The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened 1n a regular
session on Tuesday, April 25, 1989 at 7:00 P.N. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz pakrway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairman Brisgill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Regular Session April 11, 1989
B. Joint Public Hearing and Special
Session April 18, 1989
A. Regular Session April 11, 1989
Mary Marsh made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular
Session April 11, 1989. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
B. Joint Public Hearing and Special Session April 18, 1989
Merwin {villman made a motion to approve the ,minutes for the Joint
Public Hearing and Special Session April 18, 1989. Joe Potempa
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
There was none.
Sign Ordinance/Schertz Business Club Feedback
Jim Shriver was at the meeting to represent the Schertz Business
Chairman Brisgi~l asked Mr. Shriver if he had any comments.
-- I
Jim Shriver, referring to the feedback report from the businesses
(each Commissioner had received a copy in their package), noted
that he forgot to include a statement about the problem with
flashing light signs. Mr. Shriver also wished there had been a
better return of the surveys sent out by the Business Club.
When questioned about the problem with flashing lights,
Shriver reported he had been informed by City Inspector,
Brodeur, there is a problem in that area and he should
included a statement of that fact in the results.
Mary Marsh remarked on the replies from the businesses saying she
was looking for more definitive answers than what had ,been
received, for example, what do the businesses want, what don't
they want and what do they need.
Merwin Willman observed there are no solutions offered 1n the
report and no Staff comments.
Chairman Brisgill asked Jim Shriver how many surveys had been
distributed and Mr. Shriver replied approximately 100 and 10 had
been completed and returned.
Chairman Brisgill then commented it looks like what it boils down
to is the Commission needs to go back through and review the Sign
Ordinance again.
Mary Marsh voiced the opinion that the replies indicate the
ordinance is too complicated and it needs to be simplified.
Merwin Willman remarked it is easy to criticize, but the
Commission needs suggested solutions to the problems.
Mary Marsh emphasized that probably 85% of the
Ordinance is fine, but some of the specifics
current Sign
need to be
Herwin Willman pointed out the ordinance \iaS written with the
idea in mind that what's not 10 it 1S not authorized. Mr.
Willman further stated that Schertz doesn't want to penalize
businesses, but at the same time they don't want the City to be a
traveling billboard.
Chairman Brisgill
updating the City
only difference
Commission will
suggested using the same method used for
Plan (P&Z reviews a few sections at a time)
being to let the Business Club know the
be discussing the ordinance at a particular
Councilman Greenwald asked Jim' Shriver if he knew the names of
the businesses which had returned t,he surveys and Mr. ,Shriver
repl'ied he knew some of them. Then Councilman Greenwald
suggested inviting them to -a meeting and asking for a written
Mary Marsh stressed the importance of the first question on the
survey which was "Have you had the opportunity to read the Sign
Ordinance as it pertains to business signs?" and noted that 40%
said yes and 60% said po.
There was discussion about making the Sign Ordinance available to
businesses. Bob Andrews questioned whether the City could sell
the Business Club copies of the ordinance at a discount so the
'Business Club could make it available to businesses at a
Chairman Brisgill asked Jim Shriver if he thought 20 coples of
the ordinance would be sufficient. Mr. Shriver expressed some
reservations about the: solution to the problem being to give them
copies of the ordinan~e. Chairman Brisgill indicated he wants
them to know what the City's doing so the ordinance can be
Mary Marsh asked if the City couldn't provide free coples of the
ordinance to the Business club.
Chairman Brisgill then asked Jim Shriver if he thought 15 people
would be interested and Mr. Shriver said he couldn't guarantee
Joe Potempa mentioned that the Schertz Business club has a
meeting each month and asked if one of the City Staff couldn't
speak at the meeting 'and invite the members to attend Planning
and Zoning meetings while the Sign Ordinance is being reviewed.
Steve Simonson reminded the Commission the idea for the survey
had started after he made a presentation to the Business Club and
Mr. Simonson stated he would be glad to go back and speak again.
Chairman Brisgill recommended
Simonson's speech as a starting
Club to attend our wprkshops.
tabling this item until feedback
and City Staff is available.
the Commission consider Steve
point and invi te the Business
l"lr. Brisgill al so reconnended
from the Schertz Business Club
Councilman Greenwald pointed out that the item really does not
need to be tabled since it is only on the agenda for discussion.
Mary Harsh made a motion to recommend Steve Siraonson speak at the
May meeting of the Schertz Business Club, invite the members to
attend Planning and Zoning workshops for review of the Sign
Ordinance, and to put~eviewof the Sign Ordinance on the agenda
of the first meeting in June.
Joe Potempa seconded the motion and the vote was unanlmous 1.n
favor. Motion carried~
Chairman Brisgill thanked Jim Shriver and the Schertz Business
club for all' their work in putt~ng out the survey and submitting
a report with the 'resrilts.'-
Merwin Willman commented the Staff seems to know what problems
exist but are reluctant to suggest solutions.
Steve Simonson
changes, they
regardless of
informed the
will not see
who originates
Commission, that due to
an ordinance come back
it, until it has full
Chairman Brisqill brought up the following:
(a) Asked why they had a public hear,ing on a side yard setback
for a carport whi~h encroached into t~e front yard setback.
Bob Andrews explained that, in reality, on a survey, the dotted
lines overlap for setback purposes.
Merwin Willman said it is ~ccepted terminology.
Chair~an Brisgill maintained it doesn't say so 1n the ordinance
in so many words.
Steve Simonson read from Section B of the Zoning Ordinance the
following definition "Yard, Side: A yard between the main
bui lding and the s ide I ine of the lot, and extending from the
required front yard to the required rear yard and being the
minimum horizontal di~tance between a side lot line and the side
of the main buildings or any projections thereto."
(b) Had a copy of the "Visitor's Guide'f out of New Braunfels
,,,hich lists Stone Creek RV Park, Garden Ridge Pottery, Natural
Bridge Caverns and everything toward New Braunfels. Mr. Brisgill
stressed the need for Schertz to have a similar brochure
available for the public and thought maybe the Economic
Development Task Force should look into it.
Mr. Brisgill continued on by saying all the Stone Creek
advertisements say Schertz, but under the phone number it says
see New Braunfels.
There was some discussion on the San Antonio serV1ce area versus
the New Braunfels service area phone numbers. Mr. Brisgill said
he had tried to call a San Antonio number from the pay phone at
Stop-N-Go on the corner of FM 3009 and IH-35 and the operator
interrupted to tell him he would have to dial 1 because it was a
long distance number.
Steve Simonson commented on numbers this side of FM 1103 being in
the 658 exchange. Mr. Simonson also said the Stop-N-Go should be
in the 651 exc.hange which i,s not a long distance call to San
Antonio and he will check into it first thin~ in the morning.
, ,
Mr. Simonson also remarked, specifically in regard to Stone Creek
RV Park, that no one representing Schertz. went out to greet the
new business.
(c) Told the Commission that in talking to Floyd McKee of Stone
Creek RV Park, he found out that a couple of weeks ago they had
several hundred people for a rally and some rented a bus and came
to downtown Schertz and spent 2-3 hours at beauty shops, barber
shops, the laundromat, etc. Mr. Brisgill emphasized the need for
the City of Schertz to have some kind of map showing where
various points of interest, such as the Post Office, are located.
Bob Andrews suggested that in the meantime they duplicate copies
of the City map on the copy machine ~nd have someone draw in by
hand the points of interest.
There was a brief,.ftiscussion about the condition of the property
next to stone Creek RV Park and how it's junky looks makes some
people hesitant to go into the RV Park. Steve Simonson remar~ed
that Floyd McKee has asked the City for help in getting his
neighbors' property cleaned up.
Steve Simonson brought up the following:
(a) Was told that on the Barshop corner everything with Exon and
McDonald's fell through.
~.j.)5: .~:
(b) Has heard some interesting rumors about Retama. Mr. Simonson
indicated there may be an announcement regarding Retama by May 6.
Merwin Willman brought up the following:
(a) Referring to the Junked Vehicle Ordinance, said he had asked
City Council if Planning and Zoning is to nake a final
determination when there is an appeal to the ordinance and was
informed yes they are.
Mr. ~villman commented the ordinance limits PlanniI19 and Zoning
decisions, so he had written up some proposed guidelines and a
proposed letter to be sent to the individual who is requesting a
hearing. The Commission received copies' of these in their
package. Mr. Willman asked if they would like discussion of this
on their next agenda.
There was miscellaneous discussion on what age constitutes an
antique vehicle, and on the Weed/Vegetation Ordinance and Junked
V~hicle Ordinance. Joe Potempa said that a neighbor in his area
is operating a sign company even thought he has a "No
Tres.passing" sign on his fence and asked Steve Simonson if he is
a\iare of that' fact. Mr. Simonson said he \,:ould check with
After this
di,s.cussion of
discussion, Chai~man Brisgill requested that
the p_roposed procedures and guidel ines for an
. .
appeal to the Junked Vehicle Ordinance be placed on the next
Joe Potempa reported that at 505 Curtiss they are operating a
fence company in the back. Steve Simonson said he would have the
Inspection Dep~rtment check into it. Mr. Potempa also mentioned
there is no house number on the house at that particular
Mary Marsh brought up the following:
(a) At the meeting of the Schertz Business Club today, Councilman
Earl Hartzog suggested they start writing letters to the Highway
Department about the progress, or lack therof, on the widening of
Jack Hays Blvd. andFM 78.
Bob Andrews mentioned some stakes along the ditch on Jack Hays
Blvd. and asked Steve Simonson if he knew what was going on. Mr.
Simon~on said they are checking soils and there are: two sets. of
stake~ - the landowner's and the Highway Department's.
(b) The Seguin Commissioners Court has authorized a study to find
the ultimate route from San Antonio to Austin.
(c) The Civic Leaders Panel is progressing well and she likes
their approach because they are doing research. Fire Chief
Melton and SAFES Dire~tor Tom Funk attended last week's meeting
and a representative of the Housing Authority will be at the
meeting this week.
Mrs. Marsh, observing how these things can mushrooD, went on to
say that Jim Shriver had gotten a call from Pegasus asking if one
of their representatives could attend a meeting in order to brief
the Panel on their future plans.
Hrs. Harsh told the Commission she will give them a list, for
their deliberation, of the items the Panel is going to discuss.
Hrs. Marsh also asked Stev.e Simonson if City Council had done
anything about selecting another member because the Panel really
needs one and soon.
Also, Mrs. Marsh informed the Commission that after the Civic
Leaders Panel meeting on May 4, she will not be briefing the
Commission on the Panel's progress, but Jim Shriver will be
reporting directly to the Commission instead.
(d) Said everyone has been asking her if Northcliffe 1S 901n9 to
be annexed.
Joe Potempa asked if the City is aware that some of the residents,
of Northcliffe are getting up a p~tition for annexation.
.. t' -', .
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Steve Simonson replied the City is aware of this -- there have
been several representatives in to talk with the City Manager and
they have been very candid about their problems and their needs
and desires.
Joe Potempa indicated the residents of Northcliffe are very
concerned about a drug problem.
Referring back to the Civic Leaders Panel, Mary Marsh said it is
amazing all you can learn by sitting 1n on one of these sessions
and encouraged the Commissioners to attend. They meet on
Thursdays at 7:00 P.M.
Steve Simonson, saying he had one more item,
Commission the ballpark lighting (bond issue) was
time, they turned the lighting system over to BVYA
u~ed only about half of the budget because most of
done by City Staff.
informed the
completed on
on time, and
the work was
,Councilman Greenwald pointed out that the Streets and Parks
Department had done lots of the work themselves.
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 8:08 P.M.
The next regularly sc~eduled meeting is May 9, 1989.
April 19, 1989
City Council
Planning and Zoning Commission
Request from Earl Sawyer for an Exception to the Zoning Ordinance
The Planning and Zoning Commission, by unanimous
the request from Earl Sawyer for an exception to
~riance_o: 6'6" to the side yard setback
vote, recommends approval of
the Zoning Ordinance, permit-
at 512 ft.viation.
April 19,1989
City Council
FR Dr"1 :
Planning and Zoning Commission
Acceptance of New Zoning Map
Commission, by unanimous vote, recommends approval of
of the new zoning map.