Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons
to solicit or obtain alms or gifts, for any person or persons,
any charitable organization, any patriotic organization, or any
philanthropic organization; to promote or participate in any
entettainment, fair or bazaar in the name of charity, patriotisa,
or philanthropy, religious or aissionary purpose, except by such
organization on their own ,reaises; without first obtaining a
'perait recommended by the Vigilance Committee, and approved by
the Mayor as herein stated.
Section 2. No person shall do any of the things prescribed
herein, without first having Signed, sworn to and filed with the
Vigilance Committe a stateaent Which shall contain substanially
the following inforaatien: (a) Naae; (b) Address (c) Age; (d) Sex;
(e) Marital Status; (f) Faaily relation, if any; (g) Dependeuts;
(h) Incoae; (i) Occupation; (k) purpose for ~hich alms or gifts
are to be used; (1) Co..ission or coapen.ation paid solicitor.
Section 3. A Vigilance Coaaittee to serve withont coapensa-
tiOD is hereDY created of _abers, to be appointed by the Jlayor
and confirmed by the Conncil, to investigate each application
for the perait required by this ordinance, which coaaittee shall
advise and pva --ed to the Mayor the grantiug or refusal of a perait.
Section 4. The committe shall keep each application on file,
and a record of its action thereon in a well ~und book, subject
to inspection by auy person at any reasonable tiae.
Section 5. Upon recommendation of the Vigilance Committee
to grant the peraitj the Mayor, _y if he concurs in the conclu-
sion of the Vigilance COmmittee, grant a perait to the applicaat
to do the things peraitted.
Section 6. Said permit shall be dated and signed by the
Jlayor and shall be valid during the term specified, not to exceed
one year after the issuance date.
Section 7. The permit herein described shall be inscribed
upon a card, Which shall be endoresed in red letters " NOT TRANS-
Sectiou 8. Upon the expiration of permit, application
aay be aade for another permit, which aay be granted upon the
fulfillment by the applicant of the conditions herein specified.
Section 9. The perait herein provided, shall be non-transfer-
able, and aay be revoked any time by the Mayor, and shall never
operate as a grant privilege, or aature into a right.
Section 10. Any person Violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be guilty of misdemeanor and fined not mere
thau $25.00 for each offense.
Section 11. This ordinance Shall be cuaulative of all other
Ordinance of the City of Schertz relative to the same subject aatter,
except where there is an irreconcilable conflict between this
ordinance and any other ordinance heretofore passed, then the former
ordinance shall be repealed to the extent of the conflict.
en 11/ cI
6L day of January, 1964.
k 11. {J;lpil