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The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened 1n a regular
session on Tuesday, May 14, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2. APPROVAL .OF MINUTES: Regular Session April 23, 1991
Merwin .Willman, .referring
Recommendation: .Updating . of
Budget, asked if a decision
to . Item #5, Consider and Make
the Comprehensive. Plan, B, Planning
waa ever made on an -amount for a
. Chairman Andrews noted that the issue had been discussed, but no
amount was ever decided on for a consultant.
Jim Shriver pointed out that on Page 7, paragraph 3 where it refers to
Doctor Harborth, it should, instead, say Dot Harborth and therefore,
also, all "he" pronounsr~ferring to'Doctor Harborth ~hould be changed to
"she" for Dot Harborth.
There being no further questions or corrections, Merwin Willman made a
motion to approve the minutes, as amended, for the Regular Session
April 23, 1991. Gary Bricken seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
Lambert, 3720 Forsyth Park, for a 7" Rear Yard setback Variance
Chairman Andrews reminded the
request, the application for a special
patio were included in their packages.
Commissioners that
exception and a
the letter
diagram of
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.th~ir"'an. .~ridrews., 'cominent>l.i19 .he l1ad 'd~iven: .'. by' 't.he' property'," a'sked" Mrs.
. Lambert "C'. if the' slab . had . arrearly been poured. Mrs. Lambert
replied it had been and it was at that point they were informed they
needed to get permission to continue on with the project.
Chairman Andrews asked if the patio will be open or enclosed and was
told by Mrs. Lambert it will be open.
steve Simonson acknowledged he had misread the request as if the patio
would be enclosed, which 1S considered a building and would require a
variancei but this patio is going to be open so the request should not
have come before the Commission.
Merwin Willman asked where they got the 15' setback figure and steve
Simonson replied off their plat.
Mr. Willman then mentioned that in a PUD
restrictive regulations and there are.
both in ~av~nnah Square.
some 20'
they apply the most
and some 10' setbacks
Ga.ry Bri~k~n ~sked, if in view.. of . steve . Simonson' scomrnell.ts, the
Commission has any reason to take action -on this request.
Chairman Andrews replied it is on the agenda, therefore the Commission
needs to act on it one way or another..
Gary. Bri9ken .made a motion'. to approve the request from Rober.t D.'
Lambert for a 7' rear yard set'back variance. George Vick 'seconded the
motion' and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motlon carried.
steve'S1monsbn 'informed Mrs.
him officially notifying
La~bert. sh~ would receive a letter
her of the Commission's act.~ons on
. .
'5 'CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Updating of. the Comprehensive
A. Interview Intern
B. Review Survey
C. Discuss Goals & Objectives
~ Interview Intern
Chairman Andrews advised the Commission the intern they were supposed
to interview this evening, Albert Villareal, had an emergency come up
and will not be able to be here, but will be able to attend the May
28th meeting. Mr. Andrews commented these prospective interns are
going to be looking for something from us' as well as us looking for
something from them. How are we going to go about it?
Harry Bauman suggested the interns be assigned to the research needed
in some areas of the Comprehensive Plan.
Gary Bricken asked where an intern is in the scheme of things.
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ChairmanAndr~ws related it is his understanding an interh. is either
an undergraduate student or someone working on their Masters degree
who will get credit for the work they do for the City.
Harry Bauman added that most times an intern 1S a college sen10r.
steve Simonson told the Commission you have to
with some kind of plan, you have to evaluate
write a paper detailing their experiences with the
also mentioned that it is generally expected
expenses, supplies and some small stipend.
provide the interns
them, and they have to
City. Mr. Simonson
that you provide travel
Harry Bauman asked how long an intern is usually with the City and
Steve Simonson answered it is normally one semester.
Harry Bauman observed it would be a good way to get the legwork done
as far as having to go several places for the research.
Gary Bricken remarked if you could get
demographics and projections it would be
could "sort it out., ref ine it and. tweak. it.
a clearer picture. of
worthwhile because an inte!n
Mr. Bricken indicated that one thing that interests him very much is a
breakdown of the last 10 years on a year by year basis.
.Harry . Bauman brought up the example. of changes that.. could occur ~.n the
City of Schertz should a racetrack .come to the area.
Merwin Willman commented more than numbers, we need .to knoh' where
..... population settled~. If it' . was in.'. t.he "IH-35. 'area'ofthe"City,
perhaps more facilities such asa police and fire' substation
needed in that area. Mr. Willman explained that the history of
City is important as far as going back 10 or 20 years to see
things have developed.
Gary Bricken mentioned also the possible impact of GBRA lawsuits
regarding water.
Harry Bauman asked what happens if the county controls the
Councilperson Ken Greenwald ,stated that losing Applewhite will effect
how Austin acts and we won't know that until September.
Merwin Willman questioned just exactly how much detail
into as far as water and Gary Bricken stressed
there's going to be enough water.
they need. to go
we need to know if
Gary Bricken brought up the fact that an intern cannot take on five or
six questions, one or two will be enough for him/her to pursue. Mr.
Bricken then suggested concentrating on demographics.
Councilperson Ken
idea about going
City has developed.
back 10
said he felt Merwin Willman had a good
to 20 years and takIng a look at the way the
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Gary Bricken remarked that the baby boom has drastically effected us
three times in the last 25 years.
Chairman Andrews declared that if they really got into demographics
details it would answer questions such as the direction of the
growth, the average age and where additional housing is needed.
Gary Bricken added that the median age
and that one third of the population
for a nice place in which to retire.
of Americans has reached 30,
will retire and will be looking
George Vick referred again to the
the City's development and why
there has
of needing the history of
been growth in particular
steve Simonson suggested finding out what brought people to Schertz
and finding out what has expanded Schertz since 1960.
Going . back to the discussion of, questions
Simonson recommended giving'him/hei~only, ~'~ouple
as not to make it too broad of a 'category.
for, the intern# Steve
of.. key' qu~stions .so:
Gary Bricken asked if money for the intern'is a prohibitive amount and
Steve ,Simonson repl ied he, did not t.hil')k so.
Mr. Bricken then went on to
hired two interns and it
say, that a couple' of. y.ears., ago ,he .had
worked. 'as a self-filtering process with good
Steve' Simonson related there will be a 'certain amou'nt
budget for a consultant, but maybe they want to
more interns.
of money in the
use part of it for
Harry Bauman noted that the average cost for a consultant is anywhere
from $30 to $55 per hour. Mr. Bauman conceded you may only need one
for th~~e or four hours at a time and it may end up costing you only a
couple of thousand, but he thought ,the idea of 'several interns was a
good one.
Steve Simonson then asked the Commission if they are advocating a
combination of a consultant and interns and they said yes.
There was discussion on possibilities
Chairman Andrews bringing up the scenario
which would involve existing land
restaurants, motels, etc.
growth in the
a racetrack in
the City as far
Merwin Willman mentioned that on the evening news it was reported that
American Airlines is bringing their reservation center to San Antonio
which will create approximately 1200 jobs and could effect Schertz.
Mr. Willman also reminded tne Commission they need
approval to hire an intern.
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, Chafrman . Andrews indica<ted he
but Mr. Willman said they
of using two interns.
thought ,they alrea'dyhad that approval,-
need to bring up the possibility to Council
Councilperson Ken Greenwald talked about
for demographics and the other for
would force them to work together.
the idea
land use.
of using one intern
~1r. Greenwald fel t this
steve Simonson reported having some money he could use
Commission he has calls in to the University of
Department at Austin and is .also investigating the
students from UTSA and Southwest Texas State University.
and told the
Texas Planning
availability of
~'Review Survey
Jim Shriver provided sample surveys to the Commission for their
review. Mr. Shriver presented the. idea of a straight question format
wi th the use " of good., , fair, poo.r ,and, don ',t know as answers. Mr.
Shriver said, in his opinion, this would seem to. make it easier.
Mr. Shriver: mentioned that citizeIjs. may.,f~el the personal. information
asked for is too much.
Steve Simonson' expressed a stron~ desire to
il1fo.r.mation and. suggest~d.putting, a caveat on the'
filling out the person,al information is~ optional.
the pe'rsonal
saying that
Gary Br~cken alleged that answers such' as good, fair and poor are
useless and the only one you can trust is do~tt know. Mr. Bricken
said':.'he~ ..prefe'rs', questions ,:tha:t . can be a nsweied ',bas'ically' with,a,'yes<or'
no such a~ "~re you i~ the military?" ..
steve Simonson asked if there can't be
be answered with something other than
some questions
a yes or no,
Gary Bricken commented questions on age and income are okay and also
questions about where a person 'shops, but, asked what the Commission
~ould know that would help with the Comprehensive Plan if people
answered questions about whether or not there is cooperation among
organizations in the City.
Jim Shriver stressed the need for input from the Commission as far as
the type of questions they wish to be on the survey.
There was then discussion about how to inform the citizens they will
be receiving a survey and that their help 1S needed.
Gary Bricken suggested
Newsletter advising the
their help.
upbeat/lighthearted be put in the
a survey will be coming,and we need
Mr. Bricken also suggested that'whenthe survey
be an overwhelming number of questions and
mail it back with their water bills.
1S prepared, there not
thc~ we ask the public to
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Harry Bauman wondered about
self-addressed stamped envelope so
possibility of
citizens wouldn't
including a
have to pay
Steve Simonson noted that the last
boxes set up at local businesses where
time there were eight or nine drop
the citizens could return their
Jim Shriver asked the Commissioners to work up a list of questions for
the survey and bring them to the next meeting.
c. Discuss Goals and Objectives
Chairman Andrews, admitting these have been talked about quite a bit,
reviewed his list of assignments to see what had been submitted so
far. Gary Bricken turned in his on Business, Harry Bauman on
Transportation, and steve Simonson on Guidelines for Growth.
Chairman A~drews mentio~ed Merwin Willman hadn't turned in anything on
. Citizen. '.Input" but Mr . Willman .maintained. he" had . s.everalweeks ago and
it 'was shot down by'the.Commission.
Chairman Andrews then brought up .the fact they have nothing ready to
di~tribute. to" the va,rious" Department Headsr l?ut Steve Simonson said he
has'quite a. bit of data" from some. of the departments, contained in
their,S-year ,plAns~
Gary Bricken revealed to the Commission that when his brother visited
'Schertz ,'he ',had' envision:ed a 'road." linking IH~~35 '.'andIH-:l0, 'possibly on.,
the. other side of Cibolo,' ~ot FM 3009~
There was a brief discussion on this with steve Simonson indicating. it
could possibly be FM 1103 that might provide such a link.
steve Simonson asked if there's anything in
about coordination ~ith other cities and Merwin
need to get the school involved in the Plan. '
the Comprehensive
Willman stressed
Gary Bricken emphasized his petsonal feelings about not wanting to see
FM 3009/Jack Hays Blvd. become another Pat Booker Road.
steve Simonson pointed out there'a no possible extension of FM
3009/Jack Hays Blvd. to IH-10, but there is a possibility of extending
Schertz Parkway to IH-10 via FM 1518.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald advised that the state says their next
loop will be Hwy. 46.
In review, Chairman Andrews said he will work up a draft for
interviewing the interns, the Commissioners will prepare a list of
questions for. the survey, and noted the goals and objectives seem to be
coming along. Mr. Andrews expressed his appreciation for the show of
enthusiasm regarding the work on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Andrews
stated he had hoped to have the work on the Plan finished by the end of
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.this. year, but he is a realist.
Harry Bauman, saying he
Engineering, indicated a
spoken with Paul Denham of Ford
to get the City Engineer involved in the
Gary Bricken remarked that one theme
20-year plan, and the cornerstone
protection of the environment.
that has to be paramount
of the Commission' s \~ork,
1n a
is the
George Vick:
(a) Reported that at the Live Oak Apartments, off .the Exchange st.
side, there's a travel trailer hooked up with the sewer line. steve
Simonson said he would check into it.
(b) Said he will miss the next two' meetings~~e to be{n~ on vacation,
but will turn his assignment in on Cui tural a-rH3. N{it,ural ~esou~ces.
Merwin Willman:
(a) Indicated he
.think the Platting
Mr~ Willman said,
kill development~
as a
the economy will have an upturn and he doesn't
Ordinance. for, Schertz .Parkway'. is . adequate.
. matter o.ffact, he' thinks 't.heordinance wi,ll
The Ordinance states property with frontage on Sch~rtz Park~ay will
'c'ost;-.>$25..00', per.: front. foot...-. plus ,.,2S-qents,,,:,"fot-,',:"each "~square' . foot in.
platting'fees. A piece of property 100' x 100' with 100" frontage on
the ,Parkway would cost $5,QOO in platting fees- $2,500 for the 100'
frontage, and $2,500 for 10,000 square feet.
Jim Shriver asked whose respon~ible for changing the Ordinance and
Merwin Willman replied it's City Council.
Jim, "Shriver then suggested Merwin Willman dra-ft a" letter to City
Council recommending they review and possibly change the ,Ordinance.
steve Simonson recommended the letter 'include
remaining developers along Schertz Parkway
and review of the Ordinance to try and come
document for today's market.
the suggestion that ,the
be in on the consultation
up with a more equitable
Jim Shriver asked that a copy of the letter be provided to the
(b) Notified the Commission he won't be present for the May 28th
meeting - he will be on'vacation.
(c) Noted how hard it is to find house numbers around the City. Said
you can find some on the curb, but not on the house. Asked if there's
any way to encourage people to make their house nUMbe~s more visible.
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(~a~y B,ri,ck~n suggestedstar,ting with SAFESal1d. ' ,tpe
'having the~ say s6~et~ihij about not being able
numbers in case of emergency.
.'Depa"rtment', :an~
find' , the ' hous~
Steve Simonson, thinking that was an excellent idea, said he would
mention it to both departments.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Asked what's been done about the storage building at 3713 Olde
Moss that's never been moved like it was supposed to have been. Steve
Simonson said he would investigate the situation and have the results
at the next meeting.
Councilperson Ken ,Greenwald:
(a) Informed the Commission that when the base's east runway
year., it will aCQbmmodate heavier traffic. Also; ,in, 1993"
navigator 'training will be moved to Randolph Air
Bomber Itanker tr,ainingw,ill also be coming to, Randolph AF;S.
reopens next
the Air F,orce,
Force Base.
, "
George Vick commented that with ,base clos1nqs throughout the country,
Randolph AFB traffic will pick up.
Steve Simonson:
(a) Advised that t.omorrow at noon ,at city, Hall a memorial ceremony for
police will be geld and ev~ryone is invited to attend.
,,(-b) 'Said ' he " .re~eived", a cal-l ..today', f.i"om: a' g,entleman 'who ',ques.tioned 'him"
about flag lots, in' Schirmerville., Mr. Simonso'n related that the lots-
in question involve approximately' 50 acres off Ware-Seguin Road. (Mr.
Simonson drew a diagram of flag lots for the Conunission to see.)
Mr. Simonson ~tated he
Fisher Engineering,
suggested the
up a ,site
people involved,
plan and submit
it to
Jim Shriver:
(a) Asked if the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the Comprehensive
Plan has been distributed' to all departments and was told,it has been.
(b) Asked if since his request came before
shouldn't Robert Lambert be' refunded the $50
Steve Simonson said yes he should receive a refund.
the Commission ln error,
fee he was charged.
(c) Asked if a time frame was gIven to Rick Saenz on his request to
move out his old house and put up a new one at 501 Aviation. steve
Simonson replied no time frame was stipulated.
Gary Bricken then asked if that approval continues on should Mr. Saenz sell
his house and Steve Simonson saId no, the request was granted only to Mr.
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ChairmanAndrew~" asked
Memorandum of Agreement
he signed it.
George'-' Vick' if' he' was familiar with .the
and Mr. Vick replied he had read it over when
Chairman Andrews also reported to Steve Simonson that someone doing
work at Corbett Junior High School on Saturday left the water on.
Steve Simonson alerted the Commission to
saY1ng there are some very interesting cases 1n
by Mr. Simonson was HB1087 which reV1ses
the Legislative Bulletin
it. One example given
the definition of a "family
Steve Simonson reminded the
of the APA conference 1n
2nd through 5th.
Commission they
Corpus Christi,
received the first notice
which will be held October
Merwin Willman wondered if anyone knew anything about the City
Planners., Association. ,steve SiJIlOnsoncommented they will, be holding ,a'
meeting 'in ,Corpus while the Commissioners are there for the APA conferenc,e
so he tho~ght they would, check them out at that ti~e.
steve Simonson informed the Commission he had joined the Urban Design
Association ,'- they mainly follow legislation.
Chairman Andrews ~dj~urned the meeti~g at 8:45 P.M. '.
'The. ,next: " meeting'" is ,.May 28, 19.91' and .it. 'is'a publ ic'. hearing.,