The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session on Tuesday, November 14, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those
present were as follows: .
In the absence of Chairman Ty Brisgill, Vice-Chairman Joe Potempa
called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Called Under Article 6252-17, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes, Section 2 (9) for
Briefing by Rimrock Consul ting Co. to
the SB336 Advisory Committee and
Support Staff Regarding the Study on
Capital Recovery Fees
Vice-Chairman Potempa announced there will not be an executive
session - the briefing from Rimrock Consulting will be held as an
open seSSlon.
Tony Bagwell and Mickey Fishbeck of Rimrock Consulting were
present at the meeting.
Tony Bagwell explained to the Commission the purpose of their
,1Jask is to bring utility fees into compliance with S8336 passed
by the legislature, and the deadline for doing this is June 20,
Mickey Fishbeck informed the Commission there are impact fees for
(1) water, (2) sewer, (3) local roadways, and (4) drainage. The
only exemptions are on-site roadways and in certain circumstances
developers who are constructing or oversizing water/sewer lines.
Ms. Fishbeck related that the process for the Commission will be
in two steps. The first step is to look at land use assumptions
and the second step will be the development of a CIP (Capital
Improvements Plan) on which the fees are based and the
establishment of the fees themselves.
Ms. Fishbeck commented it 1S the Commission's legislative
responsibility to file written comments five working days before
the second public hearing is held. Ms. Fishbeck continued on
saying they will be developing a record for the City in case of
legal developments in the future. She also commented that after
three years, the City must look at the CIP and see if the fees
need to be updated.
Tony Bagwell pointed out that Rimrock's role in this process 1S
to provide technical information and to coordinate everything.
Jim Shriver asked, if after the initial CIP is developed, will
this be an ongoing process. Tony Bagwell repl ied it should be
reviewed twice a year.
Jim Shriver then asked if at the end of three years the City will
need to hire another consultant. Mickey Fishbeck said not
Tony Bagwell emphasized they are leaving behind a notebook method
of procedure so that possibly the next time the process needs to
be done it can be done on an in-house basis.
Bob Andrews mentioned reviewing the plan every three years, five
years, etc. and Mickey Fishbeck informed him it can be updated
whenever the City feels it needs to be.
Merwin Willman remarked he had noticed in his reading that if a
developer overpaid, the City has to refund, but if a developer
underpaid, the City can't ask for more.
Tony Bagwell commented you can deduct from that it 18 a developer
steve Simonson asked if we're only looking at water. Tony
Bagwell repl ied they had been assigned water /\vastewater. Mr.
Bagwell said there had been some talk about drainage, but it had
been put on hold until a future time. Mr. Bagwell indicated th~t
~s something the City will need to decide.
.! i
steve Simonson then
and Tony Bagwell
asked if
locked into only water/sewer
Council could amend their
assignment and the work would probably require about an extra
thirty minutes per meeting. Mr. Bagwell noted that for the
current workload, it is probably going to require six meetings
and two public hearings.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald suggested having Steve Simonson get
together with Tony Bagwell and work out a schedule for the
meetings starting from the crit-offdate and working backwards.
Bob Andrews made a motion to recommend that Steve Simonson get
together with Council and Tony Bagwell and work out a schedule
for the meetings starting from the cut-off date and working
backwards. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Tony Bagwell reminded the Commission they are specifically
charged as the Advisory Committee which is a planning exercise to
come up with reasonable fees. Mr. Bagwell stressed the need to
be careful about unit cost.
At this time John Bierschwale reviewed the Capital Recovery Fee
Ordinance and explained the current process used by the City for
these fees. Mr. Bierschwale said the way the fees are structured
now they are based on square footage.
Tony Bagwell asked when the fees are collected and John
Bierschwale replied ,when the permit 1S issued.
Tony Bagwell gave a few examples of how other cities collect
their fees.
Merwin Willman suggested reviewing what the City currently has
and then seeing if a change is needed.
Tony Bagwell told the Commission that for every $1.00 in cash
collected in impact fees and applied to construction, you can
avoid about 220% of money that would have gone into the rights.
This concluded the briefing by Rimrock Consulting Company.
Recommendation as a Resul t of
from Rimrock Consulting Co.
Since there was not an Executive Session, Item #3 was deleted.
to the
introduced James
Advisory Committee
,At this time the Commission took a five-minute break.
. .0 _odd. ... ~.__.._ 0.0 ~.
#4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session October 24r 1989
George Vick made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular
session October 24,1989. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Request from Hoover
Edwards for a Variance to the Zoning
Ordinance to Allow Placement of a Mobile
Home, for Security Reasons, Next to the
Concession Stand on the old Starlight
Theater Grounds
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input.
. Steve Simonson informed the Commission a similar request from
Hoover Edwards had been handled previously through the Board of
Adjustment. Mr. Simonson said since the Commission cannot grant
a variance to the Zoning Ordinance , it is his suggestion they
recommend this request to Council for a Board of Adjustment
Hoover Edwards was present at the meeting and briefly explained
the reason for his request. Mr. Edwards explained he had stored
some PVC pipe on the grounds and some of it was stolen. Mr.
Edwards said there is a timed light in the mobile home. Also, Mr.
Edwards assured the Commission he will keep up the property, and
he could get letters from surrounding businesses who like the
idea of a mobile home in the area for security reasons.
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked Mr. Edwards if he is going to use the
mobile home for a storage facility and he replied he will use it
for security.
Jim Shriver asked if someone is going to live in the mobile home
and Mr. Edwards replied there will be someone there at night.
Bob Andrews asked if there is sewer on the property and Hoover
Edwards replied there is a septic tank.
Bob Andrews noted that at the time the City Council approved Mr.
Edwards' previous request, they had asked for his help in
removing the movie screen. Mr. Andrews wanted to know the status
of the screen.
Hoover Edwards reported the screen to be in good shape and
e~pressed hopes of opening up a mOV1e business again, sometime in
the future.
George Vick mentioned there are three mobile homes, not one.
Hoover Edwards said he is j st requesting one mobile home on the
old Starlight Theatergrou dsand spoke of his cooperation with
the request from Tom Dovey to move two of his mobile homes from
Schertz Parkway when there ere visitors touring the City.
Merwin Willman pointed the Board of Adjustment had granted
Mr. Edwards' previous uest for eighteen months and had
stipulated three other con iderations, so he feels this request
should go back to the Board of Adjustment.
Bob Andrews made a motion to recommend the request f rom Hoover
Edwards for a variance to t e Zoning Ordinance to allow placement
of a mobile home, for sec rity reasons, next to the concession
stand on the old Starlight Theater grounds be forwarded to City
Council for scheduling 0 a hearing before the Board of
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in
favor. Motion carried.
Steve Simonson told Hoover dwards he will send him a letter with
all the information regardi g the Commission's recommendation.
Ulin of 117 Valley Oak
Time to Comply with
Request from Roderic
for an Extens ion of
the Junked Vehicle
Roderic and Karen Ulin we e at the meeting to represent this
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson said
he thought it would be best if Rod Ulin explained his situation.
Rod Ulin explained that, b fore he can take care of the vehicle
in violation, the matter a hand is the paying off of a loan on
an '84 Lincoln for which an '81 Buick was used as collateral.
Mr. Ulin said the Buick was registered in his mother's name and
the Lincoln was registered in his father's name and both parents
are now deceased. Mr. Ulin said before his father's death he had
been appointed his guardian. Mr. U 1 in further stated that
because his father had let the insurance lapse on the Lincoln,
there are some complications with the bank as far as the credit
life insurance is concerned.
Bob Andrews asked how long ago Rod U 1 in had been appointed
guardian and Mr. Ulin said approximately one year.
Merwin Willman asked Rod Ulin how long he thought it would take
to straighten out this complication. Mr. Ulin replied hopefully
,within a couple of weeks. Hr. Ulin indicated his attorney has
written a letter to the Schertz Bank.
Bob Andrews asked why not tabl e the
meeting. Merwin Willman wondered why
request until
not table it
Bob Andrews made a motion to table the request from Roderic Ulin
of 117 Valley Oak for an extension of time to comply with the
Junked Vehicle Ordinance for sixty days at which time the vehicle
in violation will have to be moved, sold, disposed of or made
Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in
favor. Motion carried.
Bob Andrews requested Rod Ulin's attorney's address as a courtesy
to the Commission.
steve Simonson told Rod Ulin he will send him a letter outlining
the Commission's recommendations. Mr. Simonson also asked Mr.
Ulin to let him know before the 60 days are up if he sees a
problem in resolving the situation within this time frame.
Combs of 5214 Irola Drive for an Extension of
Time to Comply with the Junked Vehicle
Micki Combs was at the meeting to represent this request.
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input, but steve Simonson
said there was none.
Micki Combs told the Commission her situation and said she
thought she had pretty much explained it in her letter. Ms.
Combs said she had a trucking business, but her partner left her
"holding the bag" financially and she is unable to come up with
the funds to get her vehicles into compliance with the ordinance.
Bob Andrews asked Ms. Combs if she had made any attempts to sell
the truck and she said yes she had. Ms. Combs also informed the
Commission a Dorothy Breezee holds a note on the truck.
George Vick asked if she had advertised. Micki Combs replied she
had not advertised, she 1S not living at the address and she
can't afford storage.
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked Ms. Combs who is feeding her dogs and
she replied she is - several times a week.
Vice-Chairman Potempa then asked Ms. Combs when the truck was
towed into her yard and she replied probably in October of 1988.
Micki Combs commented she did not understand why the Cougar had
been called a nuisance. Vice-Chairman Potempa read her the
definition from the Code of Ordinances. Ms. Combs said the car
is not visible unless you go right up to her property.
Vice-Chairman Potempa mentioned the first letter which was sent
and not claimed making it necessary for the City to send a second
letter. Micki Combs remarked she does not pick up her mail every
day, so the yellow slip of notification from the Post Office
might have blown away.
Keith Van Dine asked if she had looked into selling her truck on
consignment. Ms. Combs said she had, but the vehicle has to be
in running order.
Leonard Truitt, Asst. City Inspector, spoke at this time saying
when the City sent the letter to Ms. Combs they were not aware
there was a personal lien on the vehicle. Mr. Truitt remarked
they have not sent a letter to the lienholder.
After a brief discussion about the lien, Bob Andrews made a
motion to table the request from Micki L. Combs of 5214 Irola
Drive for an extension of time to comply with the Junked Vehicle
Ordinance until the Inspection Department has notified all
effected parties.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unan1IDOUS in
favor. Motion carried.
steve Simonson informed Micki Combs he will send her a letter
verifying the Commission's recommendations.
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked what action the City will take if
there is no response from Dorothy Breezee. steve Simonson
replied there are two options either have the vehicle towed
away or issue a citation.
Zoning for the 5 New Territories Being
Proposed for Annexation
steve Simonson related the City would like to close up some areas
that anticipate development. Mr. Simonson said problems arise
when part of an area is in the City limits and part of it is not.
Mr. Simonson said tract #1 includes Stone Creek R.V. Park, tract
#5 includes the Gutierrez landfill, George Barnard's property,
two tracts along Dietz Creek and FM 78, and tracts #2,#3, and #4
are areas the City wishes to close in. Mr. Simonson reminded the
Commission the zoning can be done simultaneously with the
Merwin Willman suggested an M-1 zon1ng for tract #1.
Bob Andrews remarked it could be zoned M-1 with a Specific Use
~~rmit for the R.V.Park.
steve Simonson advised the Commission he had heard stone Creek
R. V . Park is f i 1 ing bankruptcy and suggested maybe Floyd McKee
should be contacted to see what type of bankruptcy.
Merwin Willman pointed out the Commission should be thinking
about what the best use is for the land.
steve Simonson commented tract #1 could be zoned M-l and what 1S
currently there stays there as a nonconforming use.
Merwin Willman then suggested that tracts #2, #3 and #4 be zoned
RA (Residential/Agriculture).
For tract #5, steve Simonson suggested a combination of GB below
FM 78 and PO for the rest which would include the landfill, two
farms and some property of George Barnard's.
Bob Andrews made a motion to recommend to City Council that tract
#1 be zoned Light Manufacturing (M-1), tracts #2, #3 and #4 be
zoned Residential/Agriculture (RA) and tract #5 be zoned
Predevelopment (PD) with the exception of that small portion
south of FM 78 which is recommended to be. zoned General Business
(GB) to conform to the surrounding zoning along the south side of
FM 78. It was also recommended this zoning run concurrently with
the annexation process.
George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unan1mous 1n
favor. Motion carried.
Bob Andrews:
(a) Noticed a Cibolo garage sale sign at Wuest's last weekend.
Can the City do anything about signs like this? (steve Simonson
said if the signs are illegal, then the City can take them down.)
Keith Van Dine:
(a) The citizens of the Schirmerville area are pleased that the
holes in Pfeil Road have been filled in. The City did, however,
miss a hole on Ware-Seguin. (Steve Simonson said he is sure they
will fix the one on Ware-Seguin.)
Jim Shriver:
(a) Referred to the letter 1n his package from John Lund and
asked Steve Simonson if he is happy wi th Mr. Lund's answer.
(steve Simonson said no he is not.)
.Kb) Asked the question again about needing more consultants in
three _years for the impact fees. Councilperson Ken Greenwald said
the possibility exists, but supposedly Rimrock Crinsulting is
leaving software behind with the basic format and information.
( c ) Asked
why the
at the
sessions with Rimrock consul ting can't
end of the regular meetings instead of
Steve S.imonson said the Advisory Committee could be scheduled
first and the people on the agenda for the regular session could
be told not to come until about 8:00 P.M.
Mr. Shriver said he still prefers the seSSlon with Rimrock
Consulting at the end.
A poll of the other members was taken, and with the exception of
Bob Andrews, they all preferred to have the seSSlons with Rimrock
Consulting at the end.
steve Simonson advised the Commission he will inform Tony Bagwell
of their wishes.
Georqe Vick:
(a) Had noticed the dead cow on Schertz Parkway today. (Steve
Simonson said they had to find a rendering company to remove it
and their charge is $45.00.)
(b) Commented on the basketball court set up at the back of
Mobile Villa and was told by Vice-Chairman Potempa he had put it
there a number of years ago.
Merwin Willman:
(a) Asked the status of Don Decker's proposed Pamela Subdivision.
(Steve Simonson said he hadn't heard.)
Steve Simonson:
(a) Asked the Commissioners how many of them know Jeff Gaston and
then related a story about a 300 pound pig that got loose this
past week and how everyone expected Jeff to be able to capture
it. Mr. Simonson said finally a nice man offered the use of his
equipment to help, but they found the pig had wandered away and
no one has seen it since.
Councilperson Greenwald:
(a) Both the Commission and the Council received copies in their
packages of an article on "Green Spaces" which was in the Sunday
Express News.
(b) Back some time ago a 101 front yard setback variance \vas
granted to Savannah Square and now when the residents park their
Cars in their driveways, the cars hang out over the edge. t-1r.
Greenwald said to keep things like this in mind when considering
granting a variance.
(c) Asked if there were any significant developments from the
meeting on Jack Hays Boulevard.
steve Simonson reported the City now has a right-of-way map and
will be contacting sixteen landowners. Mr. Simonson said they
will move along as fast as they can, but the Highway Department
is estimating between eighteen months and two years before the
process is completed.
(d) According to the paper they are going to let the contract on
IH-35 with construction to start in January.
steve Simonson commented the widening of FM 78 is still moving
forward, but it will take some time. Mr. Simonson said the
railroad will grant the 20 feet.
Vice~Chairman Potempa:
(a) Mentioned the letter from Debbie Moeller of Pacific Southwest
Bank and said he hopes something can be worked out between the
parties involved.
(b) Asked if there's any way the City can request the company
working along the IH-35 access road to get a flagman. (steve
Simonson said he will check with Mr. Sweatt.)
(c) There's a new business on IH-35 near Maureen Busby called All
Time Tire Changers.
Before the meeting was adjourned, Jim Shriver asked if anyone
knows anything about the "Classic Car Museum". He was informed
by a couple of the members it is in no man's land.
Bob Andrews made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Shriver
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
Vice-Chairman Potempa adjourned the meeting at 9:54 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is November 28, 1989.
, Ii