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The Schertz Planning and
session on Tuesday, July
Complex Conference Room,
were as follows:
Zoning Commission convened in a regular
10, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
Chairman Brisgill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session June 26, 1990
Jim Shriver made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular
session June 26, 1990. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried,
April Longoria asked if this item could be scheduled later in the
meeting. She and her husband wish to discuss with the Commission
the construction of a bicycle race course in Schertz and, as she
explained. her husband would be at the meeting in approximately
10 minutes and she would rather he make the presentation.
Chairman Brisgill granted Mrs. Longoria's request and said the
Commission will come back to this item later in the meeting.
Remodelers, on Behalf of Jerry and Roberta
Bo.rtel, for a 4' Variance to the Side Yard
Setback at 70~ Mitchell (Variance #31-90)
Scott Barr of Southwest Remodelers and Jerry Bartel were at the
meeting to represent this request.
Chairman Brisgill commented it is his understanding the carport
is already built, but the remodeler failed to get a permit ahead
of time. Scott Barr affirmed Mr. Brisgill's remarks.
Bob Andrews asked Scott Barr if he's licensed with the City of
Schertz and Mr. Barr replied yes he is and also bonded - he just
failed to take the time. to get a.permit.
Steve Simonson informed the Comm1ssion the carport was discovered
over a weekend by the new City Inspector and upon checking it
over, it was discovered they needed to request a variance due to
encroachment into the side yard.
Scott Barr brought in pictures of carports ln the same
neighborhood for the Commission to review.
Merwin Willman asked if there's any kind of penalty when the
contractor doesn't get a permit.
Steve Simonson replied the City could ask them to take down the
carport because it's illegal, but pointed out that Southwest
Remodelers and Jerry Bortel have both been very cooperative with
the City.
George Vick questioned if there
penalty on the contractor. To
understands the City can charge a
some way of imposing a
Scott Barr remarked he
permit fee.
Chairman Brisgill told Scott Barr the Commission does not
jurisdiction over this matter, it is up to City Council.
Commission will make a recommendation to City Council.
Scott Barr inquired as to what else he needs to do and wondered
if he should attend the City Council meeting.
Chairman Brisgill indicated to Mr. Barr that attending the City
Council meeting would be advisable.
Bob Andrews related to Scott Barr that the purpose of a permit is
not to preclude building, but to protect citizens from those who
don't do good work. Mr. Andrews further said if there should be
bad work by a contractor, then the City has something to fall
back on.
Bob Andrews made a motion recommending City Council schedule a
Board of Adjustment hearing and approve the request from
Southwest Remodelers, on behalf of Jerry and Roberta Bortel, for
a 4' side yard setback variance at 700 Mitchell. Merwin Willman
seconded the mo.tion and the vote- was as follows:
" ~
AyES: T. Brisgill, B. Andrews, M. Willman, J. Shriver
NAYS: None
Motion carried.
Bob Andrews commented there are several other carports in this
same neighborhood which are constructed on the lot line, and also
that this carport does not encroach on anyone else's property.
Merwin Willman asked that in the recommendation it be pointed out
that no permit was issued before the carport was built. Mr.
Willman said he thinks there should be some kind of penalty.
Chairman Brisgill asked Steve Simonson to check on the chronology
of the events in this matter and possibly include those in the
Commission's recommendation.
Merwin Willman brought up the fact that a permit is also used to
notify the taxing entity that construction has been done on a
particular property.
steve Simonson said he will send a letter to both Southwest
Remodelers and to Jerry Bortel verifying the Commission's
recommendation this evening and letting them know a probable date
for the Board of Adjustment hearing.
Discussion on Improvements
Williams & Exchange
William Greer's
at the Corner of
William Greer was present at the meeting.
Chairman Brisgill asked for some background on this Item.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission there has been a mobile
home, a house, junk, etc. on this property as long as he's been
living in the City which is since 1974. The gentleman that was
living there is ill and moving back east, so Mr. Greer wants to
buy the property and clean it up. Mr. Greer wants to put another
mobile home on the property and he is here this evening trying to
get a consensus from the Commission on their feelings about this
as far as recommending it to City Council for a Board of
Adjustment hearing.
William Greer told the Commission he can buy the lot, but he is
here tonight to see if he wants to buy it. Mr. Greer went on to
say he will improve the lot and he understands there are two
water meters and two electric meters on the property. Mr. Greer
said his plan is to put a couple of mobile homes on the property
temporarily and then eventually a duplex or two homes.
Bob Andrews asked if the property goes from block to block. Mr.
Greer replied it is approximately 211' x 100'.
Keith Van Dine arrived at the meeting at 7:17 P.M.
Chairman Brisgill advised Mr. Greer- that mobile homes
allowed in that area and it would require he be
permission for a non-conforming use.
are not
George vick asked william Greer if he currently owns mobile homes
and Mr. Greer replied he does not. George Vick then mentioned
he thinks it would be approximately the same price to put in
modular homes and they would be on a permanent foundation. Mr.
Greer said he doesn't think he cares for modular homes.
Bob Andrews explained to Mr. Greer that the difference between a
mobile home and a modular home is that a modular is a home built
after April, 1976 that can be brought in and placed on some kind
of permanent foundation. Mr. Andrews further said if William
Greer is interested in something like this, and it is built in
accordance to the Southern Building Code, he should bring plans
in for the City to review. Mr. Greer remarked he knows all now
he needs to know and he doesn' t think this will be a good
investment on his part.
Bob Andrews emphasized he would like to see what's on this
property removed, but he can't see replacing the current mobile
home with another mobile home. Jim Shriver and Merwin Willman
both expressed the same opinion and I1r. I~illman added he would
recommend to Council that mobile homes not be permitted in that
Chairman Brisgill pointed out to William Greer that the Planning
and Zoning commission is not the deciding body in this matter, it
lS up to City Council.
Steve Simonson also
pursue it further,
Adjustment hearing.
William Greer that
will be a $50 fee
if he
for a
~lr. Greer indicated he does not wish to pursue the matter
further - he feels he now knows the opinion of the City.
George Vick made a motion to recommend to City Council that,
should l~illiam Greer decide to pursue the matter further, his
request to place two mobile homes temporarily on the property at
the corner of Williams & Exchange be disapproved. Merwin Willman
seconded the motion and the vote was as follows:
AYES: T. Brisgill, K. Van Dine, M. Willman, G. Vick, J. Shriver
NAYS: None
Hotion carried.
Leo Longoria having arrived by now, Chairman Brisgill returned to
Mr. Longoria < informed the Commission, if they approve it, he
plans to open up a BMX race course on two acres at the old
Starlite Theater location.
Mr. Longoria continued on saying it will be set up with the
American Bicycle Association, children will be coming here to
gather points on the point system, it will not be a mud ho~e - lt
will be a nice facility, it. is something in which the famlly can
get involved, it is good for the community, it is a clean sport,
and he will be promoting it. Mr. Longoria also added there will
be two events and a practice session per week and insurance will
be provided through the ABA.
Chairman Brisgill asked Leo Longoria how much latitude he has as
far as setting up the racetrack. Mr. Longoria replied he has
some latitude, but the American Bicycle.. As.sociation will send
someone from Dallas to work with him to oversee the project and
they say they can have it set up in one day:
Merwin Willman asked Mr. Longoria if he has any plans to get rid
of the screen. Mr. Longoria replied he plans to clean up the
property, but as far as the screen lS concerned, he is only
renting the property.
Chairman Brisgill asked for Staff input.
Steve Simonson told the Commission the property involved is in
the flood plain, he's sure the contouring can be worked out and
he doesn't anticipate any problems. Mr. Simonson further said
the area is zoned General Business and an outdoor amusement
center, which he thinks this would be classified as, is allowed
in that zoning. Mr. Simonson noted that when Mr. Longoria first
approached him, the plans were to set this up in an area zoned
Neighborhood Services which would have required a Specific Use
Permit. Mr. Simonson then went on to say that when Mr. Longoria
changed to a location zoned General Business, he thought it was
still a good idea for the Commission to listen to Mr. Longoria's
plans and give him their feedback.
Bob Andrews inquired as to how much of the Starlite Theater area
will be used. Leo Longoria replied the track will be on the
higher ground and the lower end will be used for parking.
Chairman Brisgill asked Leo Longoria if he plans on utilizing the
mobile home, the old concession stand, etc. Mr. Longoria replied
he would like to make use of the restrooms, but that is something
he would have to work out with Hoover Edwards, the property
Merwin Willman commented he would 1 ike to see further. plans on
Leo Longoria had brought ln a national B~IX oagazine for the
members to examine.
Jim Shriver a~ked if this will be a profit-making situation. Leo
Longoria answered by saying he doesn't think he could make a
living off of it, but each rider will pay to rlde and he, in
turn, has agreed to pay Hoover Edwards 75c for every rider he has
per month.-
Jim Shriver asked if there will be ample parking to which Mr.
Longoria replied there will be.
Jim Shriver then asked if the access to the
along where the used car dealer is located
replied yes. Jim Shriver inquired if it will
Longoria replied it will not.
Merwin Willman remarked he would like to see a site plan.
property will be
and Mr. Longoria
be paved and Mr.
Brisgill asked for confirmation that this Item
no action on the part of the Commission. Steve simonson
saying no action by the Commission is required.
Steve Simonson commented maybe the Commission could get a pencil
drawing for future reference.
George Vick emphasized that the
Business and Mr. Longoria wants
area 1.8
to put
already zoned General
a genera 1 business in
Chairman Brisgill recommended Mr. Longoria work with the City on
this because the area is in the floodplain.
Bob Andrews asked what the hours of operation will be. Leo
Longoria replied no later than 10:00 P.M., and he will have to
work within the guidelines of the ABA.
Chairman Brisgill advised Leo Longoria to check with the Economic
Development Task Force of the City - they could help him promote
steve Simonson told Mr.
together, he can come
necessary permits.
Longoria that once the plans
to the Inspection Department
Leo Longoria thanked the Commission for their support.
The Commission had received, in their packages, updated pages to
the City plan regarding the overall policy statement, goais and
objectives, history, location,. community facilities, climate,
vegetation, wildlife, groundwater, geology, soils and their uses,
soil textures, central business district, d.ra inage and flooding,
stormwater drainage system, solid ""aste disposal, nOl.se,
transportation and future land uses.
One thing Steve Simonson questioned (about the Comprehensive
plan) in his notes to the Commission was whether they want
everything included in a single package or different areas broken
out possibly as .appendices. Jim Shriver suggested individual
subject categories for administrative ease.
Steve Simonson reminded the Commission they will have to wait for
some of the information until the Census figures are available.
Mr. Simonson also mentioned the possibility of considering site
plan drawings of existing facilities.
George Vick mentioned that maps
Comprehensive Plan, they should
somewhere else for reference.
shouldn't really be
be an addendum and
in the
After discussion on where the plan is and where it still needs
to go, it was decided the Commission should look over this
updated material and have all their additions, corrections,
comments, etc. ready for the next meeting.
Chairman Brisgill
material so the
duplicate copies.
requested that the members keep hold of this
recording secretary doesn't have to make
Steve Simonson related that he will have additional information
for the Commission at the next Deeting.
Keith Van Dine made a motion to table further discussion of the
Comprehensive plan until the next meeting. George Vick seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. ~Iotion carried.
Bob Andrews:
(a) Referred back to the previous Item, adding that the Citizens'
Leadership Panel and the various Departments had worked on these
goals for the Comprehensive Plan and he feels their suggestions
should be taken into consideration.
George Vick:
(a) Asked when, as a body, the Commission is planning on going to
the APA conference in Fort Worth. (Steve Simonson told Mr. Vick
that in previous years most have normally gone up on Wednesday
evening and come back on Friday evening, although this is up to
the individual. Mr. Simonson said he would like to have the
members' decisions by the second meeting this month.)
(b) Has Universal City no control over the mobile homes going up
on FM 1518 toward Selma? He is concerned about septic tank
residue in the Creek. (Councilperson Greenwald said that area is
in the County and the County Sanitarian has to approve the septic
permit before the tank is installed. Mr. Greenwald also remarked
that drivers who move mobile homes have to inform the County
where such mobile homes have been dropped.)
Keith Van Dine:
(a) Pfeil Road has been improved tremendously - the area where
it was like a roller coaster has been straightened out and made
(b) There have been two water line breaks in the Schirmerville
area. (Steve Simonson said they have been averaging two breaks
per week in the old Schaefer system.)
(b) There' s a meeting scheduled this month of the Randolph
Property Owners Association regarding a change in the school
district boundaries from East Central school district to Samuel
Clemens school district, but East Central doesn't want to change
because they would have to give up a mile of 1-10.
(c) Could you explain the penalty on the water bill? (Steve
Simonson said it's on there if the bill isn't paid by a certain
date.) Mr. Van Dine admitted he had misunderstood and thought it
was a penalty for not conserving water.
Jim Shriver:
(a) Does the City have a Health Inspector?
yes they do. He goes out periodically
Steve Simonson said
to check on various
Mr. Shriver then asked if the Health Inspector submits monthly
reports and Councilperson Greenwald replied yes he does.
(b) Are we into mandatory water conservation yet; Councilperson
Greenwald replied it will be mandatory ten days after the second.
reading of the ordinance and that reading will be on July 17th.
On this subject, George Vick asked how he will be notified.
Councilperson Greenwald replied by newspaper and the Newsletter.
Mr. Greenwald said if San Antonio goes on mandatory conservation,
then the same applies to Schertz.
Steve Simonson remarked there are stages with penalties if you
use over a certain amount of gallonage.
Councilperson Greenwald commented he thinks the stages are:
(Stage 1) 15,000 gallons and over you pay an additional $2.00 per
thousand gallons, (Stage 2) 13,000 gallons and over you pay an
additional $3.00 per thousand .gallons, and (Stage 3) 10,000
gallons and over you pay an additional $4.00 per thousand
gallons. Mr. Greenwald added there are provisions for
agricultural use.
Keith Van Din~)questioned if the City will still sell water, for
example to companies with tank trucks, when we're into rationing.
Steve Simonson indicated he isn't sure and will have to check
into it.
Bob Andrews wondered, as far as the figures go, if there's any
compensation for businesses or are they talking about residences
or are they talking about a blanket figure. Councilperson
Greenwald related there are exceptions, but he thinks the figures
are set up basically for residential consumption. Merwin Willman
suggested Bob Andrews stop by the Municipal Complex and read the
George Vick once agaln
notified and Chairman
personnel at City Hall
expressed concern over
Brisgill suggested he
if he has any doubts.
how he
(c) Brought
from the APA
conference last year ln
Merwin Willman:
(al Referring to previous discussions on mobile homes, modular
homes and manufactured homes, stressed the need to update the
Mobile Home Ordinance.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald:
7:00 P.~1.
hold a seminar July 19th at the library at
(bl State regional girl's softball
either the 18th or 19th of July
expecting 61 teams to participate.
tournament will be held from
through the 22nd. They are
Steve Simonson:
(al ado Riedel intends to open up the Bexar County side of Pecan
Grove Mobile Home Park by August 1. He will repair the bridge
railings, put in the necessary floodgates, install flood warning
signs, and when ready to use the lift station, will move the
controls up out of the flood area. It appears after the
utilities are hooked up and the property cleaned up, there are
already 10 mobile homes ready to be moved in.
Merwin Willman asked about the rear exit. Mr. Simonson said it
would be the same agreement as before - for use as an emergency
(bl We now have a preliminary new. floodplain map and it shows the
Shirmerville area. It also shows the City has 177 structures
within flood hazard areas.
Chairman Brisqfql:
(a) Was anything ever done about John Lund filling ln the creek?
(Steve Simonson replied nothing was ever done.)
(b) Could the new inspector attend one of our meetings? (Steve
Simonson said he would arrange it. Mr. Simonson continued on
saying the new inspector is Steve Whelchel, a journeyman
electrician with 15 years experience who he feels he will be an
asset to the City.)
(c) The fourth of July parade had 41 entrees this year and was
very nlce.
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 24, 1990.