ORDINANCE NO. 148 ~ filS ORD:;:NA11C lW. dI:H- AN ORD.1NANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERl'Z. TEXAS DESFENSING WITH TIlE OFFICE OF MARSHALL, CONl<"E1IDl'i TP.E OOXIES OF SAID OFFICE UPON THE POLICE ClUED OF THE CITY OF SCHERrZ, TEXAS, CREATDlG TIlE OFFICE OF PATROL MAN AND F'ROVIDJllG THAT ._REVER IN Tm: ORDJllANCRS OF THE CITY OF SCHERrZ, TEXAS THE WORD CITY }lA.liSHALL APPK4.H.S l'F""T SAM:": SHALL MEAN T!r': CHlEF OF POLICE OF TW CITY OF SCHER!.'Z. TEXAS I B;~ IT ORDAINlllD BY THE CITY COtINCIL OF THE CITY OF SCRER!.'Z, TEXAS: 1. . The office of Hushall of the city of Scherts, Texas is beretr,tth clillpe1'l8ed with and abolished _ all of the duti.. of said otticer are CIOA1'eJ'Nd. upon a City ~li.. Ottioe1" to be Il:Ilown as the Chief of Police to be appointed by the Mayo.', aubject to the Appi/:'Wal IIIld omaert. of the citY' CIOlllIoil of the cit,. of Schem, Texas. 2. Such Chief of Pollce shall hold office at the plea8\11'e of the oity council of the city of Schertz, Texas. 3. There is hereby _atod the office of PatJ"Ol Man in tho:. mice Department of the city of SOheJ."tz, Texas. Such patl'Olman shall be appoillt~d by the lllllyor subject I:lb the approval and consent ot the o1ty council of the o1ty of ScheJ."tz, Texas. Such patl'Olman shall hold office at the pleasure of the city councD.. of the city of Sc-l-}erlz. '~exas. 4. The duties of the police off';'cors herem provided for other than as '-;-c.r' .;ie, provided by the ordinances of this oit1' and the law. of this state shall be t1xed by the resolution of the oit1' council of the City of Schertz, Texas. The OOIIIpensation of police officers shall be as fixed by the re.oJ.utions of the eit,. councll of 10118 city of SeheJ."tz, Texas, The p.revi8ion and maintenllllce 01' the pel1_ de~t of the city of Sebem, Texas, shall be all provided by the cit,. 0GIlD01l. s. Ord1naace No. 1)4 of the city of ScheJ."tz, Texas, 18 hereby expressly npe-'''. 6. Whel"ll'fe1" the 1IOrd City Ma1'shall aPPflus in t.he 01'd:1DaD... of Resoluti.s 01" Procdeedings of the cit,. of Sobsrtz, Texas, 8Uch tel'lll8 mean and shall include the _-"II of the Chief of Pol1oe 01' the city of Sohllrts, Teas. A1'TES'PASSED AND APPROVED this the .:i/J day of Nev8lllber, 1966. ~~~ 1. .J I -. _' le;i~ J ./,( //k)C ( C.