ORDINANCE NO. 81 .......,~ f.' -to , . . '" ~ ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE CITY WATER WORKS SYSTEM OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A WATER WORKS SUPERINTEN- DENT; PROVIDING FOR CONNECTIONS TO WATER MAINS; REGULATING THE USE OF WATER FROM THE CITY WATER WORKS; PROVIDING FOR SERVICE THROUGH METERS; PRESCRIBING RATES PENALTIES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDi.lNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION ONE (1): There shall be appointed by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, a Superintendent of the Water Works, who shall be the administrative officer of the water works system, including all engine houses, engines, pumps, reservoirs, stand pipes, elevated taaks, pipe lines, hydrants, meters, wrenches, stopcocks, gate valves, fire plugs, testing equipment and all other property and machinery used in or connected with the water works system. He shall have general supervision over all employees of the water works system and shall make frequent trips of inspection over all pipe lines and all other property used in or connected with the water works system, and shall make all repairs deemed necessary and consistent with his duties. SECTION TWO (2): He shall also report all violations of this ordinance to the City Council and shall forthwith proceed to have prosecuted offenders as set forth in this ordinance or any amendment thereof. SECTION THREE ~31: He shall also attend to and control the water supply and at all times see to the sufficiency t~ereof, he shall notify the community, unless emergency requires otherwis., "of the nece..ity of shuttina off any pipeline for the purposes of _king repairs, extenaions, connections, etc., should he know before- hand the necesdty to '0 sbut oft the water from any line or lines of the syst_. , J '" . . . SECTION FOUR (4): It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons to do, commit or assit in committing any of the following things or acts in the City of Schertz, Texas: (a) To resort to any fraudulent device or arrangement for the purpose of procuring water for himself or others from private connections on premises contrary to the City regulations or ordinances. (b) To make or permit to be made any connection with the main or service pipes of the water works system or to turn on or use the water of said system without first obtaining a permit therefor. (c) To remove any water meter that has been placed by the City, or to in any manner change, interfere with or tamper with any water meter; providing that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the employees of the City when acting in their official capacity. (d) To turn on the water supply to any building or to any supply pipe where the supply has been turned off for the non- payment of the monthly water charge or for the violation of any rule or ordinance governing the water system. (e) To open or close any fire hydrant or stopcock connec- ted with the water works system of the City of Schertz, or to lift or remove the covers of any gate valves or shut off thereof, with- out the permission of the Superintendent of the Water Works, except in case of fire, and then under the direction of officers of the Fire Department. SECTION FIVE (5): It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to ..ke any connection to the ..ins of pipes of the water works system of the City of Schertz. Texas. without first -2- ~I.~~-ll.,"~._ ,:..;~.. ,...'.'..., ..,. ,....,' '" ,.".,. ' __.;..;._.;__;_,.;;, .-=... ~;;, _ td ''':.if'~~J'''~<T'-' i,~,~N:.~.~~.,&.,-~~~f:.:~';";:"-T-..<I ..,tJ. .'( ;a..~'1-.'-~~"1 .IT ~l ., It'. br~ j . ';. . . making application to the City, stating fully the several and various uses for which water is wanted, giving the name of the owner of the property, the number of the lot and block, name of the street and house number. Upon the payment of the meter connection fee, the Superintendent, shall make, or have made, the neeessary connec- tions and furnish a cast iron curb stop box and curb cock, the cost of which is included in the meter connection fee, and every pre- mise connected with any water main, or being supplied with any water from the city water works, shall have a separate service connection, curb stop box and curb cock. If the application is approved, a permit will be issued. All fees, and charges shall be paid for at amounts and rate. fixed by this ordinance or by resolu- tion of the governing body. SECTION SIX (6): All meters, whether private or belonging to 1 the water works system shall be set by the eqlloyees of the City. . If the meter gets out of order and fails to register, the consumer " will be charged at the average daily cons\lqltion, as shown by the meter when in order. All water that passes through the meter shall be charged for, whether used or not. SECTION SEVEN (7): Each consumer of water living in or main- taining separate house, business establishment. complete apartment or trailer house, \llUst have a separate connection and meter for 1 , each house. If any question shall arise as to whether any connec- tion in question is to a separate house, business establishment, complete apartment or trailer house as provided in this paragraph, such determination shall be made by the City Council of the City of Schertz and their decision shall be final. Provided where a res i- dence, business establishment, complete apartment or trailer house is not in reach of a city water _in, arrangements may be made, only qt). tta qt8e_ aa:l at tile .diIm of the City and for which a permit - 3 - . . 1IRIst be obtained from the City Council, to secure water from another user of city water, in which case the minimum monthly charge shall be made for each additional residence taking water through such meter. Eaeh "miniuum" will entitle user to 3000 gallons per month. The regular minimum, the additional minimum, and all water used over the minimums by such coasumer, shall be charged to the customer having the meter. SECTION EIGHT (81: Each water consumer, (except where the property served is owned by such consumer) shall put up a $10.00 . , \ ~;; >>"!!{,;' deposit which may be applied to the payment of any unpaid -' bills, and, when so used, the deposits shall be restored to the original amount. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded at any time the account of service is discontinued. SECTIONIt:NE (91: The following uniform monthly rates shall be charged all persons, firms, or corporations for the use of city water within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas: RATE SCHEDULE Residential 5/8" x 3/4" Service $3,00 Miniuum Monthly Bill for 3,000 gallons .50 per 1000 gaUons for next 10,000 gallons .40 per 1000 gallons for next 10,000 gallons .30 per 1000 gallons for all additional water used. Coamercial 1" Service $6.00 Miniuum Monthly Bill for 6,000 gallons ,30 per 1000 gallons for all additional water used Coumercial 1\" or 2" Service $10.00 Minimum Monthly Bill for 10,000 gallons .30 per 1000 gallons for all additional water used. SEClION TEN QQl: Charge for tank purchases: \ Whenever water is purchased by any consumer other than through a service connection through the water 1IIIlins of the City of -4- . I I I I . . .> ..;;,- {.,.):' Schertz, Texas, and such water is purchased from taps belonging ,", "F/I r_ to the City of Schertz, Texas, such consumer shall P.ty .. cents ,0,5 ($0.") for each 100 gallons of water purchased. SECTION ELEVEN <1!l: Not more than one consumer as herein- above defiud in Section Seven (7) shall purchase water through any single meter without the consent of the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION TWELVE (12): That service to any consumer may be dis- continued for non payments of iills as hereinafter provided. In such event a $2.00 charge shall be made for reconnecting such custo- mer. SECTION THIRTEEN Ull.: All charges to a consumer for water consumed and sewage charges shall be billed to the customer on one bill. The penalty for failaaeeto pay any portion thereof shall be the same as herein provided for non payment of bills for water consumed. SECTION FOURTEEN (14): METER CONNECTION CHARGES AND METER INS'IALLATION AND REPAIR. 6 (), &) (a) There shall be a meter connection charge of,: I:, when- ever the a.ty connects a consumer through a 5/a" meter. (b) All meters larger than 5/8" to be furnished by the City of Schertz at the cost of the consumer including the cost of the meter and all labor and other charges involved in the connection of same. (c) The City of Schertz, Texas, will keep in repair all 5/8" meters free of cost to the consumer. All repair charges for repairs, including labor and parts. made to meters larger than a 5/8" meter shall be charged to the customer using such meter. All such charges to be added to the water bill of such customer, with the same penal- ties for non payment as herein provided for non payment of bills for water con_d, .". . . O. JUDe 6, 1963 Ordilluce 81 was 8I'ellded as follow.: S.ction Ten - Charle for tank purchase.: ',(heneyer yat.&r 1.e purchased by llllY cons~r other than through a .ervioe connection through the water _b. of the City ofSchertz, Texas, ud .uch yater i. purchaaed from tape belonging to the City of Schertz, Texas, .uch con.umer .hall pay fi.... cenUl ($0.0<)) for each 100 gallons of water purchased. SectiOJl Fourteen _ A. There .hall be a IIl!ltir connection char~ of $60.00 when- ever the City connects a consUIIler through a <)/8" IIl!lter. ~ " Section Eighteen _ All charp. for water aervice fum1ahed or rendered by the City water work. of the City of Schertz .hall be due and payable on the fir.t day of each acmth at the office of the City Secreterr of the City of Schertz, Texa., and if !lot paid by the loth day of the following lIlonth in which billed 101 of the total aaouat of .uch bill shall be added to ealll!l as a penalty for l'lonpa,ylll!lnt. Section Nineteen _ by per.on who haa Dot paid his account by the 20th day of the ,"onth following the .000th in which billed shall have his water service dl8continued. It 18 further provided that all delinquent aCCOllllts shall be notified before service is <ii.continued. . . SECTION FIFTEEN (15): No water other than water furnished by the City shall be used in any line to which city water is de- ....--- livered. No unknown water shall be permitted in such line or lines. SECTION SIXTEEN (16): Failure to comply with any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall constitute grounds for discontinuance of service by the City of Schertz. SECTION SEVENTEEN Ull.: The City of Schertz will not guaran- tee pressure or ~ume or water delivered to any connection outside the City Limits of Schertz, Texas. SECTION EIGHTEEN (18): All charges for water service furnished or rendered by the City water works of the City of Schertz shall be due and payable on the first day of each month, at the office of the , City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas, and if not paid by ).0-4.- fr~J.f)i4I /I','(}- the ~ day of thet1\lOnth in which billed lOt of the total amount of such bill shall be added to same as a penalty for nonpayment. AD -' 1""'-' 1 '.it ~rl'-';~-;;;h~~\:.ll be adde4 for eac.h- add'l..l~l 36 /~ .1_ ......l. f ....I....JI 1.. 1.. .. I -. l..-.,t. <MaY '8I'.-c- "~ _..' elK sue.. &=Qat" -r - ,.. .- U\ . SECTIONNINETEEN (19): Any person who has not paid his account ~~ by the ~ ~y of the month.... following ~ J!!OIlt in w,bich billed. " ~ ,"-"" ~,-4-J..v, A"" . - j " _ __,- -"C-U~ _shall~have his Wf.ter servi~e discontinued.:./-*&- ~l . _ e~ ' . ." - "'~ ~ ~~ ...u_._~.... L~o! < ere<-.,.zv ~'V4f:e -J~. -H(r ~../€~--< ~~ I.. .' , " loA .,.t_.. 4ePo8i' gf 8:3: slS..h t'M'S_, f:1;r_, or / . -" ./e:J~ _Jg,-~--"--~-<-<d ~t'i~, "ZZ-""-<""-. ". _ __ _~ .cOi"P"r.Ll.... .1\.1.1. baYe b&_ 'al" ....L.d ~,...ppl1.catlon to 1;_ paymMtt fat" the . __1; ..I -" CWltCAt.: f...... d.lina.....t" .all .._.....1;; accoullLS" . ,dOl' U .::~~. ~ef .a I""""_....th !..l.L~DI th. mnn~h in wbioh .....1' . -to.er~, M_ Lu.&.'. *.., ...d ill 1:I\a-t" event,-'--w.~.r- a~,...:Lca -'--II l_ a.__ 1___J, .6.11 ..ter funl1sbacl by the City wter ..-Its to its OOD.~. .ball be ..nred lty _tars, 'l'be s1&.. type -6- . . and right to own and control all meters installed or used by consu- mers of its water shall be determined by said City water works, whice shall keep all meters owned by it in repair without expense to con- sumer except as hereinabove provided. SECTION TWENTY-ONE (21): Should any meter fail to register correctly the amount of water used by a consumer since the previous reading, the right shall exist on the part of the City water works to average the month and charge for water on the basis of any three months' average. Should any user demand a re-read of a meter, he ( k C f'-" shall deposit $~ 00 with the City water works. If the re-read shows the meter has been overread, the $,?, tJ 0 shall be refunded to the user; otherwise the $ :1. b 0 shall be- come the property of the City water works. Should any consumer demand a meter be tested for accuracy, he shall uake deposits as follows: Size Charge 5/8 Inch $ J. t)~ $ :J.{)L - All other s If the test shows the meter is registering within the warranty of the meter manufacturer, the deposit shall become the property of the City water worka. If the test shows the meter is registering more water than is actually going through the meter, the depoait shall be refunded the user, Nothing in this s.ction shall be construed aa waiving of the paY1ll&Dt of bills aa provid.d in this ordinance. II No water shall be sold for farm 1rrl&ation purpos.s, . , lothiaa in this s.ction or any other s.ct1oD of this ordiMace or ..., ~ " <<IIth....c. shall be coutrued to ~ .a1 the City..ter .orb to '-nbb ~s be- . '. .,~ -,. "', . '" ..,.. .' ',........ '- .. ."0.,<. e, . yond the corporate limits or to continue such service once begun; and the City water works reserves the right to furnish such custo- mers it deems advisable and to, at any time, wholly or p~tially dis- continue the supply upon violation of any of the terms of this ordi- nance the same as though such consumer resided in the City. SEcrION 'l'WENTY-FOUR (241..: No water shall be furnished con- sumers beyond the corporate limits of the City unless and until such consumer desiring City water shall furnish the City water works satisfactory evidence that all plumbing, including fixtures and appliances, through which City water is to pass, hes been approved by the City water works representative. SECTION TWENTY-FIVE (251.: In the event additional plumbing is to be installed on such premises (outside the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas) water service shall be discontinued to such consumer unless such additional plumbing installation have been approved by an authorized representative of the City water works. SEcrION 'l'WENTY-SIX (26:>": No plud>er or any other person, ex- " cept authorized employees of the City water works, shall turn on .' or off water from the stop cock in the meter box without a written permit first being obtained from the City water works. SEcrION TWENTY-SEVEN (27): After water is introduced into a building or upon any premises the same shall not be extended by any plud>er or any other person to any other premises for additional r'".. , ~ fixtures except upon consent of the City Council. szcrlOR '1VBRTX-BIGB'l-Un: Every person taking water from the City wter works shall at all reasoaable t:lJlles permit the water WIliICU hpciDt -~...t << bis -aeou to eoter the preais.a aad builcl- "iDS for ...._i....tioP of pipes... fiatlC- ... the --- iD which . I , l <?'~;;'rd~;,,:,'>,\). )f:<":hJJi:j~t. ,. ")'~"".''''t~~~~""l. ., ,,"""" "~.. ~,J"", ,. "" . ",,\,.:~:,~"::i/:i', ;"'=:(;~"f!.:': ,,. " ';'~~i))~;'}}~~\." ~,'l'~, ~ .\:~ ..4 :", ,.;~;':;. ' . . ".".,,"~ J,..:t..~,~...~,.,'I, ,'.'~','-:' ~"L "'l'f.-"':\',:,;~:;,..:,,,,. '.,' ;'~f!;.~'!'I:'.;;.,}\-" ',,"-:'. ,'. .'1,'.',' '-'il;;+~r;';:.t>,{~ 'll.h~I1i"~j;A~"'\ ". ,.; ""~'ii~'}.'tGW~"',"":');Lfr-r .' , , .. ,"~"",} ':)1101"&""'" ~",;:.;",.uii . . the water is used, and refusal by any consumer shall result in refusal of water supply from the City water works until such per- lIIission is granted, SECTION 'l'WENTY-NINE (29): The City water works will make all repairs and renewals of service pipes from main to meter, and it shall be unllwful for _yother person or persons to repair or re- new service pipes from ..in to the meter. SECTlotI THIRTY QQl: The right is reserved by the City water works to temporarily discontinue and to reconnect without notice water supply to all consumers for the purpose of _king repairs, connections, extensions, and cleaning of mains, _chinery reser- voir or any part of said City water works. SECTION THIRTY-oNE Q!l: It shall be unlawful for any plum- ber or person, other than the tapper employed by the City water works, to tap any main, make connections with mains or extend service pipes from main to meter or to place a stop cock and stop box at that point. All of this equipment shall be under the exclusive control of the City water works, and said tap and service shall be paid for by the plumber or owner ordering the work done before the work is c~nced, SECTION THIitTY-'lWO.J.Ul: All service pipe frOlll the dbcharge dele of the _tar shall be provided with stop and wute cock indde the property line and such service lines shall be installed at such depth and in such fashion to properly drain all pipes above ground. SECTION mUTY-THIlEE (3~J: If any section. part of section, provisions, sentence phrase or word of this ordinance shall be held to be void. ineffective or unconstit*tienal for any CAuse whatso- ever it shall in DO way affect the val1dity or the r_inina sec- i~~ -'1- .1', ..' . ,~:\' . . C":'lf' &nd provisions of this ordinance, which shall remain in full i,ll">::' and effect. SECTION TIiIRTY-FOUR (34): All of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated in every contract between City wa- ter works and its consumer, and each consumer shall be charged with knowledge of the provisions of this ordinance and by applying and accepting water from the City water works to have acceded to the provisions hereof. SECTION TIiIRTY-FIVE (ill: If any consumer shall be in debt to the City water works for water furnished or for leakage or re- pairs on any account at his then or previous place of consumption, his water shall be cut off by the City water works until payment in full is made, SECfION THIRTY-SIX 00: Where water service is desired and no mains exist in adjoining street, or alley, or road from which to 1Il&ke the connection, it will be necessary for the applicant to sign a special form of contract and 1Il&ke cash deposit as described herein following; the contract form shall be supplied by the City of Schertz and shall carry at least the following cODClitions and terms; the cost of the proposed _in shall be esti_ted by the City, and said amount shall be deposited by the applicant with the City at time of the contract. The contract must be signed by the applicant and the Mayor, and attested by the City Secretary and the deposit made before the work can be started, lkl aan..... shall ,~a.ij. .0.. as .11U ... .... .to. 1 D__ I"S .hl ~'Sf .... ,,'r- ..'-- ~~ 81~i.. 'IJ. in 1 ~ _t...ll ~.....l 'l <If i.a it.hi_1 u.., .h. ".... -10- . .,.q' ." .......... ,"""," "ji, ,;;/r ..."""",...,"""';"''I;,.~a",,,'J1ii *JI'Mk~;~/~ii;"",~:!,~,",i\l:W~_ ' " . ..1""'"",' ~~".. . ~,'.,<:~"......;oA!'~~~~,' A ," ..'".....,'..:...,. . . , ; . .Mll Jtllie_ tile hl~ - 1Tt; 1& MinT -tJl"'S'IIU' ~:i'i<-ta ;;;:r,s-~!".i'~'i>;" pra.i~.d~ R~ra].., llat RV .vtuRg ~~A De ..~Q wd~tAiA ~ y,~r i~~~- ~1i8 si l!1!~~_8.', _ii, ..._h.., ,lf8'\ri6aa, abc, U"L~J!'o f\~l-l.--.',.(,;f\,,~,"o:; "i .i~ilr88 at..l.- Q;a;r" <;If II #,.--"' F~"1ivv-r\ilbigQ ill ')R'" Y(!lIJ;" llir."~.....~;;,.;\,r. ttw: ".A.,b..L {jf ll'u::l\as is l!i~e ai..eM' af thE: pipe \ft'lt\e~~Wl-,,!%H"'," If at! a... _# r~ll .,d_.. ,.i.ei, _he WaSM!' d.sp_t!IB@1fle-J"+-4);j,<!,;~'! 'rc"c.l\~e. &&11 tI8e ,"'18. ta,a 18 'hi. _i.a de.. Bet equal,,==;_..:-._"I:._ Ii alt. Iw"'bw.l eelt! .., tlhe _ill, '.1 ._1:If'lt: ee be rciur.acd sli.l<:oA)'.b":, plfepelft"e_.. .. alt. ,.....,.. .i Ilfi8ialll II..' lfepre~oo--b:\'-f.GI", Iih_ ...,..Uull ---_1 iIlellM fIo_ walK ulu th&'e"~ tap'/ji-,~ dw. pi,. ..~,~ ......st. Each size or diaater and length of pipe 1IIl18t be described fully in the contract. Wrought iron or steeb p~ shall Dot be installed for any public water supply of &Dy .... tUn two-inch inside diameter. Ho size of pipe ...ller than two-inch can be Wleci for weter _ins under this ordiWUlft-ce. All _w wer two-inch du-t:er shall be of ca.t iron of such weight ad with .uch type and .~. of jointing a. ..y be c1irected by the City, The City .hall have the right to add: extendons or branch ..ins without jeopariiaiDI1:be cOIltract OIl aaY~in already la1~ and in service, ~. JI.I nila. _ ..._ ..... ._11 al' ~. ..._.. ia ..,. WL'.J I 4-11"'11... "_.,.. _~'~P'1I1 ........ a. .1, ..~ hi ~." -~ I'J.._ 11 ,.......,.. ,1-.__ _ r~,'y SlCTIOM '(PIaTY-SIVER em: a. It shell be unlawful for any peraon. fira or corporation to take or use _ter froe the .y.tea of the City of Scbertll lI:v~..t under tbe ~:..ci caacl1tiClll8 .pecified "" ',I and .t1pu1ated 1a tIIIt or'~r =.1.. ,AJ;;1.>"..~ "'eol~_tI of property .1" ':h~ ,'~ ,: , " '. ..I. ,l,.j" .~ .:i:.,. ""_~,-._ .~... . . are and shall be prohibited from furnishing water supply to others for any purpose other than specified herein. b. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to willfully and negligently waste water in any manner whatsoever, and any person having knowledge of any condition whereby water is being wasted shall at once notify the City. SECTION THIRTY-EIGHT (38): The refusal or neglect of an owner or occupant to equip and maintain the premises with proper service connections, utilities or fixtures of approved character and quality to prevent waste of water shall be sufficient ground for the refu- sal of the City to connect the premises with the City water works or to continue such service after having given notice of intention to shut off the water, pending the necessary correction. SECTION THIRTY-NINE (39) :a. It is and shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to draw water from any city supply pipes directly into any steam boiler which is equipped for, or arranged for more than fifteen pounds (15) pressure per square inch. All persons, firms or corporations having boilers or closed water heaters supplied with city water are cautioned against the danger of explosion or collapse. The City of Schertz will not be liable for any damages that may occur on account of the water being shut off for any reason or on account of the breaking of any pipe or fixture by pressure of the water from 1he city mains. b. Where city water is used to supply a steam boiler (of over fifteen pounds pressure), the owner shall provide a tank of suffici- ent capacity to afford a supply of at least four hours into which the service pipe III.1st be discharged over the top of the tank, and never into the bottom or side. -12- f . . SECTION FORTY (40): Where water service is desired outside the corporate limits, and the City at its discretion agrees to fur- nish same, and no mains exist in adjoining streets, alleys or roads from which to make the connection, it will be necessary for the applicant to sign an option form of contract supplied by the City of Schertz and shall carry at least the following conditions and terms: The cost of the proposed main shall be estimated by the City and &aid amount shall be deposited by the applicant with the City at the time of the contract. The contract must be signed by the applicant and the Mayor and attested by the City Secretary, and a deposit made before the work can be started. The entire cost of such main extension shall be borne by the applicant without any cost to the City. The size, coq>osition, diameter and length of type _t be as prescribed by the City and must conform to the specifi- cations established by the said City. Such main extension shall be the property of the City and the said City shall have the right to add such extension or branch mains thereto as they may see fit. SECTION FORTY-ONE (41): This ordinance is CUIlJ.1lative of any other ordinance on the subject and does not repeal any present ordinances unless this ordinance is in direct conflict theJ;'ewith, in which case this ordinance shall govern. SECTION FORTY-'1'WO (42): A violation of any of the rules con- tained in this ordinance or a doing or causing to be done by any person, persons, firm or association, of any of the things or acts forbidden or _de unlawful in any of the sections of this ordinance sball be deemed to cODstitute a violation under the terms of this -13- '. . . --"--"-----\. -- ., . ',. . \ ordinance and an offense, and shall be punishable as such, and for each and every violation of the terms of this ordinance, the person, firm, association or corporation shall, upon conviction thereof in the Corporation Court, be fined not less than $100 nor more than $200.00, and each violation and each day thereof is a failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION FORTY-THREE (43): Any person, firm or corporation who shall have made application for water service to the City of Schertz shall be responsible for all water furnished under the terms of such application until notice is given to the City Secretary by such person, firm or corporation of their intention to discontinue such service. SECTION FORTY -FOUR (44): This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publica- tion as required by law. a PASSED AND APPROVED, this ~ day of February, 1963. APPROVED: a~GJ~LJ Mayor An'EST: -1LJj, I- ~/~;M kJ Secretary -14A < i , , .,~j