl or s water supply and distribution lfYstem now being II 1! operated by Walter SChertz doing buaine.. sa the Schertz Water used to pay the proportionate share 01' the total pur<,lha$e price of the syatem being acquired; and WHEREAS, SChertz is to aequire the e:x:1sting water supply (consisting of two wells and two P\lIlIPs located withtn the corporate limits of Univeraal City) and Univ.raalCity w111 aoquire anew lIIOuree of water tor its custOlllerll and consumers I and will build anft' tl"'8.ft8lll1llldon line in o.I'der to llIOre ade- I quately 8t1PPl;V water to it. custollle" and Oot:l8U11lere, and both o1t1$11 an desirous of lll/.tldng proper arrangCllletl.t to the end that t1n1,"l'aal City and its inhabitants will be suppl1ed with aclequate potable water durlng the conatl'Wltion o.f the facilities eontelllplated, now, therefore IN CONS11lERATIOH OF 'fRE Ml11'QAL COVENANTS. AGREEJllENTS AND 11IiIDERTAKDlGS HEREIN SET !fORTH, the parties agree and contract as 1'ol1ows: SBC'lION 1: Sehertzag~es to sell and. deliver water to Un1versa.1 City at the price of twenty-five cents (~) per one thousand. gallons (1000) of water. (U.S. Standard liquid measure) Ii 'I !! !I il II i: delivered by Universal City to 1t. ~U8tO_1'lf and CQnsu.mers. II II iI I: ,I i! The aJlIOUJ1t of wa1;er 80 delivered 1s to be <lewrmIned by the lIlOnthly bil1J.flg for such water by Universal City to the customers 01' conltUlllers be1Qs served by that portion of the System beIng ac- qui red from the SChertz Water WorlQll Inc. by Universal City. All otficersl e"loyeea and agents of Schertz shall have the right at I, I I, a.ll till1e's to inspect the booles, water meters and reeords ot II 1', Universal City during the time water is Bold and delivered under I' ,I h the provision.s 01' th1.8 contract. PayJllents to be made to Schertz II shaUbe made on or before the 10th day following the bUling of ,I II !i I I , :1 el1BtOlllE!r8 by Universal CitYI and such payments shall be made at the City Hal.l, Schertz, Texas. Sli;c,:'ION 2; The to Ubiversal City shall obligation of Schertz to deliver water eOl1llllenee wIth the date the water supply am! distribution systelll is acquired by the C1 ties trolll the SChertz Water Works. Ine. (a slll1ultaneous acqu18Ition of the I I system now being privately operated being cClntemplated by the i parties), and shall continue until Universal City baa developed ital own. watl'!r aupply and the purity and quality thereo:t' has been found . to be satiSfactory to Un1vel'llal City, andt1n1veraal City has COIl1- pleted the construction of the distribution line (as shoWn on the attached exhibit) and tested the same under pressure and the 01t;y COl.U\oll of Universal O:1,ty finds that the l.'IaIlIe is satistactory, provided, however, that at least five (5) days betore SUCh obligation of Scher1;z i8 te1"lllinated. nouce in writing shall have been received by the Mayor of Schertz to the effect that itlll obligation under the prov1elons of thll.$ Qontract is to ceaaeand tlt1"llllnate. In the event this contract is to term1nate on other than a regular billing date J the BIIlOunt to be paid to Schertz tlhall be OOlllPuted on a pro rata Pasls, taking into con- dderation the nWlo.r ot day. water 1s purchased under the 'I'Ov18iou hereof and the nUll10er of days in the 1;lill.ing period.. II II I! :1 'I Ii I I' Ii :1 I I' :1 II ,I SEC'J.'ION ;: ScheJ:"tz 18 obligated to deliver potable water to UniversalClt:y under th18 agreeaent ami such as wnl :1 1Ileet the purity standards of the state Departlrlent of Health, but 'ill, I ahall not be legally Uabl~ for fallure of' quality to meet I3Uch II lJtanda:rda, it be1:ng understood that the customen served by i. " II uniVersal City w111 receive the same quality of water as de- il II Ii !I I' I I I I , livered to customers of Schertz. SChertz .hall use reasonable diligence and care to provide a regular and uninteX't"UPted supply of water to Unlv(!.rsal City and to avoid any shortage or interrup- tion of thedellvery thereof, butsha.l1 not be liable for any failure. intel;'l'U;ptlon 01' shortage of water or for 10$$ or da.lllage 1'ellluJ.ting there!'rom occasioned in whole or in pa.rt by any cause beyond the reallonabl" eontl'ol of Schertz. II ~ION 4: Schertz shall have the authori tyto operate II the well, water storage tanks and pumps of' that portion of its II syJJtem loC8td within the corporate 11ll1ts of Universal City , ... well as such distribution line or lines as may be required to convey water to Schertz and shall have the right to use the .treets, al1~ ud public ways with Universal City in the operatioll andlllalntenance thereof, neither Schertz nor any of the properties constituting a part of such water systelll sha.ll be 8U~t to tuation o.f any kind by Un:1verN.l City. Nothing herein shall be conatrued as perudtting Sebert:;>; to sell water to any area, c\18tomer or Cons1.Ull€r within the cOX'Porate I1mlts of Univer&a1 City. SECTION 5: During the time Sohertz delivers water to Universal City under the provisions of this contract, tJniveraal City shall not connect or permit connection of any other wateX' Bupply to the facilities whieh now eonBtltute a part of water supply and distribution system owned by Schertz Water Works, Inc. II II II Ii ~l ,I Ii Ii :i SECTION 61 If for any reuon ot fOrGe maJeure either ~ . . . Ii of the pax1;iea hereto aball be re.n.4eJi'8d~le WhOl.~ or 1n part :1 to 0&r17 out ita obligation under th1a ag.ree_nt~ then such par- I i tie. shall give notice of the partieu.~. of au.eh reason in w1'.1t- I II 1ng to the other party within a reasonable t1Jlle alter the occur- Ii I: enceof theennt or caUlIIe relied upon. ~ obl1gation of' the I, I' II party giving nch notice so tal" as U aN'ec.ted by such toree ....,.\U"$ shal.l be suspended during the continuation of the in- ! ability then cla1llled but for no longer peri~, and such parties shall endeavor to remon or over<)ome nch inaj)llity with all reuonab1e dispatch. The terlll force maJeure asslllPloyed herein ...,-., --~ --- -- ---........ -.---- --~l I ~ I , .haU mean acts of God. strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances, aeteof' the public ene.lI'Y~ order or actions of any kind of the gove:t'nllt<!lnt of the Unit$d States or of the State of Texas, or any civil or ll11litary authority, ineu:rrect1ons, riotG~ II epidelll1os, landslides, l1ghtning, earthquake!>, fires,hurrica.nes,. 11 storlllS, floods, washouts, riots, arrests, restraint of government I and peopl$~ civil disturbances, ellPlos1olUS~ 1>reakage or accident I to the machinery, pipelines or other struotures o:r machinery, partial Qr .ntire fall\U"$ of water supply and inability on the part of Sherta to deliver water hereunder or of Universal City to receive water. or on account of atl7 other eaue. not rea$On&.bly within the eontrolot the party Cla1mlng lIueh inability. It i8 unl1erlltood and agrQd that the settlement of etrikes and lookout. ehall be entirely within the discretion of the party baving r the dlf1'i.eul.ty and that the above requirement that any torce maJeure Ilhall be remedied with all reasonable d.ispateh shall not require the settlement of strikes and lockouts by acceding to the delllands of the opposing party or parties, when such eettlement is unfavorable to it in the Judglllent of the party .~ , I , " .\ I I I I I! " :1 " ri I' II ,1 Ii I I " I II Ii I Ii I II ~ : , I ......<- having the dlt"ficulty. No daJllage shall be 1"IiK'l0verable from either party by reason of the sUf.lpension of' any contract rights due to any of' the oauses above mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their rea~ctive governing bodies have caused this contract to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of whioh shall constitute an original. all as of the day and year first above written. II I Ii ! II i' jl II ! I A~S~: ~ .., /'J_ ., f II" ~~ / jz..-d.-.xi./..,/(' - ty ecretaI'Y II (City Seal) ! CITY OF SCFlERi'Z BY o/~~1 yor A'1"1'EST: - .J-- 1 :,' " A. ... ; g" It, l_,<J)/(d ~_ Ciy Secretary - (City Seal) CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY BY 7'p1~o!(6;~L{/V~ Mayor i ; v -~~~_._----.~- - - THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ~ I the undersigned, Oity Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Ordinance duly passes and adopted by the City Council of the City of Schertz on the J,t,ttv day of :f/jJUu1JJ~ , 1963 (and minutes pertaining to the adoption tfiereof), which Ordinance authorizes the execution of a contract with the City of Universal City, -- -'-'.... supply, I do further certify that said Ordinance is of record in the minutes of the City Council of said City at Volume j , page et. seq. To certify which, City of Schertz this the witness my hand and seal of the ~& day of J!.tfJ-lt,u.A I~j' 1963. /:/, 11, /]~kARiJ! City Secretary City of Schertz, Texas City Seal