The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public
hearing on Tuesday, January 9, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairman Brisgill called the public hearing to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 PUBLIC HEARING: Vacate and Replat - PC #160-89
To receive citizen input on the
Homes, Inc. for a vacate and replat
Savannah Square Subdivision, unit I.
request from Vintage Custom
of Lots 13 and 14, Block 7,
Chairman Brisgill explained the procedures to be followed for the
public hearing, noting this is the only time to speak - comments
will not be permitted after the public hearing is closed.
Glenn Hoffpauir of Vintage Custom Homes, Inc. was at the public
hearing to represent this request.
steve Simonson reported that according. to Article II,. Section
16.5 of the Subdivision Ordinance, 21 letters had been sent to
property owners within 500' of the proposed vacate and replat.
Mr. simonson said 2 letters had been returned, both in favor of
the vacate and replat.
Bob Andrews asked if all the corrections to the plat had been
taken care of as requested and Steve Simonson said yes they had.
Those corrections were as follows:
a. Replace the word Original with Vacate.
b. Plat must contain statement concerning the 100 year flood
c. Plat must be signed by owner and surveyor.
d. Replace statement for Commissioners Court of Guadalupe County
to sign the plat and replace it with proper statement for
recordation iri Guadalupe county.
Merwin Willman remarked on the new trees on Lot 13 and asked if
they would have to be replanted.
Glenn Hoffpauir indicated that the people requesting the replat
are the ones who planted the trees and they say none of them will
have to be disturbed.
There being no further questions or comments, Chairman Brisgill
closed the public hearing on Item #2 at 7:05 P.M.
13 PUBLIC HEARING: Overlay District Variance - ZC #90-1
John Wilkerson of Southwest Neon, Dennis Wooten of Conoco and
Harold Stone of payless Gas were at the public hearing to
represent this request. They are requesting a 13'7" variance to
their proposed sign for Payless Gas located at 900 Jack Hays
Blvd., which is in the Overlay District.
Steve Simonson reminded the commission they need to make a
recommendation to Council on this request. Mr. Simonson said
three letters were sent to property owners within 200 feet and
one letter was returned and it was in favor of the variance.
John Wilkerson asked, now that they have the area marked off
which will be taken when the highway is widened, is the City
going to grant them a variance for the sign height.
Merwin Willman commented he thought the widening of Jack Hays
Blvd. had been taken into consideration before.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission, that following the last
meeting, he had gone over to payless with these gentlemen and
pretty much discussed where the new sign will be. Mr. Simonson
said it will be located outside the area of the proposed right-
Bob Andrews inquired then if they had physically looked at the
survey stakes and Steve Simonson said yes.
There being no further comments or questions, Chairman Brisgill.
closed the public hearing on Item #3 at 7:09 P.M.
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the public hearing at 7:10 P.M.
The Schertz Planning
session, after the
Conference Room.
and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
public hearing, in the Municipal Complex
Chairman Brisgill called the regular session to order at 7:15
'6 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session December 12, 1989
Joe Potempa requested that on page 2, at the end of Paragraph 1,
the following be added: "Merwin Willman asked the effect~ve date
of the extension given to Dorothy Breezee on behalf of Micki
Combs. The effective date for the 30 day extension was from 12-
11-89 to 1-11-90.
Bob Andrews made a motion to approve the
the regular session December 12, 1989.
the motion and the vote was as follows:
minutes, as amended, for
Merwin Willman seconded
AYES: T. Brisgill, J. Potempa, M. Willman, B. Andrews, G. Vick,
J. Shriver
NAYS: None
Motion carried.
Edgar Von Scheele made a brief presentation to the Commission at
this time.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission Mr. Von Scheele had been
in to see Mr. Sweatt about possible development on one of his
properties in the City. Mr. Sweatt checked into it and told Mr.
Von Scheele it would be possible for him to give an informal
presentation to the Commission just to get their input on the
proposed development.
Mr. Von Scheele said the property is across the street on Schertz
Parkway and Pecan where the lift station is located. Mr. Von
Scheele continued on saying it is their intent to bring a
standard street in from Pecan Drive next to the cul-de-sac,
realign the drainage channel and have Vaughan Homes (hopefully)
build homes on 13 lots. Eleven of the lots will be 50' x 120'
and two of the lots will be 50' x 100'.
Steve Simonson said then we're talking about building garden
homes and Mr. Von Scheele indicated that is correct.
Jim Shriver asked if the homes would be on both sides of the
street and Mr. Von Scheele replied yes they would.
George Vick pointed out that part of the property backing up to
Schertz Parkway is zoned for General Business and Merwin Willman
said there would have to be a request for a rezoning.
Chairman Brisgill asked if the staff had a chance to provide any
input and Steve Simonson replied no, the idea was just to have an
informal presentation and get the Commission's input.
There was discussion on the lots facing the interior street with
the. backs of the lots being to Schertz Parkway. Steve Simonson
noted the City already has a precedence for fenced areas facing a
major road.
George Vick questioned the realignment of the drainage channel
asking if they would use concrete. Edgar Von Scheele replied he
would leave that up to the engineer.
Steve Simonson remarked that
sometimes easier to maintain
City's equipment.
an area of flat velocity
without rip rap, when using
Chairman Brisgill asked the Commission if they have any problems
with this concept. The consensus was they have no problems.
Merwin Willman commented he would be interested in seeing future
Jim Shriver asked what kind of time frame Edgar Von Scheele is
talking about and Mr. Von Scheele replied that depends on the
Bob Andrews asked what size road they plan on putting ~n and
Edgar Von Scheele said the standard 50' road.
Chairman Brisgill thanked Mr. Von Scheele for his presentation.
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the request from Vintage
Custom Homes, Inc. for a vacate and replat of Lots 13 and 14,
Block 7, Savannah Square Subdivision, Unit 1.
George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in
favor. Motion carried.
Steve Simonson informed Glenn Hoffpauir he would send him a
letter officially notifying him of the Commission's approval.
ZC #90-1 Overlay
District Variance
Jim Shriver made a motion to recommend to City Council approval
of the request from John Wilkerson, on behalf of payless Gas at
900 Jack Hays Blvd., for a 13'7" variance to the requirements of
the Overlay District Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
Joe Potempa seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous
favor. Motion carried.
Chairman Brisgill informed the gentlemen representing this
request that the Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to
City Council. Mr. Brisgill said Council has a public hearing
scheduled for February 6th at which time they will make a .final
A. Discussion of Planning Magazine
November, 1989 article "Writing a
New Sign Language"
Merwin Willman had written a memo to the commission, which was
included in their packages, about an article in the November,
1989 Planning Magazine. The article had to do with procedures
establ ished by Phoenix, Arizona and Chula Vista, Cal ifornia in
regard to signs. Mr. Willman told the Commission he would like
to have their comments.
Jim Shriver remarked he had read the article and thinks it's
worth looking into.
George Vick said a lot of what was ~n the
shopping malls, but there may be something
which would be of value to the Commission.
article appl ies to
in their ordinance
Merwin \~illman indicated he will send for the ordinances from
Phoenix and Chula Vista if the majority of the Commission thinks
he should.
The consensus of the Commission was for Mr. Willman to go ahead
and send for the ordinances.
B. Regular General Discussion
Joe Potempa:
At Schertz Parkway and IH-35, the contractors dug up the road to
lay telephone cable. They then put metal strips over the areas
where they had dug. Now the metal strips have been removed and
there's big ruts in the road and someone is going to lose a front
end in there~ (Steve Simonson said he would check on it.)
Bob Andrews:
Has anyone
status from
seen any activity as far as
(Steve Simonson said he will
the Inspection Department.)
Micki Combs moving her
check into and get the
Keith Van Dine:
Coming east On 1-10, they are redoing the access road. Mr. Van
Dine asked Steve Simonson if he knows of any plans for the road.
(Mr. Simonson said it's the State Highway Department who is doing
the work, but he will check into it.)
Jim Shriver:
(a) Said he has been hearing a lot about a
has never seen one. Would it be possible
(Merwin Willman told Mr. Shriver he
comprehensive plans which he may borrow.)
comprehensive plan but
to get a copy of one?
has copies of some
Steve Simonson advised Jim Shriver there are
standards for a City Plan.
no definite
Mr. Simonson continued on saying the City has had input from the
citizens by means of a survey, they have had input from the
Citizen's Leadership Panel and he has sent all that material out
to the various departments with a letter asking for their input.
Mr. Simonson also said he had sent an addendum to his letter
suggesting they write meaningful objectives for their goals with
more definitive information on how they are going to achieve
those goals and how much money will be needed. Mr. Simonson said
it will take longer to get this input back from the departments
because of asking for more definitive information, but he feels
he should have it back by early March.
(b) At the main entrance to the Municipal Complex, where there's
traffic going both ways, wouldn't it be to the City's advantage
to put up a "Caution Cross Traffic" sign?
There was discussion on this with Steve Simonson saying it had
been talked about many times at Staff meetings, Bob Andrews
suggesting the furthest exit be designated for emergency
vehicles only leaving the other two exits for everyone else, and
Chairman Brisgill suggesting the painting of arrows. Steve
Simonson said he will mention it again to the Staff.
(c) Has there been any feedback yet regarding the traffic study
at Lindbergh and Main Streets? Steve Simonson said no there has
(d) Asked the status of the garage sale sign ordinance and the
Board of Adjustment hearing for Hoover Edwards.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald reported the Council had reviewed the
garage sale sign ordinance at the last workshop and the B.O.A.
for Hoover Edwards is scheduled for February 6th.
It was asked if action on the garage sale sign ordinance had been
tabled and Mr. Greenwald replied that Councilman Hartzog and City
Manager Kerry Sweatt want to research some things regarding the
Merwin Willman mentioned that some members of the Council want
the garage sale sign to be a standard "For Sale" sign, some want
the City to issue permits for the signs and some want-there to be
a designated area where the signs can be posted.
Mr. Willman also indicated that some of Council recommended it be
sent back to Planning and Zoning and he informed them there was
no use to send it back because the majority of the Commission is
against it and you won't get any more out of them.
Merwin Willman:
(a) Asked if
scheduled for
a year now.
the agenda of
the name change for Binz-Engelmann Road could be
the next agenda since it has been in the works for
(Chairman Brisgill requested this item be placed on
the next meeting.)
(b) Spoke about the upcoming publ ic hearing on zoning of the
newly annexed areas. Mr. Willman said one of the most frequently
asked questions is how the zoning will effect the taxes and he
thinks the Commission should refer persons asking that question
to the County Appraisal District.
Mr. Willman said the next most frequently asked question ~s how
the zoning will effect the use of the land now and he feels that
question should be answered, but the Commission should not get
into the future use of the land.
Discussion on this ended with the suggestion that copies of the
Schedule of Uses for land in the M-1 and RIA zoning districts be
provided for the citizens attending the public hearing.
(c) Made copies of an article on manufactured homes which was in
the Sunday Express-News. Mr. Willman said the City's ordinance
on these is way out of date and needs to be corrected.
(d) Referring to Steve Simonson's notes to P&Z regarding the
December issue of the Planning Magazine (saving open spaces
through pocket development), said the same information was in the
October, 1988 Zoning News and he had written for it. Mr. Willman
said he has all the information 'if anyone wants to borrow it.
Mr. Willman commented that the area he had in mind is FM 1518
South because it is so beautiful and it would be a shame to
clutter it up.
Steve Simonson remarked there are a lot of possibilities in the
Schirmerville area because of the AICUZ.
Jim Shriver than asked what control the City has and Steve
Simonson replied the zoning.
Bob Andrews mentioned including verbage in the RIA zoning section
of the ordinance, spelling all this out, to eliminate the need
for having to rezone.
Jim Shriver inquired as to whether the City Council gets the APA
magazine and was informed they do not, but they do get literature
from TML.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald informed the Commission there is a
complete book available on the subject which sells for $25.00
plus postage and the Commission has a budget. if they wish to
purchase the book.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald:
(a) The BVYA Softball Tournament will be held July 20-22. This
year it will not be different states, but instead will be only
cities in Texas (interstate) and they eventually hope to build it
into a World Series.
(b) The Mayor will be receiving a letter from CVADAC outlining
their accomplishments of the past year. Mr. Greenwald said it is
amazing what CVADAC has done.
Mr. Greenwald continued on saying it was recommended the Schertz
Business Club distribute this letter. CVADAC needs for people to
get involved.
Jim Shriver asked if they receive funding from United Way and was
informed they do.
Bob Andrews asked how United Way did in their fund drive this
year and Steve Simonson said he hadn't heard.
Mr. Greenwald indicated that CVADAC needs items such as a couch,
a TV and chairs.
Jim Shriver asked why not advertise in the Newsletter and Mr.
Greenwald replied they are trying to keep it low key.
Keith Van Dine mentioned a salvage organization in Kirby for non-
profit organizations where you can get some really good buys.
Steve Simonson remarked they are seeking new board members and
noted they meet the first Monday of every month.
Steve Simonson:
Regarding the flags at Jack Hays and IH-35 - Diamond Shamrock has
bought the property. The representatives from Diamond Shamrock
have requested a sign variance and their request will be
scheduled on the agenda of the next meeting.
Chairman Brisgill:
(a) Requested that the transfer, from the Zoning Ordinance to the
Sign Ordinance, of the sign requirements for the Special Overlay
Districts of Jack Hays Blvd. and Schertz Parkway be placed on the
agenda of the next meeting.
Bob Andrews wasn't sure he agreed with this, but said it does
need to be discussed.
(b) What is the status of the proposed change to the Junked
Vehicle Ordinance? (Councilperson Greenwald said they are still
waiting for legal to make a decision regarding the recommendation
of the phrase "aesthetically appropriate".)
(c) Noted that Dallas' Sexually-Oriented Business Ordinance had
been invalidated by the courts. (Councilperson Greenwald said
the reason it had been invalidated was because that was the only
business, according to Dallas' ordinance, which was required to
get it's permit from the Police Chief.)
(d) Brought up the subject of the better insulation of water
lines and asked if it is more expensive to build the homes
originally with stricter requirements in the Building Code versus
having the homeowners do repairs later. Councilperson Greenwald
replied yes it is.
Steve Simonson commented he is pretty sure the City Water
Department will work with you if you have to leave water running
during a freeze. Chairman Brisgill asked Mr. Simonson to check
on that and let the Commission know for sure if it is a bona fide
policy of the City. Mr. Simonson said he would do so.
Steve Simonson said just for the Commission's information, the
next day after the freeze the City received 74 calls, 72 of which
were about frozen lines or broken pipes. Mr. Simonson advised
that a lot of the frozen lines were those for automatic ice
makers and those for water softeners where people have unheated
and uninsulated garages.
Jim Shriver mentioned the Police Department Protection Program
and the very good job they do for you when you are gone.
Joe Potempa spoke about a gentleman named Randy who works for the
Water Department and how he had helped at Mobile Villa when there
was a broken pipe. Mr. Potempa fel t Randy's he lp was above and
beyond the call of duty and said he had let the City Manager know
about this and had commended Randy for his work.
(e) What is the status of landfills as far as small cities are
concerned? (Councilperson Greenwald repl ied the land available
for landfills is depleting, but you can use recycling as a start
and the City most definitely needs to get something going.)
(f) Pointed out the number of times the Commissioners have
brought up code violations as far as Shady Tree Mechanics,
Maureen Busby's fence, cars parking between "No Parking" signs,
the new tire business, etc. and wondered if it is worth their
time. Mr. Brisgill feels something should be done about these
violations and if nothing is going to be done, then the
Commissioners should stop bringing them up.
Keith Van Dine suggested using the Reserve Officers for these
types of things.
Joe Potempa told Steve Simonson
leaking up near Caulfield's. (Mr.
on it.)
there is
a City water line
said he would check
(g) What is the status of Bishop's Center? (Steve Simonson said
the City ~s working with them and gave them a 30 day time frame.)
George Vick:
(a) In the Universal
accident? (Steve
responder wi II take
assigned area shows
will ask the first
City area of FM 1518, who takes care of an
Simonson advised that usually the first
control until the emergency crew from the
up, and then sometimes the emergency crew
responder to stay on and help with the
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
There is a public hearing scheduled for January 23, 1990.