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The Schertz Planning and Zoning commission convened in a regular
session on Tuesday, August 28, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
12 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session August 14, 1990
Merwin Willman made a motion ,to approve the minutes for the
regular session August 14, 1990. George vick seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
Planning and Zoning Commission Member
Gary Bricken and Earl Hartzog, both applicants for the position,
were present at the meeting.
Chairman Andrews asked the applicants if they had anything to add
since the time they were interviewed two months ago. Mr. Andrews
went on to explain the Commission is doing things a little
differently this time because it has been so recent that these
applicants were interviewed and both were highly qualified for
the position.
Earl Hartzog spoke at this time saying Gary Bricken would
probably be the most logical selection for the Commission because
of the geographical location of his residence within the City.
Chairman Andrews thanked Earl Hartzog for that comment adding
that one of the considerations the Commission has to look at when
choosing a member is a balance in the representation from
different geographical locations of the City.
Chairman Andrews asked for comments from the Commission members,
but there were none.
Merwin Willman made a motion to recommend to City Council the
approval of Gary Bricken to fill the vacancy on the Com~issio~.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unan~mous ~n
favor. Motion carried.
Gary Bricken stayed for the remainder of the meeting.
Use Permit Request and for a Special Exception
Chairman Andrews reminded the commission he had brought forms to
the last meeting for their review. Mr. Andrews went on to say
Jim Shriver revised the forms and that is what they will review
this evening.
Jim Shriver mentioned that Merwin Willman was also going to work
on some forms. Mr. Willman noted that his aren't finished, but he
did fill the Commission in on what he has to this point.
Mr. Willman commented he did his a little differently, leaving
out references to Paragraphs and Articles of the Ordinance
because they would need to be changed from time to time when the
Ordinance is amended. Mr. Willman started with the form for a
Special Exception request to the Zoning Ordinance. He included
spaces for the name and address of the person making the request;
a space for listing the current zoning of the property; spaces
for eight types of special exceptions (height regulation, front
yard setback, side yard setback, rear yard setback, parking
regulation, accessory building, non-conforming use, and other) so
the person can check the appropriate one; space for special
exception requested and the specific reason why; and, request for
attachment of detail plans and specifications and other evidence
to substantiate and support the request.
Mr. Willman commented the last thing he would like to include on
the form is a statement signed by the person making the request
which would read as follows: "I fully understand that the Board
of Adjustment has the authority to approve or disapprove this
request or special exception after determination has been made
whether this request is in the best interest of the publ ic and
and enforcement of this Ordinance will result in extraordinary
hardship to me. If I am not satisfied with the decision of the
Board of Adjustment, I may present a petition to the Court of
Record within ten (10) days after filing of this.decision by the
Board of Adjustment."
While presenting his outline to the Commission, Merwin Willman
reminded them that the Board of Adjustment can, if it so desires,
operate like a court of law by administering oaths, bringing in
witnesses, etc.
Keith Van Dine pointed out the Commission is not the B.O.A. and
asked if that shouldn't be clarified on the form, but Merwin
Willman replied no to that question.
Chairman Andrews pointed out that in the forms submitted by Jim
Shriver, reference is made to Planning and Zoning making a
favorable recommendation to City Council for a public hearing.
Merwin Willman remarked that technically the Commission should
not be involved. They can take a look at the request and form a
Keith Van Dine observed then that the form should be as such, but
Merwin Willman said no, the recommendation should be attached.
Steve Simonson wondered if the form should say something about an
informal hearing.
Merwin Willman replied to this by saying if the Council wants
Planning and Zoning to have an informal hearing, it should be
stated in the ordinance.
Keith Van Dine noted that the way he sees it, the form should go
to the B.O.A. first and then they should. ask for the Commission's
input. Mr. Van Dine again mentioned he thinks this should be
clarified on the form because as it is in reality, the Commission
is involved, but as it is written, they are not involved.
Merwin Willman stressed that if City Council wants to
procedure whereby Planning
advisor and only making a
should be put in writing.
and Zoning is
sort of a
then the
set up a
Councilperson Greenwald commented that Planning and Zoning is not
the decision making authority.
Keith Van Dine responded to this by saying the applicant should
be informed as such, and the applicant really wouldn't need to
attend the Commission's meeting when the request is being
George Vick advised that it's always nice to invite them to
attend, because sometimes you can't get everything down on paper
and there may be something they can talk about that would shed
additional light on the reason for the request.
Chairman Andrews told the Commission the reason he included the
Article and Section on the form was because he wants the
individual making the request and the Inspection Department to
know exactly what is requested and to have to go to the Ordinance
to see what is involved. Mr. Andrews also added it is easy to go
into the computer and change numbers on the Article and Section
should they be changed because of an amendment.
Merwin Willman asked if these forms need to be sent to the B.O.A.
for approval and the consensus was that they should be.
Merwin Willman then asked if there's any hurry about it and
Chairman Andrews replied he wouldn't see why since up to this
point there have been no forms.
Mr. Willman then outlined his form for a Specific Use Permit
request. Once again he included spaces for the name and address
of the applicant; space for location of the property the permit
is for; space for current zoning of the property; spaces for
specific reasons for the Specific Use Permit request and
characteristics of the building (s) and/or proposed use of the
property; request for attachment of site plans and specifications
Ior land use and/or construction at site; and, statement signed
by the person making the request which would start with "I fully
understand. .... (same statement as included in the form for a
special exception request). Merwin Willman remarked he would
like for the applicant to understand that he has six months in
which to use the permit after it has been granted or it is
automatically cancelled.
Bob Andrews suggested tabling this item until the next meeting at
which time Merwin Willman will have his proposed forms completed.
The Commission agreed with this suggestion.
Chairman Andrews also mentioned that perhaps Merwin Willman would
have the forms ready by next week, so instead of including them
in the packets, the Commissioners could pick them up at city Hall
and have more time to look them over before the next meeting.
Review of
Each member had received a copy of the Zoning Ordinance with all
the amendments consolidated into it.
Chairman Andrews mentioned that in the past it had worked well to
review a certain number of pages per meeting.
Vick suggested reviewing a given number of
of pages and Merwin Willman commented that
is a good
Mr. Willman also stated it would be advisable for the Commission
to double check all references to other Articles in case there is
a change.
It was decided to review Articles I through XII at the next
meeting. (This will cover 22 pages.)
Before General Discussion started, George Vick mentioned steve
Simonson's notes in which he asked the Commission to clarify
their decision from the last meeting on Ken Marbach's vehicle.
steve Simonson said he would cover that in his portion of the
General Discussion.
George Vick:
(a) Asked who cuts the grass at the corner of Pecan and Oak
Streets, coming in from FM 1518, because its high and hard to see
around when you're driving.
steve simonson informed Mr. Vick the city hopes to get the owner
to mow the grass, but if the owner, after being properly
notified, doesn't do it, then the City finds someone to mow it
and bills the owner. Then if the owner for some reason doesn't
pay the bill, the City can put a lien on the property.
(b) Asked if permits were obtained for the new signs
railroad right-of-way off FM 78. (Steve Simonson said
pretty sure they are just signs that have been rehabbed,
will check on it.)
in the
he is
but he
Keith Van Dine:
(a) Told Steve Simonson the Street Department was doing great on
Pfeil Road, but then all of a sudden they stopped about 1/4 to
1/2 mile down from 1-10 and there's still some potholes left.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald acknowledged they were having trouble
getting hot mix, and Steve Simonson said he will check on it.
Harry Bauman:
(a) Is there anything in the ordinance about cars and trucks for
sale parked along Jack Hays Blvd?
Chairman Andrews told Mr. Bauman it has been found that most of
those were on private property and the individual had permission
to put the vehicle there.
Gary Bricken asked if the City can cite someone for high weeds
and was informed they can.
Merwin Willman:
(a) Understands that at the Diamond Shamrock on the corner of
IH-35 and Jack Hays Blvd. there are certain times when coming out
and turning left onto Jack Hays to go back up to IH-35 is a
problem. Suggests a survey be made to see if there is a problem
and if there is, maybe traffic should not be allowed to turn left
coming out of there.
Chairman Andrews. pointed out it won't be too long before Jack
Hays is widened.
Gary Bricken commented it is a hazard, because people ignore the
Yield Sign on the access road when turning onto Jack Hays Blvd.
Merwin willman suggested looking at the problem and seeing if
maybe traffic exiting Diamond Shamrock should be required to go
around back of the station and turn onto the access road.
George Vick mentioned a possible problem in dictating to the
state about where traffic should turn.
Steve Simonson observed that this corner is no different than any
other busy corner and he hasn't seen that much of a problem, but
they can have the Highway Dept. take a look.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald noted they have a similar problem at
the Stop-N-Go for people wanting to come across and get on Jack
Hays Blvd. going south.
Merwin Willman related he just wanted to go on record as bringing
up a possible problem.
Gary Bricken advised that a logical recommendation might be to
put in a Stop Sign in place of the Yield Sign.
Steve Simonson said he will inform the Highway Department of the
Commission's concerns.
(b) On June 12th the Commission tabled a request from David
Noriega of 312 Judith Ann for 60 days until his antique vehicle
tags came in. If his tags came in, his request needs to be
cleared off the tabled list.
<David Noriega called to report his antique vehicle tags had come
in. This item will be placed on the next agenda for clearing off
the tabled list.)
(c) Referred to the exit at the north end of City Hall and
asked if there's any reason why it's a Stop Sign. Questioned if
if could be a Yield Sign instead? (Steve simonson replied by
saying he didn't think that would be practical.)
Jim Shriver:
(a) Asked if the Commissioners had read the "Zoning Bulletin"
regarding the case of the overturned junkyard violation in
relationship to a lady who had a 1969 Cadillac parked in her
front yard.
steve Simonson pointed out in that particular case the lady's
yard, because of one car, was considered a "junkyard" and that's
why the violation was overturned, whereas Schertz has a Junked
"Vehicle" Ordinance for such situations.
Jim Shriver then asked Steve Simonson if he thinks the city is
safe with its ordinance and Mr. Simonson replied the city's
Ordinance is a direct quote from state law which has been court
tested and proven to be upheld as legal.
By the car wash on FM 1518, next to the house that sets
in, a mobile home has been moved in there. Is it legal?
Steve simonson asked Mr. Shriver if he means between the Animal
Control Facility and the house and Mr. Shriver said yes. Mr.
Simonson then related that a mobile home has been there for some
time, even before the City annexed the area, and nothing has ever
been done about it.
Chairman Andrews:
Mentioned the new Ordinance on Garage Sales and asked if the
has signs and forms available. Steve Simonson replied they
Merwin Willman reminded the Commission to take note that the new
Ordinance on Garage Sales also changes the Sign Ordinance.
Steve Simonson:
(a) Told the Commission their decision in the case of Ken
Marbach's vehicle (they allowed him to store it in the backyard,
asked him to move it several feet so it cannot be seen from the
public right-of-way of Nell Deane, and didn't require him to
cover it or screen it) created consternation in the Inspection
Dept. Mr. Simonson went on to say the way they have been
enforcing it and interpreting the Ordinance is if any vehicle
can be seen from any public road or public right-of-way and is in
violation, then the owner of the vehicle will be notified. Mr.
Simonson said in the City of Schertz the alleys in Aviation
Heights are public right-of-ways and the rest of the City has
easements, but the Inspection Department has been treating them
all the same - as if they were alleys. Mr. Simonson commented
the Inspection Dept. would like some direction.
Harry Bauman informed Steve Simonson that Ken Marbach's vehicle
had been classified as a "special interest" vehicle to which Mr.
Simonson said the Commission doesn't have any substantiation of
that fact.
Chairman Andrews pointed out this was the first case they had of
a "special interest" vehicle and they didn't feel the ordinance
should be changed for on"" but maybe it needs to be for the
Inspection Department's purposes.
Steve Simonson asked the Commission to think about their decision
and see if they mean its okay to keep a vehicle in the backyard
if it can't be seen f rom a publ ic street. Mr. Simonson added
that doesn't apply to parts strewn around, there's a means of
handling that situation.
Chairman Andrews' noted that in Mr. Marbach's case the vehicle is
moved from time to time and the grass around it is kept mowed.
There was a brief discussion on traffic in easements and whether
or not easements can be fenced.
There was then discussion on Section 10.52 of the Code of
Ordinances which reads as follows: "Junked vehicles, or parts
thereof, which are located in any place where they are visible
from a public place or public right-of-way are declared to be a
public nuisance, and as such are subject to being abated or
removed in accordance with the procedures as outlined in this
Once again the decision of the Commission regarding Ken Marbach's
vehicle was reviewed with Steve Simonson commenting that legally
Ken Marbach had a junked vehicle. Mr. Simonson reminded the
Commission the City has gone into backyards and towed junked
vehicles away to the crusher and to this poin~ the City has not
been challenged.
Gary Bricken asked why there is a specific Ordinance for junked
vehicles. Steve Simonson explained there is a State law
regarding junked vehicles. and also listed some of the problems
encountered by the City such as people storing one or more junked
vehicles on their property. Mr. Simonson said this Ordinance has
greatly enhanced the "Inspection Department's authority in an
effort to help clean up the City.
Merwin Willman remarked that in looking back at the Commission's
decision, he feels they need more clarification and that they
"stretched" the definition of a "special interest" vehicle.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald brought up, from Section 10-51 of the
Code, the definition of a junked vehicle which reads as follows:
"Any motor vehicle as defined in Article 6701d-11, Vernon's
Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, which is
inoperative, does not have lawfully affixed to it both an
unexpired license plate and a valid motor vehicle safety
inspection certificate, or that is wrecked, dismantled, partially
dismantled or discarded; or remains inoperable for a continuous
period of more than forty-five (45) days."
Mr. Willman asked if the vehicle has to meet all three
conditions, that of being operable, having a current license
plate and having a current inspection sticker. Steve Simonson
answered by saying the City has been requiring all three because
even if it's operable, you need a current. license plate and a
current inspection sticker.
Steve Simonson also pointed out that in the past if the vehicle
could be seen, and the vehicle was in violation of any of the
three conditions described above, it was considered illegal.
Gary Bricken questioned the possibility of unequal and/or unfair
enforcement of law because some sections of the city have
easements and not alleys, but Steve Simonson said they had been
treating them all the same.
steve Simonson then asked the Commission if their feeling is if
the vehicle can't be seen from the road then the City should
ignore it, and questioned if they're talking about a public road.
Mr. Simonson stressed he needs the commission's input.
Merwin Willman asked if the Commission can make a decision on
this or is it up to City Council.
Steve Simonson asked why they don't just administer all the City
in the same way.
Merwin Willman asked if this shouldn't go to a lawyer for
clarification and Steve Simonson replied maybe, but he will have
to speak with the City Manager first.
(b) Had a site plan for the proposed truck stop at IH-35 and
Jack Hays Blvd. and laid it out for everyone to see.
Mr. Simonson made five points about the proposed truck stop: (1)
the area is legally zoned for this type business; (2) we should
ask them to consider a single access; (3) we need to think about
electronic message signs (most truck stops have one); (4) we need
to ask them about security lighting, and; and we need to ask them
about possible landscaping.
Harry Bauman expressed concern about property values going down
if the truck stop moves into that location.
Gary Bricken pointed out there are different types of truck stops
and went on to say if there's good security lighting, if there's
good pol ice presence and if it's clean, a truck stop will not
attract riff raff.
Steve Simonson told the Commission he wanted them to see the site
plan because Fuel America of utah is in final negotiations for
the sale of the land.
(c) In regard to the Schertz Parkway overpass, blasting will
start either Thursday or Friday of this week.
George Vick asked whatever happened to painting of the arrows on
the driveway at the Wuest's, Winn's, Pacific Sayings
entrance/exit. Steve Simonson replied that two OI the owners
agreed to the painting, but the third never responded.
Chairman Andrews told Steve Simonson he would check this matter
out further.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is September ll, 1990.