ORDINANCE NO. 133 ( it " ~ f:. , t I'.',.,. '~ , ~~ r [ ~', t , " , " ~ ,<'. :, i -.""-----,-00;-", ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1j3 \ BE IT CRDAINED BY WE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAs I 1. The Corporation Court of the City of Schertz shall have jurisdiction of all violations of the ordinances of this City nOli' in force or hereafter to be passed. and shall also have jurisdiction concurrently with any justice of the peace in Justice Precinct No.2 of Guadalupe County. Texas, in all criminal cases arising under the criminal laws of this state in which the punishment is by fine only, and where the maximwn'of such fine lIIIQI not exceed Two Hundred Dollars and arising within the territorial limits of ttrl.s City; and said Court shall be open at all times except Sund8JTll, for the transaction of business. 2. Whenever the title City Clerk is used herein, it shall il101ude the City Secretary and whenever the title City Secretary" is used herein it shall include the City Clerk. 3. All prosecutions in the Corporation Court shall be by complaint in writing, duly sworn to by some creditable person before the Mayor or SOIIIll officer duly authorized by law to administer OBths. 4. All Persons convicted of any offense and punislBd by fine shall be cOlllllitted into the hands of the City Marshall until the fine is paid, or until such fine has been discharged in a manner provided by the laws of the $tate of Texas. ,. All fines collected in Criminal cases filed in tie corporation court shall go into the general fund of the City of Schertz, out of which shall be paid to the officers of the court such compensation as they ma,y be entitled to by law or ordinance. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this the j Ad day of February. 1966. tR'Jit/, fR-/'/Lfl) Mayor ' A'l"l'EB'lr ~, 7V!~y~r. eUy ecre ,.