10-02-2001 n/s ., Planning and Zoning Meeting Tuesday, October 2, 2001 The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Special session on Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY STAFF David Richmond-Chairman Ernie Evans, Vice-Chair Tony Moreno William Sommers Joyce Briscoe Keith Van Dine Ron Youngblood City Planner Evelyn Boggess Recording Secretary COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Ken Greenwald Gary Wallace David Fluken, 1060 Elbel Road Mark Oppelt, 4039 Broadway Greg Houston, 700 N. Saint Marys John Krauss, 555 E. Ramsy Carlos Constantine, 4039 Broadway #1 Call to Order: Chairman Richmond called the meeting of October 2, 2001 to order at 7:00pm. #2 Citizens' input other than agenda items: There was none. #3 Consider and take appropriate action: On a request from Schertz Cibolo Universal City ISD for site plan approval of Savannah Elementary School Subdivision, Savannah Drive. Mr. Youngblood reported to the Commission there were a couple of issues of concern at the last meeting. Those issues were the Masonry fence along Schertz Parkway, the 10-foot setback that went into the right-of-way on Schertz Parkway, the parking lot in the upper Northwest corner of the property, the chain 1 ~ link fence against the Ashley Place Subdivision, and the tree mitigation. Mr. Youngblood noted the tree mitigation was $14,536.00 and the total diameter of the trees were 348 inches. He noted concerns have been resolved at this time. Chairman Richmond thanked the School District and the architects for addressing the above mentioned issues. Mr. Moreno stated the fence continues along Schertz Parkway and changes from a Masonry fence to a chain link fence. He felt, aesthetically, that was not the intent of the Unified Development Code (UDC). Mr. Youngblood noted City staff spoke with Tlf and it was agreed the portion of land that joined Schertz Parkway would be the only Masonry type fencing. The chain link fence would not be visible from Schertz Parkway. Mark Opplet noted there is natural landscaping that would defer some of the view of the chain link fence. He mentioned there is also trees lined in front of the parking lot that would act as a buffer. David fluken stated the corner of the property would be left as natural as possible. It would be enhanced by xeriscaping and some berming in front of the parking lot. Mr. Moreno asked if the fencing could be omitted, leaving the berms and the landscaping. Mr. Opplet noted the reasons for having the fence are safety reasons, children would be playing in that area with balls and other such things. Mr. Evans mentioned he does not have an objection to the chain link fence as long as there is a berm or landscaping used for a buffer. Mrs. Briscoe commented the blacktop can get very hot at times and the chain link fence would offer some air to come through keeping the blacktop cooler. She also stated landscaping sometimes gets left out of projects and she does not want to see that happen here. Mr. Opplet reassured Mrs. Briscoe there is a landscaping plan and that it will be followed through with. It will also be part of the bond issue requirement. Mr. Opplet mentioned the security of having the fence chain link. If there is some activity in the area behind the fence, the police would be able to drive by and see in. He also noted the view from Schertz Parkway would be a lower view and therefor not as noticeable. Mr. Van Dine asked if the landscaping is part of the bond issue that passed. Mr. Opplet answered yes. 2 Without further discussion, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the request from Schertz Cibolo Universal City ISD for site plan approval of Savannah Elementary School Subdivision, Savannah Drive. Mr. Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being taken, the motion was approved. #4 Consider and take appropriate action: On a request from Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. for final plat approval of Security Services federal Credit Union, at IH-35. Mr. Youngblood apologized to Mr. Krauss for the error of the agenda item at the last meeting. He then stated staff have no concerns or comments concerning this issue. Mr. Moreno asked about the acceleration/deceleration lane and if it is the responsibility of the City. Mr. Youngblood stated it would be inappropriate for the City to ask the credit union to address this issue, they also do not physically have enough room to put an acceleration/deceleration lane in. Mr. Krauss noted he talked with TXDoT about this issue and was informed that a deceleration lane would have to be about 500-feet long and an acceleration lane would have to be about 600-feet long. Mr. Krauss felt what the City really wants is a short pull out, which would only be about 150-feet long. He explained TXDoT cannot initiate these pull outs, the City or the developer have to request them. Mr. Youngblood requested a copy of the master plan. Mr. Krauss agreed to get a copy to him. Mr. Sommers asked about a pull in of 75-feet and a pull out of 75-feet and if that idea has been dismissed or taken into consideration. Mr. Krauss stated it has not been dismissed, but there is question about the development of one of the drives. Mr. Krauss then showed the Commission on the map the areas he was referring to. He stated there would be a letter sent to Barshop, which would inform them of the concerns so they can address those issues. Mr. Youngblood asked that this item only be approved contingent upon placing staff remarks into a letter to Barhsop, starting these issues were discussed and are concerns. Chairman Richmond asked for a copy of the letter to be sent to Mr. Simonson for his meeting on the 19th of the month. Mr. Van Dine stated he would like to see a copy of the letter that will be sent to Barshop and a copy of the response from Barshop. 3 Mr. Sommers suggested an agenda item with TXDoT to talk about the letter and their response to it. Mr. Moreno questioned section 8 of the application, he asked if it is incomplete or if it gets filled in after it is submitted. Mr. Youngblood stated it could have just been an error with the copying of the documents. Without further discussion, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the request from Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. for final plat approval of Security Services Federal Credit Union, at IH-35. Mr. Sommers seconded the motion. With a vote being taken, the motion was approved. #5 Discuss joint meeting of Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council schedules for October 10. 2001. Chairman Richmond reported he received a call from Mr. Cashwell after the last City Council meeting on Wednesday, there were a number of issues that came up at the meeting that have also been the concern of Planning and Zoning. Some of those issues are school issues, sign ordinance/municipal sign board, FM3009/Elbel Road/FM78 development, and strategic planning and land use plan. Chairman Richmond informed the Commission there was a recommendation to hold a joint meeting between City Council and Planning and Zoning to discuss some of the above mentioned issues. Chairman Richmond noted the best day to hold this joint meeting would be Wednesday, October 10th. Mr. Moreno commented this is going to be a busy month. Chairman Richmond felt the access Road issue (having to do with item #4) needs to be presented to City Council to get some feed back from them and find out if everyone is on the same page. Mr. Sommers suggested for the Commission to define specific items and priorities to be discussed at the joint meeting. Chairman Richmond noted there would be an agenda for the meeting and suggested the Commissioners get an agenda in their packages this week. Mrs. Briscoe suggested putting a time limit on the joint meeting. Mr. Youngblood recommended for joint meetings to be held at least twice a year. Mr. Van Dine stated an agenda item needs to be placed on Planning and Zoning's agenda to discuss the agenda for the joint meeting. 4 Chairman Richmond went over the October calendar and mentioned the following events: Planning and Zoning meeting-October 9th Joint meeting-October 10th Planning and Zoning meeting-23rd AP A Conference-24th _2yth Joint meeting with Land Use Committee and Board of Adjustment-October 29th Chairman Richmond at this time went around the table for any statements of fact by the Commissioners. Mr. Moreno had none Mr. Van Dine had none. Mr. Sommers discussed Board of Adjustment results of the October 1st meeting. Mr. Greenwald noted he would not be able to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting on October 9th. He will be at the meeting on October 23rd. Mr. Greenwald asked to be put on the agenda for the following items: annexation of Northcliffe and water company issue. Mr. Youngblood stated Mr. Palmer came in and reapplied for a building height variance. He noted there were 17 letters that were sent out and 23 that came back in. Mr. Evans had none Mrs. Briscoe had none Chairman Richmond thanked everyone who attended tonight for the credit union item. #6 Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, Chairman Richmond adjourned the meeting at 7:51 pm. 5 Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission ATTEST: Planning Secretary, City of Schertz 6