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The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened ina regular
seSSlon on Tuesday, May 23, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairman Brisgill called the.~.meeting to order at 7: 00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session May 9, 1989
Joe Potempa asked that on Page 5, Paragraph 10, the last sentence
"As a point of order, the motion died for lack of a second" be
stricken and replaced with a sentence reading "Mr. Potempa
withdrew the motion".
George Vick made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, for
the regular session May 9, 1989. Merwin Willman seconded the
motion and the vote was as follows:
AYES: K. Van Dine, M. Willman, G. Vick, J. Potempa
NAYS: None
Motion carried.
There was none.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Geor~e Vick volunteered to serve as Vice-Chairman.
Joe Potempa also vOfunteered. to serve .as Vice-Chairman.
steve simonson announced that even though Bob Andrews could not
attend the meeting this evening, he! had volunt~ered to serve as
"Vice~Chairman if no one els~ i~ interested in the position~
Chairman Brisgill voiced the
circumstances, it might be more
vote. The Commission agreed.
opinion, that under the
appropriate to take a written
A written vote was taken and Joe Potempa won.by 3 votes to 2, so
the recommendation for his approval will be forwarded to City
Applicants for" Planning
Discussion of
and Zoning
The Commission ,had received, in their packages, copies of six
applications from people still interested who had applied when
the position was open previously. Copies of an additional
application, received today, was also passed around for them to
look over.
~.~ '
Chairman Brisgill informed the Commission he had written up a
message for the Newsletter in which he had mentioned the vacancy.
Mr. Brisgill's suggestion was to look over the applications they
now have, see if the _ Newsletter generates any more applicants,
and then decide from there when they want to put the interviewing
of the applicants on the agenda.
George Vick commented on the super qualifications of some of the
applicants. Mr. Vick also remarked that since it is going to be
advertised in the Newsletter, he thinks it's only fair that they
wait to see if the article generates any more candidates.
There was a brief discussion about a cut-off date for taking
applications and exactly when the Commission-wanted to interview
the candidates. It was decided to include in the article in the
Newsletter a statement asking - all those interested to turn in
their applications by June 9, and to request they attend the
meeting on June 13.
Keith Van Dine reminded everyone of the list of questions for
candidates the Commission had compiled some : time ago. Mr. Van
Dine felt it should be discussed ahead of tim~ who's going to ask
which questions.
There is a joint public hearing on June 6 after which the
Commission will hold a special session. The consensus of the
Commission was to have discussion on' the questions for candidates
be an item scheduled on the :agenda for the special session.
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Keith Van Dine:
(a) Replied to Steve Simonson's question about if gravel trucks
still go down Pfeil Road since the: weight limit restrictions have
been in force, by saying he hasn't seen any gravel trucks lately.
(b) Said the homeowners in his area should be having a meeting
before too long. This was ln response to Merwin Willman's
question about whether he ,had any input from the people in his
area about the road name change for Binz-Englemann.
Joe Potempa:
(a) Asked about the status of 505 Curtiss where there had been a
fence' company in the back. steve Simonson said the problem had
been corrected - they moved everything out.
(b) Regarding the Citizen's Leadership Panel, related that he
found their meeting very interesting. Said guests at the last
meeting were Chief of Police Agee and Michele Tereletsky of the
Schertz Humane Society. Mr. Potempa advised the Commission that
the target date for submitting all the results to Planning and
Zoning is July 25th.
George Vick:
(a) Referred to the minutes of the last meeting where steve
Simonson said the situation with trucks parking in Windy Meadow
Mobile Home Park had been resolved. Mr. Vick noted there had
been trucks parked there last weekend.
(b) 408 Lori Lynn - they have a garage sale so often and have
things for sale like a dozen weed eaters, microwaves, 3 sets of
tires, etc., that it really is a business instead of a garage
(c) Mentioned the used car lot on FM 1518. Steve Simonson said
he had checked into it and everything is legal.
Merwin Willman':
(a) Reminded the Commission of the joint public hearing on June 6
on John Lund's request for an exception to the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Willman told the Commission to keep in mind that the property
is zoned General Business and they may want to consider changing
the zoning or perhaps making a recommendation for a Specific Use
Chairman Brisgill indicated he' has a big problem with that
request because a lot of fill has been put on the property. Mr.
Brisgill also indicated and he doesn't feel Planning and :Zoning
can supersede the .state as far as sewage regulations are
Mr. Willman saidtbforget the State, th~ only thing Planning and
Zoning should consid~ris, the request for an exception to the
Zoning OrdinanQe.
Joe Potempa questioned seepage into the
property saying he had heard there was
replied the City had checked it and found
cTeekf rom Mr . Lund's
some. steve Simonson
no seepage.
George Vick noted that if a Specific Use Permit was a
consideration, Mr. Lund 'would have to have other approvals, such
as for: sewage, before it. could be granted.
To this Chairman Brisgill s~id no, we're just looking at the use
of the land, but we are trying to make Mr. Lund aware of certain
other conditions.
George Vick then remarked that if Mr. Lund was given permission
to put in a mobile home and as a resul t puts in another septic
tank, then there could be problems.
To this, Councilman Greenwald pointed out that in order to put in
a septic tank, Mr. Lund would have to comply with County, state
and City regulations.
steve Simonson reminded the Commission that should they make a
motion to recommend an exception be granted Mr. Lund, they can
always include, in the motion, specifications to be met.
steve Simonson also advised the Commission that John Lund has
sent a formal letter to the City requesting deannexation.
(b) Gave copies to the Commission of some recommendations he had
written up for non-conforming uses, exceptions and adult oriented
businesses. Mr. Willman said the City doesn't have an ordinance
covering adul t oriented businesses and this ,would be a start.
Mr. Willman also requested these recommendations be placed on the
agenda of the next regularly schedriled meeting. Chairman
Brisgill agreed to that request.
Mr. Willman told the Commissioners, as far as adul t oriented
businesses, he has some background information for reading and
would be glad to let any of them borrow it if they are
Councilman Greenwald:
(a) At the workshop a couple of weeks ago, Dale Stein from the
Highway Department. reported -that the right-of-way maps for Jack
Hays Blvd. (FM' 3009) :shbuld be ready in 4-6 weeks, the widening
of FM 78 shoul~ occur in anywhere from 2 1/2 to 4 years, and the
improv~ments t6 IH-35. are schedul~d for Jurie~July of 1990. Mr.
,Greenwald admitted this allays some of the fears that all three
highways would be und~r ,?onstruction at the 'same time.
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Chairman Brisgill expressed concern over some of the subdivisions
along Jack Hays Blvd.~ claiming they will be landlocked while the
road is under construction bebause th~y have no other way out.
Mr. Greenwald assured him the road. will never be completely
closed - there may be a lot of inconvenience, but it will never
be closed.
Mr. Greenwald fel t the biggest problem may be the right-of-way
acquisition along FM 78. Mr. Greenwald said if you look at the
street light poles on the south side of FM 78, that is where the
right-of-way is now.
(b) They brought 'up, to Dale Stein, the citizens' desires for
traffic signals along Jack Hays Blvd. and found out this is not
handled under his department, inst.ead it is handled out of an
office in San Antonio.
Steve Simonson:
(a) Commented that the City's request to add two-way school
flashers on FM 78 and Main st.- FM 1518 was turned down by the
State Highway Department.
(b) Said the letters have been going out on junk cars and on
trash/weeds. Remarked that the trash/weeds notification, when
it's a rental, sometimes involves letters to three sources: (1)
the renter, (2) the owner, and (3) in some cases the lienholder.
~ "'.!:
(c) Reported he had met with the Schertz Business Club that
afternoon .and gave them all a copy of the current Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Simonson said he had informed them Planning and Zoning was
looking for specific input on items they do or do not like.
Also, Mr. Simonson had told them that by 1990 everyone, even
those grandfathered, will have to come into conformance and most
are in violation now.
Mr. Simonson said as far as he's concerned the ball is now in
their court and if we don't get any input, then we'll go with our
own suggestions.
Chairman Brisqill:
(a) Asked if the City ever wrote any letters to Wuest's/Winn's !
requesting they paint arrows on their entrances off Schertz
Parkway. Steve Simonson said he would check into it.
Mr. Brisgill suggested that maybe the Business Club could help
with this and Jim Shriver said he would talk to them about it.
Mr. Shriverthou~ht~ however, that the property probably belongs
to Pacific Southwest Savings and not to Wuest'S/Winn's.
Chairman Brisgill requested that Jim Shriver let him know what
the Business Club decides.
Jim. Shriver wondered if he' could get some administrative help
from the City as far as typing reports for the citizens
Leadership Panel and Steve Simonson told him he could, just
bring: in the reports he wants typed.
(b) Questioned the status of the City maps, outlining points
of interest in Schertz, for the Stone Creek RV Park. Jim Shriver
acknowledged he is working on them at the present time.
(c) Read that 1n addition to the amendment prohibiting people
from riding ln the back of trucks, Hal Baldwin is also
considering a similar amendment prohibiting animals from riding
in the back of trucks.
Councilman Greenwald pointed out the City is checking into the
viability of such an amendment.
Mr. Brisgill recommended the Council think about every angle of
it carefully, because this is an agricul tural community and he
can foresee a lot headaches with such an amendment. Mr. Brisgill
also asked Councilman Greenwald to pass these concerns onto City
(d) Will be out of town for the public hearing on June 6.
(e) Asked if there was any word from the Census Bureau regarding
the City's request to get involved. Steve Simonson replied he is
currently checking into the situation.
(f) Informed the Commission he has been asked, as a resul t of
their letter to the APA, to speak at the convention in Lubbock in
October. The APA is devoting one of it's short course sessions
to small town planning and it is Mr. Brisgill' s understanding
that he, a small town planning coordinator and a consultant will
speak, each for approximately fifteen minutes.
; t ~ ~ ,c
Chairman Brisgill commented he was asked to speak on small town
problems, how they are handled, and how a small town is able to
bring about changes. His idea is to take pictures, for slides,
of PM 3009 (Jack Hays), Schertz Parkway, the AICUZ, and the flood
zone and work his presentation around those items. Mr. Brisgill
told the Commission he would appreciate any other input they may
have and asked that they think about it and let him know at the
next couple of meetings.
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George Vick suggested taking a copy of the old map and the new
map to show just how much the City has grown.
, .
Chairman Brisgill asked if anyone else had anything to discuss.
. .
Councilman Greenwald noted there are four really interesting
articles in the "Zoning Bull~tin"dated May 15th.
steve Simonson asked the Commission mernbersto be thinking about.
the APA Conference scheduled for October 4-7, and letting him
know who's going so the reservations can be sent in.
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 7:53 P.M.
There is a public hearing scheduled for June 6, 1989.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is June 13, 1989.