ORDINANCE NO. 130 FORBIDDING LOITERING .-=-. ORDINANCE NO. 130 ORDINANCE FORBIDDING LOITERING ON STREETS OR PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ AND PROVIDING A PENALTY Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas: 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to loaf, loiter, or idle on and along any street or public place within the City of Schertz, Texas, when not engaged in a legitimate business or purpose or when engaged in an iwnoral enterprise. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not to exceed Two Hundred (~200.00) Dollars. Passed and approved this the 2nd day of September, 1965. ATTEST: Q Jd~)d MaYOr? . (J) 'j' f Jf{,I:tj AOO! City Secretary ORDINAICE WOo 1)0 ORDIllANCE FORBIDDING LO.l:'1'ERHIG ON STRlSrrrS OR FtmLIC PUCES IN THfJ: CITY eF SCH.ERTZ MID FiWVlOING A PlmALTY Be 1~ ordained by ~be Ci~y Council of the C1ty of SChert., Tex".1 1. It aball be unlawful for any peraon ~o loaf, loitor, or idle on and along any street or public place within the City ot Sebert., Texa., when not engaged in a legitimate bu.ine.. or purpose or wben engaged in an immoral enterprise. 2. Any person violating thia ordinance aball be fined not to exceed Two Hundred (,200.00) Dollar.. Paa.ed and approved this the 2nd day of September, 1965. ATTEST: ~Q~~~ /liayo lt~l))~ e{ " . JA/ h{) , City ecretary ORDrRa~CI NO. 130 OJWINAI\CS P'OEBIDDING L01TrmnrCl ON ;;1Ri;:fITS (m rUBLIC PLACi~S Ii TH& CITY 0' SCHERTZ j) FNJ>lflDINO II Pi~IHLTY ne it. or~lIllned by tbe City Council ot the City of Scherta. Texaa: 1. It ahall be unlawful tor IIlny person to loaf, loiter. or idle on and along any street or public place within the City ot Schertl, Texas, when not engaged in a legitLa..te bU81neS8 or purpoae or when engaged in an i~uoral enterprise. 2. Any person v101l'.l.ting thill ord1.tulllCiiI sball be fined not to exceed Two Hundred (~200.00) Dollars. Passed and approved this the 2nd day of Jeptember. 1765. ATT'EST: "~kd 1"8}'or , , ,. ... '1 k .. " .Ii ,'1 /' ..1_ "-~, j.{.! u. h rd City Secretary